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Kanye West said Jewish people have blackballed and toyed with him and Black People are also Jewish

Why tf are they asking bron bout this lol
Or why is he even speaking about it, if it's voluntary

Or is it that the people with "no power" are making sure everyone that's ever said hi to Kyrie bow down?!?

Former teammates, still talk about how cool they are...and there was and still is speculation that Kyrie is and has been trying to force a trade to LA. And the same reasons they ask athletes about any other thing another player might have done or said...they need quotes for stories.
That's sweet but that forgiveness and love your enemy shit is black people shit, nobody else's.
It wasn't really a scam.

Not in the way that people think.

It's just that everyone didn't need to take it.

Basically, the CDC and other organizations made it seem like anyone who didn't take it was gonna die from Covid.

That definitely hasn't been the case.

The only people who really needed to take it were people with certain pre-existing conditions and/or certain blood types.

The CDC and WHO have this information on their respective websites, but they never went out of their way to publicly disclose it because they believed that the only way to achieve herd immunity was if as many people as possible got vaccinated.

Even though it's been scientifically established for decades that natural immunity is the best way to get there.

I remember some people on here were laughing when I said that a lot of people who took the vaccine felt like they got played, but were too embarrassed to admit it.

So they went out of their way to criticize anyone who didn't take it and tried to make it seem like there was something wrong with them for not doing it.

Now, some of those same people say they regret taking the vaccines/boosters............and even say that they haven't felt the same since they took it.

So, while it might not have been a scam in the truest sense of the word.....the narrative that was being pushed to convince people to take it was definitely misleading.

Natural immunity takes thousands of years. Vaccination happens within that same generation. Herd immunity helps prevent diseases like measles and other long gone viruses.
So niggas really in here saying they will only support a certain type of black man.
Is this what I’m taking from this? Being black ain’t enough?
kyrie dumb smart or smart dumb?
flatearthers are terrible people.
man fuck yall. Fake ass high mighty better than tho just apologize ass niggas.
like everything y’all spew is logical and all facts…like y’all are the only intelligent black men that will bring us forward. Well we ain’t forward yet so shut the fuck up.
kiss my ass.
i have yet to see any great qualities out of most of you. Salut to those who mentor and give back with their time.
the rest…ya hoes
Olé i don’t care if he did all that. So what 99% of the time he’s giving back….that 1% means more ass niggas.
At this point slavery isn’t even a choice.,,,it’s a recommendation let y’all tell it.
And if you have to mention how smart a person isn’t constantly….you are assuming you are smarter by keeping your mouth shut. Massa done a job on y’all. But yea y’all smarter than him.
Narcissist ass niggas
Go donate some spoon turning time at ya local homeless shelter. Donate some time at a youth center. I just hope you don’t teach kids the silence is golden when someone is going at they neck.
I’m done for now….damn idiots

The issue at hand he was wrong and promoting racist material while getting paid by Jews. As yall say do your own research and you'll see its ran by cultists who want to be everything but African. He was ignorant of it and they will make him pay for it. He just gotta know how to move. Read the art of war and move in silence and gain allies along the way. Yall move in the game like yall at a shooting range and scream I'm the target. Smh.

Kanye and Kyrie need to actually think instead of jumping idea to idea in subjects you don't fully understand. Talk to actual experts and scholars on the subject. You got the means to do so.
The issue at hand he was wrong and promoting racist material while getting paid by Jews. As yall say do your own research and you'll see its ran by cultists who want to be everything but African. He was ignorant of it and they will make him pay for it. He just gotta know how to move. Read the art of war and move in silence and gain allies along the way. Yall move in the game like yall at a shooting range and scream I'm the target. Smh.

Kanye and Kyrie need to actually think instead of jumping idea to idea in subjects you don't fully understand. Talk to actual experts and scholars on the subject. You got the means to do so.
How is it working out for us ? Silence or loud ain’t the problem.
How is it working out for us ? Silence or loud ain’t the problem.

Loud and dumb is a huge problems as well as silent and doing nothing. Negroes never heard of strategy and tactics, information gaining critical thought and actually trying to understand ourselves and everyone against us? Except for the few that fall by the waste side they rather promote unverified claims that have no evidence.
Loud and dumb is a huge problems as well as silent and doing nothing. Negroes never heard of strategy and tactics, information gaining critical thought and actually trying to understand ourselves and everyone against us? Except for the few that fall by the waste side they rather promote unverified claims that have no evidence.
Now I can get with this……but all that takes working together. Regardless of who mows or claims whatever. There are bigger problems than pointing out unverified claims or whatever.
I rather have fighting by my side than divided over silly shit
Now I can get with this……but all that takes working together. Regardless of who mows or claims whatever. There are bigger problems than pointing out unverified claims or whatever.
I rather have fighting by my side than divided over silly shit

We need to control our tongues if you got evidence than show if not then shut up. We need realistic changes not fantasy or half baked half truths. We need much more.
We need to control our tongues if you got evidence than show if not then shut up. We need realistic changes not fantasy or half baked half truths. We need much more.
You can have evidence and they'll still come after you. Stop acting like any of this is reasonable, it isn't. If people saying that a certain group controls nearly every institution in the country, and that's considered anti-semetic.....how do you change anything? If saying that Jews were deep in the slave trade is anti-semetic, then history gets rewritten. Kyrie is a fool, but we have to stop being ok with the double standard towards us.

How many Jewish NBA players have there been the last 25, hell 50 years? But the last two commissioners have both been Jewish. It's comical