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John Legend & Chrissy Teigen Lose Baby

Most likely they have a photographer. And this is consostent with who they are as people who are sharing every aspect of thier lives.

Yall are basing your comments on what is comfy for YOU. But everybody is different and everyone grieves and deals with shit in thier own way. If sharing this moment is somehow therapeutic and helps someone else then let it be.

Yeah there's a reason support groups for people who've miscarried are often suggested after this.

Also it's always important for people to be aware of just how dangerous pregnancy and childbirth actually can be because alot of people simply don't know.
Sorry for their loss

miscarriages and complications with child birth are very hard to deal with

I feel for them
Most likely they have a photographer. And this is consostent with who they are as people who are sharing every aspect of thier lives.

Yall are basing your comments on what is comfy for YOU. But everybody is different and everyone grieves and deals with shit in thier own way. If sharing this moment is somehow therapeutic and helps someone else then let it be.

Who's judging bruh? I just said it was weird to me. I didn't say they were bad people for doing it. They can and seem to be doing whatever they want. That said, ya'll gotta stop putting on capes to defend these people's honor. If putting their lives out there for all to see is what they want to do, then they have to accept that people will form opinions about them based on the things they share. They don't need people jumping up with shields acting like anyone who expresses distaste for something they've done is out of line.
  • Ether
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Who's judging bruh? I just said it was weird to me. I didn't say they were bad people for doing it. They can and seem to be doing whatever they want. That said, ya'll gotta stop putting on capes to defend these people's honor. If putting their lives out there for all to see is what they want to do, then they have to accept that people will form opinions about them based on the things they share. They don't need people jumping up with shields acting like anyone who expresses distaste for something they've done is out of line.

The problem and defenses come from people not being able to separate criticizing the act vs criticizing the people. Calling the act weird or tasteless spirals into calling them all sorts of shit and that's what people are defending them against
The problem and defenses come from people not being able to separate criticizing the act vs criticizing the people. Calling the act weird or tasteless spirals into calling them all sorts of shit and that's what people are defending them against

I can understand that. However, I feel like criticizing the people is fair too. I don't really know their motivation for what they do, so I try not to say anything about them personally, but what if someone else that has followed enough of their posts calls them attention whores that do this type of shit to keep their names in the limelight? Would that be out of line in your opinion? Again, they are the ones willingly opening themselves up to that kinda criticism by choosing to put their lives on display.
I can understand that. However, I feel like criticizing the people is fair too. I don't really know their motivation for what they do, so I try not to say anything about them personally, but what if someone else that has followed enough of their posts calls them attention whores that do this type of shit to keep their names in the limelight? Would that be out of line in your opinion? Again, they are the ones willingly opening themselves up to that kinda criticism by choosing to put their lives on display.

Yeah it would be out of line cuz it's not accurate. It's not like John Legend is some internet celebrity. The man is a world famous musician who has Grammys, an emmy a Tony and an Oscar. It's doubtful he needs something like this to draw attention. If somebody were to say that then it would be clear they dont follow his career ag all let alone follow their posts on social media

Ive lost 3 children in my lifetime

1 from abortion and 2 from miscarriage

you never get over it.
I had an abortion I had to find out about thru general convo
And I llost a teen.
Shit had me mad at everyone. To this day I never repainted the room.

Just can’t do it for some reason.

But life is what it is
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I remember a thread where a female posted a dead fetus or something and the energy was definitely different

I'll just chalk this up to something I personally wouldn't do and keep it moving
Yeah it would be out of line cuz it's not accurate. It's not like John Legend is some internet celebrity. The man is a world famous musician who has Grammys, an emmy a Tony and an Oscar. It's doubtful he needs something like this to draw attention. If somebody were to say that then it would be clear they dont follow his career ag all let alone follow their posts on social media

I don't follow him and don't know anything about him really, so you could be completely right. But you said, that sounds a bit fanboyish/girlish to say. Like you believing he and his wife don't do what they do for attention is cool. You saying they can't be attention whores because he's won awards is bizarre. There are plenty of very well known stars who love the spotlight and have admitted as much, so I don't really understand that reasoning.

Besides you missed the point. I wasn't asking whether or not you thought the perspective was correct. I was asking if you thought a personal critique of that type was justified if a person has been following them. Would it be fair for that person to say they believed the couple were attention whores based on what they've put out even if you think that person was wrong in his or her assessment?