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Kanye West said Jewish people have blackballed and toyed with him and Black People are also Jewish

Woah this is not true. Covid has been regulated to the flu because it mutated, had nothing to do with the vaccine at all. Inf act Southern Africa where the mutation happened was hardly vaxxed.

People have no problem with those who chose to take the vaxx, that's your choice. But at the same time, other shouldn't have bene forced to take that crap. The BIG lie was that the vaccine helped stop the spread, which is didn't.

That's not true. The vaccine did two things. It lowered the viral count of people who had it and it lessened the severity of the symptoms for those who still contracted it. People who were vaccinated had a lower chance of spreading it. What happened in South Africa has nothing to do with what happened in America. The virus has mutated like a million times. Some of the variants were more transmissive, and some were less transmissive. The vaccine didn't stop the spread because we didn't ever get to the critical percentage, and yes over time variants made the vax less effective, which is why boosters became necessary. The vaccine wasn't some super cure, but to say it didn't impact spread is nonsense.

Whatever the reason or reasons IMO they've gone way too far.

I get why you feel that way, but I can't agree. You can't spend years building up bad will and then cry when people take the opportunity to get at you. This ain't about that movie. This is about Kyrie and the animosity he's created.
Lol I got vaxxed and not dead where is scam?

It wasn't really a scam.

Not in the way that people think.

It's just that everyone didn't need to take it.

Basically, the CDC and other organizations made it seem like anyone who didn't take it was gonna die from Covid.

That definitely hasn't been the case.

The only people who really needed to take it were people with certain pre-existing conditions and/or certain blood types.

The CDC and WHO have this information on their respective websites, but they never went out of their way to publicly disclose it because they believed that the only way to achieve herd immunity was if as many people as possible got vaccinated.

Even though it's been scientifically established for decades that natural immunity is the best way to get there.

I remember some people on here were laughing when I said that a lot of people who took the vaccine felt like they got played, but were too embarrassed to admit it.

So they went out of their way to criticize anyone who didn't take it and tried to make it seem like there was something wrong with them for not doing it.

Now, some of those same people say they regret taking the vaccines/boosters............and even say that they haven't felt the same since they took it.

So, while it might not have been a scam in the truest sense of the word.....the narrative that was being pushed to convince people to take it was definitely misleading.
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Look I think Kanye and Kyrie are idiots....the crap they spitting is hypocritical and illogical about individuals BUT it’s insane that they being canceled when people doing worse and nothing happening.

example- draymond Green knocked Jordan Poole out at practice and didn’t get suspended by the Warriors. Not sure if beating someone up is less of a issue than Kyrie refusing to apologize in the exact way the Nets want for a video he didn’t produce that is readily available on Amazon. Like where is the Amazon boycott? Why no one mad That a man got assaulted by Greene?

fuck Kanye....but Kyrie seems to be a victim of being a stubborn dumb ass and not knowing the temperature of the room at the wrong time. Kyrie probably doesn’t even realize how insulted people are about this BS..... Kyrie thought this Was the vax topic which shares support by people of all walks of life....everyone knows a reasonable anti-vax person but it’s hard to find a reasonable anti-Semite- And it’s easy as Hell To find a rich powerful “never again” Jew...

after years of on and off Krav Maga I have met a few people that don’t allow any hint of anti-Semitic chatter...even from other Jews....

imagine if black/brown people held to that same rule? No anti-black BS....music would be wayyyy different at a minimum.....”can’t beat a niggas ass if you don’t see a bunch black people as niggas....”. No I’m not rolling with DOS...just saying
Why am I brought up, sir?
I’ll be back up in this bitch.
You niggas are some hoes.
the shit I’m reading is sad and makes me wonder who raised ya. Y’all be better off being a baby in the jungle raised by wild life.
I have not seen one Jew speak down on Epstein or Weinstein. But y’all ok crucifying ya own over a tweet and say he need to be more articulate. Just bleach ya skin and change ya names to Adam or vlad. At this point I’m disgusted. This isn’t about being on code. There is no code. Fake ass morally superior ass niggas. Fake ass high intelligence as bitches. How’s that working for us?
Ole don’t do this or cross the line ass hoes.
The fuck is wrong with y’all?
I don’t give a shit who say the earth is flat. We don’t throw our own away over it. We dint allow them to take one of ours no matter what.

How y’all ok with this because of a few differing stances?

sjnce y’all got all the answers why we still being sniped off? Y’all so smart, help fix the problem vs saying whos dumb and what you won’t support.
we are under their thumb and controlled by them and a few of you niggas focus on the attacked and not the atttacker?

A few of y’all cowards would be in house while the white lynch mob drug a black family out they house and tortured and killed them in the streets. A few of you hoes would bring them water cuz beating black folk can make massa thirsty. All because the family grew cherry tomatoes and not celery. That’s how petty y’all sound.
I can respect the ones who said we not ready and they going past the place. At least they can see a problem.
but others…..yea.
I’m so glad I prepared for turncoat as niggas.
a fucking Asian cop shot a black man an his community stood behind him.
A white cop killed a black man and got a mill from his community.
We post a fucking tweet and get disowned? By our own. So much wrong here. I’m bout to go in . Y’all might want to keep that Permaban switch on deck. Fucking controlled spineless cowards.
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Dang even Nike?!

Them hacidics ain't running to cop the new air max's, they still rocking the Moses 10's sandals or the African dad church (or in their cases synagogue) shoes 500.

That's an interesting bit of news.

Putting aside the politics of the situation, Jewish power vs the African American dollar and influence should not be a conflict any company would want to easily involve itself in.

I guess it helps when one group is disorganized.
I’ll be back up in this bitch.
You niggas are some hoes.
the shit I’m reading is sad and makes me wonder who raised ya. Y’all be better off being a baby in the jungle raised by wild life.
I have not seen one Jew speak down on Epstein or Weinstein. But y’all ok crucifying ya own over a tweet and say he need to be more articulate. Just bleach ya skin and change ya names to Adam or vlad. At this point I’m disgusted. This isn’t about being on code. There is no code. Fake ass morally superior ass niggas. Fake ass high intelligence as bitches. How’s that working for us?
Ole don’t do this or cross the line ass hoes.
The fuck is wrong with y’all?
I don’t give a shit who say the earth is flat. We don’t throw our own away over it. We dint allow them to take one of ours no matter what.

How y’all ok with this because of a few differing stances?

sjnce y’all got all the answers why we still being sniped off? Y’all so smart, help fix the problem vs saying whos dumb and what you won’t support.
we are under their thumb and controlled by them and a few of you niggas focus on the attacked and not the atttacker?

A few of y’all cowards would be in house while the white lynch mob drug a black family out they house and tortured and killed them in the streets. A few of you hoes would bring them water cuz beating black folk can make massa thirsty. All because the family grew cherry tomatoes and not celery. That’s how petty y’all sound.
I can respect the ones who said we not ready and they going past the place. At least they can see a problem.
but others…..yea.
I’m so glad I prepared for turncoat as niggas.
a fucking Asian cop shot a black man an his community stood behind him.
A white cop killed a black man and got a mill from his community.
We post a fucking tweet and get disowned? By our own. So much wrong here. I’m bout to go in . Y’all might want to keep that Permaban switch on deck. Fucking controlled spineless cowards.

i mean plenty white folks spoke down on Westein even though they waited. Epstein I gotta give you that because nobody regular white or Jew gave a damn about what he did.
I’ll be back up in this bitch.
You niggas are some hoes.
the shit I’m reading is sad and makes me wonder who raised ya. Y’all be better off being a baby in the jungle raised by wild life.
I have not seen one Jew speak down on Epstein or Weinstein. But y’all ok crucifying ya own over a tweet and say he need to be more articulate. Just bleach ya skin and change ya names to Adam or vlad. At this point I’m disgusted. This isn’t about being on code. There is no code. Fake ass morally superior ass niggas. Fake ass high intelligence as bitches. How’s that working for us?
Ole don’t do this or cross the line ass hoes.
The fuck is wrong with y’all?
I don’t give a shit who say the earth is flat. We don’t throw our own away over it. We dint allow them to take one of ours no matter what.

How y’all ok with this because of a few differing stances?

sjnce y’all got all the answers why we still being sniped off? Y’all so smart, help fix the problem vs saying whos dumb and what you won’t support.
we are under their thumb and controlled by them and a few of you niggas focus on the attacked and not the atttacker?

A few of y’all cowards would be in house while the white lynch mob drug a black family out they house and tortured and killed them in the streets. A few of you hoes would bring them water cuz beating black folk can make massa thirsty. All because the family grew cherry tomatoes and not celery. That’s how petty y’all sound.
I can respect the ones who said we not ready and they going past the place. At least they can see a problem.
but others…..yea.
I’m so glad I prepared for turncoat as niggas.
a fucking Asian cop shot a black man an his community stood behind him.
A white cop killed a black man and got a mill from his community.
We post a fucking tweet and get disowned? By our own. So much wrong here. I’m bout to go in . Y’all might want to keep that Permaban switch on deck. Fucking controlled spineless cowards.

shut the fuck up
I’ll be back up in this bitch.
You niggas are some hoes.
the shit I’m reading is sad and makes me wonder who raised ya. Y’all be better off being a baby in the jungle raised by wild life.
I have not seen one Jew speak down on Epstein or Weinstein. But y’all ok crucifying ya own over a tweet and say he need to be more articulate. Just bleach ya skin and change ya names to Adam or vlad. At this point I’m disgusted. This isn’t about being on code. There is no code. Fake ass morally superior ass niggas. Fake ass high intelligence as bitches. How’s that working for us?
Ole don’t do this or cross the line ass hoes.
The fuck is wrong with y’all?
I don’t give a shit who say the earth is flat. We don’t throw our own away over it. We dint allow them to take one of ours no matter what.

How y’all ok with this because of a few differing stances?

sjnce y’all got all the answers why we still being sniped off? Y’all so smart, help fix the problem vs saying whos dumb and what you won’t support.
we are under their thumb and controlled by them and a few of you niggas focus on the attacked and not the atttacker?

A few of y’all cowards would be in house while the white lynch mob drug a black family out they house and tortured and killed them in the streets. A few of you hoes would bring them water cuz beating black folk can make massa thirsty. All because the family grew cherry tomatoes and not celery. That’s how petty y’all sound.
I can respect the ones who said we not ready and they going past the place. At least they can see a problem.
but others…..yea.
I’m so glad I prepared for turncoat as niggas.
a fucking Asian cop shot a black man an his community stood behind him.
A white cop killed a black man and got a mill from his community.
We post a fucking tweet and get disowned? By our own. So much wrong here. I’m bout to go in . Y’all might want to keep that Permaban switch on deck. Fucking controlled spineless cowards.

Dang even Nike?!

Them hacidics ain't running to cop the new air max's, they still rocking the Moses 10's sandals or the African dad church (or in their cases synagogue) shoes 500.

That's an interesting bit of news.

Putting aside the politics of the situation, Jewish power vs the African American dollar and influence should not be a conflict any company would want to easily involve itself in.

I guess it helps when one group is disorganized.
Because they understand vanity brings no value and we put value in vanity.
they rather run the company and teach us to support that company while we say running the company ain’t for everybody.
Control Control control.
Control the narrative
Control the image
Control the people.
that’s why they don’t want anyone to control their narrative or image, hence….saying they control everything put a spotlight on them can be seen as anti semetic.
Tell that to Jews ……got all the smoke for another black man and constantly going at black men… but you defend the Jews?
fucking coon.
you don’t even have the heart to stand up to ya white boss.

who defended the Jews? You and Dwayne have not seen one post of me defending Jews. But you literally will defend everyrich black man because they rich. Mr Free R Kelly. But these niggas lose an endorsement or game suspension and you act like they been assassinated. It’s not logical. @GNS stated he is not with black folks tearing down black folks in public on white platforms. That’s completely fine. You are saying they should never every be criticized though for anything.
So niggas really in here saying they will only support a certain type of black man.
Is this what I’m taking from this? Being black ain’t enough?
kyrie dumb smart or smart dumb?
flatearthers are terrible people.
man fuck yall. Fake ass high mighty better than tho just apologize ass niggas.
like everything y’all spew is logical and all facts…like y’all are the only intelligent black men that will bring us forward. Well we ain’t forward yet so shut the fuck up.
kiss my ass.
i have yet to see any great qualities out of most of you. Salut to those who mentor and give back with their time.
the rest…ya hoes
Olé i don’t care if he did all that. So what 99% of the time he’s giving back….that 1% means more ass niggas.
At this point slavery isn’t even a choice.,,,it’s a recommendation let y’all tell it.
And if you have to mention how smart a person isn’t constantly….you are assuming you are smarter by keeping your mouth shut. Massa done a job on y’all. But yea y’all smarter than him.
Narcissist ass niggas
Go donate some spoon turning time at ya local homeless shelter. Donate some time at a youth center. I just hope you don’t teach kids the silence is golden when someone is going at they neck.
I’m done for now….damn idiots
So niggas really in here saying they will only support a certain type of black man.
Is this what I’m taking from this? Being black ain’t enough?
kyrie dumb smart or smart dumb?
flatearthers are terrible people.
man fuck yall. Fake ass high mighty better than tho just apologize ass niggas.
like everything y’all spew is logical and all facts…like y’all are the only intelligent black men that will bring us forward. Well we ain’t forward yet so shut the fuck up.
kiss my ass.
i have yet to see any great qualities out of most of you. Salut to those who mentor and give back with their time.
the rest…ya hoes
Olé i don’t care if he did all that. So what 99% of the time he’s giving back….that 1% means more ass niggas.
At this point slavery isn’t even a choice.,,,it’s a recommendation let y’all tell it.
And if you have to mention how smart a person isn’t constantly….you are assuming you are smarter by keeping your mouth shut. Massa done a job on y’all. But yea y’all smarter than him.
Narcissist ass niggas
Go donate some spoon turning time at ya local homeless shelter. Donate some time at a youth center. I just hope you don’t teach kids the silence is golden when someone is going at they neck.
I’m done for now….damn idiots

youve said the same thing lol you don’t support them niggas Charles White talk about right. The rest is your feelings. Get therapy
I’d like to apologize to those I hurt with my posts and actions. I take full accountability. I don’t condone antisemite literature or behaviors. And ask that the community forgive me.

but fuck yall niggas and fuck my cousin.
this is what’s going on