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Kanye supports Trump. Koonye says slavery was a choice. Update: Koonye On Support For Trump in New Interview: ‘I’m Definitely Voting This Time’

John Stewart used his celebrity to try to get the bill that funds medical and financial relief for first responders of 911. He nearly went crazy with stress due to just how fucked it was that DC played politics with the same thing they used as reason to destroy another country and overthrow their leader.

A popular Jewish comedian that politicians took more serious than actual news, fighting for 9-11. Couldn't make DC do shit.

All this does is give prejudice, not racist, prejudice white people something to shake in the face of sensitive black people. A racist person, is mad that a black man was even in the white house, much less who the fuc it was
So are niggas still on some "kayne can still come home shit" or are they done wit him finally?? Lol i said fuck him after that slavery was a choice shit and havent looked back

People who say the bold are just as lost lol
I guarantee if this was probably anyone but Kanye, they would have called this guy a coon a long time ago! Keep The Same Energy!!!
this aint kanye. dude been dead for years already. body snatchers have replaced him with a clone, same shit they did to michael
But the goofy nigga was ranting on about his daddy issues/lack strong male male role models in his life.. In that “meeting” with Trump...
This^^^ i aint ever remember that nigga talkin bout his daddy outside of what he said today, it was always him and his moms
Kanye is the ultimate Troll and attention seeker and he been like that every since he started out the more u put the camera in his face the more outlandish shit he going to say and do y’all know he don’t give a fuck for real
Kanye is the ultimate Troll and attention seeker and he been like that every since he started out the more u put the camera in his face the more outlandish shit he going to say and do y’all know he don’t give a fuck for real
Nah hes always been kinda out there and not afraid to say whatever but this aint trolling, takashi 69 is a troll, kayne serious wit his shit
Only way Kanye could have come back is if he was doing all this to get the face to face with Trump in front of the media then let Trump have it "Bush doesn't like black people" style.

That opportunity's passed so there's no hope for him.

The world truly weird.. Dandy Don is now more of a real nigga than Koonye...

I forget the details but I remember Don Lemon did a little bit of light tap dancing on one occasion a while back but he got checked for it and actually took that shit to heart and has been on code ever since.
Ayo I'm reluctantly watching this shit and Kanye is like if you took any random homeless schizophrenic bum off the street and gave him millions of dollars and a really loud megaphone. And Trump is the exact same shit.

I just can't figure out if this means the American system is totally doomed or perfectly resilient though.