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Kanye West said Jewish people have blackballed and toyed with him and Black People are also Jewish

"Amazon needs to pull the documentary"

Kyrie is a flat earther and anti-vaxer. Basically, he's never met a dumbass conspiracy theory that he wasn't willing to push. Y'all really going to back someone like that just because he has a similar melanin count?

The way they’re going after him on this is overboard

even after all they did, Kanye can’t be broken. This is the next best thing
Ya'll looking at this in a vacuum. Kyrie been fucking up since he been in NJ and he hasn't been producing on the court either. They were basically looking for any reason to try get rid of him at this point. It also doesn't help that the president of the league is Jewish.

On what planet is Kyrie not a productive player? What are you talking about?

Screenshot_2022-11-04-21-46-58-421.jpg Screenshot_2022-11-04-21-47-19-821.jpg

Full of shit.
On what planet is Kyrie not a productive player? What are you talking about?
He’s very exciting but bruh game is weird when it comes to winning.

2 playoff series wins when LBJ not leading the team.

Boston played better without him those few years he was there

And now the Nets are under achieving plus he always miss games.

I love watching him play