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Kanye finally allowed to attend bday party after video rant

You sir are not a parent. Let's just start and end there.

Except....he had his kids in Wyoming when he was recording an album. He had his kids in ATL and Chi at his listening events

You don't know what you talking about and you are not a parent sir. Don't at me any more until you check those 2 things off

Nigga I ain't @You one time.
Him having multiple homes is highly irrelevant.

When a woman don’t want a man anymore and he still want her and he moves next door to her that’s weirdo behavior.

It’s cut and dry
You think its about her, I don't.

That's cut and dry
LA Traffic is a bitch, so he figured to get a house as close as possible so it would not be a inconvenience for both the kids and parents.
A chick keeping a father away from their kid special day and somehow the father is in the wrong. All that other bullshit about where his new house is located and who he beat up don't mean nothing in this situation.
If I told my baby momma I don't want her no mo and she brought the house across the street from me, you right I would think that shit is weird, semi abusive behavior.

And fuck no, I wouldn't let her see the kids when I am around enjoying time with my family and friends. after she pull some shit like that The fuck?
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A chick keeping a father away from their kid special day and somehow the father is in the wrong. All that other bullshit about where his new house is located and who he beat up don't mean nothing in this situation.
Nah folks gonna skip this because again, the hate for Kanye is real

Folks couldn't wait to bring up the 15th home he purchased because hey, 2x a year he may run into his ex and thats abusive
Here's the thing though. We not in their family, so we don't know how Kanye acts at family events. I'm all for a father seeing his kids.... But your forget the kids see their father too. ..

So if this nigga is in a bad place, and the adults can see that..... The kids also see it. I don't think it's wrong to protect a father's lasting image with his kids to not have him around while he going thru shit. Especially if he can't self regulate.

This nigga might show up and completely embarrass himself, and place a further strain on his relationship with his kids that might not have happened had he not have been there.

We don't know that. But I've seen that play out before. I've seen niggaz ruin shit with their kids cuz they didn't take the time to get themselves together before they were around them.

So it's tough to call from our position