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Kanye West said Jewish people have blackballed and toyed with him and Black People are also Jewish

Stfu man and take a nap
Can’t defend your fuckery so you mad?
When was the last time you gave props to any black man without a mic or ball in their hand that not your family?
You are apart of the problem.
hating ass nigga. You and a few others are critical of our own for nothing and don’t even inquire about clarity.
nigga you may need to stfu and let real niggas build. Go find white people ti hate on or does that go against your belief system?
Can’t defend your fuckery so you mad?
When was the last time you gave props to any black man without a mic or ball in their hand that not your family?
You are apart of the problem.
hating ass nigga. You and a few others are critical of our own for nothing and don’t even inquire about clarity.
nigga you may need to stfu and let real niggas build. Go find white people ti hate on or does that go against your belief system?

I don’t hate rich black peoples jackass I just don’t worship them. I give props to real black all the time. All I said was niggas don’t always want to run a business and you been trying to be mad ever since.

KoonYE found a new racist hang around with this time a racist euro trash homo…

I'll say this, Milo is a lot of things (mainly a troll) but hes def not a damn Neo-nazi. Since when do neo nazis let openly gay men whos married to a black guy join them? They started this after he trolled df outa them.

The back story is Milo is a right leaning conservative, and he made up the thing that the 'OK' sign with your hand is a white supremacist gesture. He made it up to see what goofy media people would run with it, after they ran with it, he made fun of them and called them stupid cuz he made it up one night drunk off wine. After that they got mad trying to cancel him from everything by saying he's a nazi, ect ect.
I don’t hate rich black peoples jackass I just don’t worship them. I give props to real black all the time. All I said was niggas don’t always want to run a business and you been trying to be mad ever since.
And you don’t see that as a problem?
mid we dint always want to run a business then we can’t complain about those who want to run them.
and it’s not about worship it’s about recognition and building together for the betterment of the black community.
your hate seeps in by saying worship. Nigga that’s hate masks as something else.
resources are needed to become free from them. If someone brings resources why not speak in what’s needed vs worship. That focusing on humbling the black man bringing answers and not those who created the problem.
that’s like saying your community is hungry but the guy who brought food shouldn’t be worshipped. How about a simple thank you? Why all the extra shit? Now if that person requires that, than that’s another issue.
And you don’t see that as a problem?
mid we dint always want to run a business then we can’t complain about those who want to run them.
and it’s not about worship it’s about recognition and building together for the betterment of the black community.
your hate seeps in by saying worship. Nigga that’s hate masks as something else.
resources are needed to become free from them. If someone brings resources why not speak in what’s needed vs worship. That focusing on humbling the black man bringing answers and not those who created the problem.
that’s like saying your community is hungry but the guy who brought food shouldn’t be worshipped. How about a simple thank you? Why all the extra shit? Now if that person requires that, than that’s another issue.

you’re trying and it’s not working you got it bro
I'll say this, Milo is a lot of things (mainly a troll) but hes def not a damn Neo-nazi. Since when do neo nazis let openly gay men whos married to a black guy join them? They started this after he trolled df outa them.

The back story is Milo is a right leaning conservative, and he made up the thing that the 'OK' sign with your hand is a white supremacist gesture. He made it up to see what goofy media people would run with it, after they ran with it, he made fun of them and called them stupid cuz he made it up one night drunk off wine. After that they got mad trying to cancel him from everything by saying he's a nazi, ect ect.

That euro trash homo got banned from twitter for harassing and inciting his racist fanboys to attack a black woman on there.. He also use to work for a WS Alt-right website Breitbart.. plus he just recently worked for a noted racist Majoire Taylor Greene and the homo is friends with racist Nick Fuentes.. But I guess all those racist things or links to racism are just “trolling“…
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Didn’t a bunch Jews get arrested for selling body parts like 3days ago?

It happened in 2009. Levy-Izhak Rosenbaum was caught under Operation Bid Rig. He's an Israeli national that went to federal prison for it but, somehow, wasn't deported after his release like anyone else would have been.

