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Kanye West said Jewish people have blackballed and toyed with him and Black People are also Jewish

Because if someone says “it sounds like a choice” they are implying that it WAS a choice. It’s obvious that Ye was saying that for someone to be in slavery for that long when the black people had overwhelming numbers, that blacks choose slavery.
Btw - Kanye’s white nationist friends also push “slavery was a choice” and that slavery was the natural order of things - and that blacks were happier and safer as slaves.

lean into that bullshit if you want...

But it’s misquoting what was actually said…which is why I ask. If somebody says something that can be quoted word for word, why not quote it word for word….is what I’m getting at.
But it’s misquoting what was actually said…which is why I ask. If somebody says something that can be quoted word for word, why not quote it word for word….is what I’m getting at.
Yeah but you on a the internet- grammar rules don’t apply here-

they got the gist of what Kanye said and put it in quotes.
kanye even clarified on TMZ and got owned for it
The Talmud which is the (Jew-ish) most holy book does not speak to highly of blk ppl or ppl of color so hush your mouth.... I have the passages to prove this btw so be quiet.. I see where Jew-ish Darwin obtained some of his racist beliefs from.
Post quotes please- and be specific -

people like you want a race war while living in a multicultural nation that can’t exist as is without the contribution of all of the various people.

please do your thing and prove to me that Jews hate black People and it’s encoded in their book.

btw- you that Kanye and Kyrie claiming the original Jews are black… and Isreal has given black people use of the ‘law of return’ so people could migrate to Isreal … right

Some of y’all so stupid it hurts to talk to y’all.

Again - not saying jewish people don’t have racist in their mist… same as black people have criminals in our mist- but these low iq generalizations while demanding that people don’t make generalizations about black people are so hypocritical that it approaches insanity
White people, that’s who. Jews are white folks now.

Jay Z line wasn’t inflammatory, Nick Cannon line wasn’t inflammatory. Hell, even Ye coon ass statement wasn’t inflammatory.

Along with many other statements or lyrics that folks gotta keep walking back.

I ain't going to speak on that other stuff, but I don't see how you can say Ye's comments weren't inflammatory. He was basically saying the same shit about them that Hitler did. He basically declared war on them when he said he was going to "Death Con 3." In what world are Jews not supposed to find that shit offensive.

You can dislike them as much as you want, but even if you dislike them, you should still be able to admit when someone is clearly going on attack mode against them.
I ain't going to speak on that other stuff, but I don't see how you can say Ye's comments weren't inflammatory. He was basically saying the same shit about them that Hitler did. He basically declared war on them when he said he was going to "Death Con 3." In what world are Jews not supposed to find that shit offensive.

You can dislike them as much as you want, but even if you dislike them, you should still be able to admit when someone is clearly going on attack mode against them.
Def con 3 is defense.

he stated he ready to go at those who are against him

I’m done though. I will not have their back or his. They ain’t our friends and neither is him
Yea I still got it haven’t gotten round to it
How long did you have it and how come you haven't read it yet? Why did you purchase it?
The title and content is pretty clear so I want to know what made you interested in buying it?
Def con 3 is defense.

he stated he ready to go at those who are against him

I’m done though. I will not have their back or his. They ain’t our friends and neither is him
The fact you said you won’t side with either and it still gets wack reactions says a lot.
The fact you said you won’t side with either and it still gets wack reactions says a lot.

lol You can't say you won't side with either when you're clearly spending all your time going more at one side. I'm not saying he's explicitly siding with Kanye, but all his posts boil down to "Kanye ain't that wrong because Jews are white supremacists." That's effectively siding with Kanye, and calling Kanye a coon here and there doesn't change that.
lol You can't say you won't side with either when you're clearly spending all your time going more at one side. I'm not saying he's explicitly siding with Kanye, but all his posts boil down to "Kanye ain't that wrong because Jews are white supremacists." That's effectively siding with Kanye, and calling Kanye a coon here and there doesn't change that.
Just because he sees an issue doesn’t mean he sides with that person that’s having an issue.
A person should be able to not like someone but still call out foul shit.
Just because he sees an issue doesn’t mean he sides with that person that’s having an issue.
A person should be able to not like someone but still call out foul shit.

Again, he literally said that he didn't think what Kanye said was that bad and that Jews are white supremacists. How is that not taking Kanye's side?

A conversation can be had about how some Jews have used their power and resources to exploit black people and how some Jews willingly advance white supremacy as long as it benefits them. That's fair discussion and has merit. However, giving a light cosign of Kanye and trying to mask that by calling him a coon doesn't mean you're not on his side in this issue.
lol You can't say you won't side with either when you're clearly spending all your time going more at one side. I'm not saying he's explicitly siding with Kanye, but all his posts boil down to "Kanye ain't that wrong because Jews are white supremacists." That's effectively siding with Kanye, and calling Kanye a coon here and there doesn't change that.

I have been saying fuck Ye for years. So what is this spending all my time backing Ye shit
I have been saying fuck Ye for years. So what is this spending all my time backing Ye shit

I'm not calling you a Ye fan.

I'm saying that in this particular discussion, you're on his side. You've said you don't believe what he said was all that bad, and you are making comments about Jews that are inline with the things he's said. You don't have to like him, but you can't say that you're not on his side when it comes to this issue.