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Joe Rogan does damage control over his racist comments. Spotify deletes episodes of his podcast w/ racist comments & racist guests

Lol u tryna flip this shit into something else I see. Not what I was saying at all. I can think what someone is saying is wrong and not be outraged by it. I'm sure you're capable of the same.

If we have it your way the lab leak hypothesis is still a conspiracy theory that all who push it must be silenced.

And bc they didn't shut up and bc trump left office it's now "plausible and considering circumstancial evidence more likely" it's now okay and no one is being asked to be deplatformed or demonetized. And the science regarding that theory has never changed, just peoples attitudes toward it, and the politics.

There's plenty of gray area. There's more gray area than not.

No I'm not trying to flip anything. You said that the outrage towards Rogan is fake. I'm saying given the wild range of offensive and racist shit he's said to call people who are openly anti Rogan being fake about their outrage is basically saying what they're mad about isn't really all that serious is a bold claim to make. I'm very much capable of finding something wrong but not being offended by it but racism ain't one of those things and I'm highly suspect of others who put racism, especially by white people with large platforms that whine about being silenced on their large platforms, under that "well its wrong but you shouldn't be mad at it" umbrella.

There's no gray area to some of the shit he's said. Him and his racist comments fall into that. There's no middle ground to that and there's nothing fake about being offended by racism. When you use those catch all phrases like that you gotta be careful you're not gonna end up advocating for some wild shit...which is what you do when you say shit like "it's fake outrage" towards Rogan when he's done genuinely offensive things.
No I'm not trying to flip anything. You said that the outrage towards Rogan is fake. I'm saying given the wild range of offensive and racist shit he's said to call people who are openly anti Rogan being fake about their outrage is basically saying what they're mad about isn't really all that serious is a bold claim to make. I'm very much capable of finding something wrong but not being offended by it but racism ain't one of those things and I'm highly suspect of others who put racism, especially by white people with large platforms that whine about being silenced on their large platforms, under that "well its wrong but you shouldn't be mad at it" umbrella.

There's no gray area to some of the shit he's said. Him and his racist comments fall into that. There's no middle ground to that and there's nothing fake about being offended by racism. When you use those catch all phrases like that you gotta be careful you're not gonna end up advocating for some wild shit...which is what you do when you say shit like "it's fake outrage" towards Rogan when he's done genuinely offensive things.
Let me clarify I meant the Covid related shit was fake outrage
I think anyone who gets all their information from a podcast, news show, social media platform, is potentially harming themselves. But this is a free country, so I'm not sure why others feel they can dictate what's consumed. I eman obese people are harming themselves. Trannies harm themselves with their issues. Smokers harm themselves.

I brought up the Tipper Gore analogy earlier because those of us old enough to remember, know the argument was that rap music is harmful, therefore should be banned. Same argument against Chappelle at Netflix with trans people. I can turn on the news and see War being pushed hard right now, but that's ok. Bill Mahr's first show got canned largely because of his opposition to the Iraq War, think about that. And that war had 70%+ public support due to the coverage it got, and the ways those who question WMDs in Iraq were considered "spreading misinformation".

I don't even listen to Rogan's podcast, I'm just bothered that people are quick to give up their freedom of speech, and medical rights on a dime these days.

Bill Maher did not get canned from being against the war. His words were something like "Say what you want about terrorists, but flying into a building isnt cowardly." The heads at ABC/Disney werent gonna stand for that shit, even though I know what he was trying to say.

And no one is giving up their freedom of speech bro. Thinking Rogan should be kicked off Spotify is not taking away his freedom of speech lmao. If it happens, I assure you he knows that just like Bill Maher he will be fine. No one is saying to put him in jail for what he believes or says.
I think anyone who gets all their information from a podcast, news show, social media platform, is potentially harming themselves. But this is a free country, so I'm not sure why others feel they can dictate what's consumed. I eman obese people are harming themselves. Trannies harm themselves with their issues. Smokers harm themselves.

I brought up the Tipper Gore analogy earlier because those of us old enough to remember, know the argument was that rap music is harmful, therefore should be banned. Same argument against Chappelle at Netflix with trans people. I can turn on the news and see War being pushed hard right now, but that's ok. Bill Mahr's first show got canned largely because of his opposition to the Iraq War, think about that. And that war had 70%+ public support due to the coverage it got, and the ways those who question WMDs in Iraq were considered "spreading misinformation".

I don't even listen to Rogan's podcast, I'm just bothered that people are quick to give up their freedom of speech, and medical rights on a dime these days.

Just to put this into perspective... Tipper Gore was trying to get rap music straight up banned. Rap MUSIC. an art form. Her husband was a senator who later went on to become a vice president and nearly president. And again... she was trying to get a form of MUSIC banned.

That is totally different from someone making millions of dollars using a web platform to spread false information during a global pandemic that can lead to people either dying or killing others inadvertently.

Nobody is trying to get Joe Rogan "banned" or take away his freedom of speech - people are just sick of his bullshit and are putting pressure on his employer.

You consistently have the most "libertarian" takes to the point where it's kinda suspect.
Just to put this into perspective... Tipper Gore was trying to get rap music straight up banned. Rap MUSIC. an art form. Her husband was a senator who later went on to become a vice president and nearly president. And again... she was trying to get a form of MUSIC banned.

That is totally different from someone making millions of dollars using a web platform to spread false information during a global pandemic that can lead to people either dying or killing others inadvertently.

Nobody is trying to get Joe Rogan "banned" or take away his freedom of speech - people are just sick of his bullshit and are putting pressure on his employer.

You consistently have the most "libertarian" takes to the point where it's kinda suspect.
How is it different? Rap artists makes millions too. Tipper's whole angle was that it was "harmful". The reply was that she didn't have to listen to it and for her to fuck off. Some of yall don't understand the pressure that came down on the industry back then. How radio stations didn't play rap period because of influences. Once you open that door, it's never closing again. They already came after Chappelle and JK Rowling for not agreeing with the trans fuckery. Who's "following the science" there?

The whole "spread false information" thing is bull. Rogan has people from every side of the covid debate on his show, which is far more than what you find on cable news. So what's special about him? What's special about Rodgers? What's special about Kyrie? better yet, how do we determine "false information" because again people were getting banned for suggesting covid came from a Wuhan lab. People got callout for even mentioning Wuhan period. They've been proven most likely right, and that's because we have freedom of speech where we can keep questioning the narrative given us. I haven't heard dude say don't get vaxxed, just that he isn't getting it, so what's the issue?

Also I'm not libertarian, I hate all the mainstream political puppet parties. The only "ism" I'm close to is Garvism, but I would love to know what's "suspect" about not wanting others to filter the media I can see, or to tell me what to put in my body. The fact people eat this shit up in 2022 is crazy to me. We know the system is fucked but go ahead and cosign it daily anyway.
Bill Maher did not get canned from being against the war. His words were something like "Say what you want about terrorists, but flying into a building isnt cowardly." The heads at ABC/Disney werent gonna stand for that shit, even though I know what he was trying to say.

And no one is giving up their freedom of speech bro. Thinking Rogan should be kicked off Spotify is not taking away his freedom of speech lmao. If it happens, I assure you he knows that just like Bill Maher he will be fine. No one is saying to put him in jail for what he believes or says.
Maher was absolutely canned because of being against the war. They just used that quote to push outrage. Even the Un inspectors who flatout said they weren't finding WMDs were being called out back then. There's a reason the war had 70% support in the beginning. Meanwhile people were breaking and banning Dixie Chick CDs. People who were against invading were call unpatriotic and spreading lies. Same shit, different decade.

This is what Walter Cronkite said in 2003. This is the sentiment of news back then...and well now too if you look at the Russia situation.

Walter Cronkite, the legendary CBS newscaster and correspondent, has said he fully supports the censorship of journalists in wartime situations.

The recent Iraq war was no different in this respect to the second world war or Vietnam, said Cronkite, who reported on both earlier conflicts during a journalistic career spanning more than 60 years.

"I'm for censorship. I believe we have to be very careful about reporting information that will be of comfort to the enemy," Cronkite told the Newsworld International conference in Dublin, where he received a lifetime achievement award.

"Either our own losses or the deposition of forces - that's military information that simply cannot be shared with the enemy," he added.

Notice how dude flipped the "false information" angle and said information that "confronts our enemies". Again, the elites trying tot tell us all what we can and can't see. How many died in the Iraq War? How many hurt? How many rights did we lose to the Patriot Act? How many billions did we spend? Today we're told we can't work, go outside, and what to put in our bodies. And people eat it up.

Simply discussing things is "misinformation" now.
Maher was absolutely canned because of being against the war. They just used that quote to push outrage. Even the Un inspectors who flatout said they weren't finding WMDs were being called out back then. There's a reason the war had 70% support in the beginning. Meanwhile people were breaking and banning Dixie Chick CDs. People who were against invading were call unpatriotic and spreading lies. Same shit, different decade.

This is what Walter Cronkite said in 2003. This is the sentiment of news back then...and well now too if you look at the Russia situation.

Notice how dude flipped the "false information" angle and said information that "confronts our enemies". Again, the elites trying tot tell us all what we can and can't see. How many died in the Iraq War? How many hurt? How many rights did we lose to the Patriot Act? How many billions did we spend? Today we're told we can't work, go outside, and what to put in our bodies. And people eat it up.

Simply discussing things is "misinformation" now.
It's like this with damn near every issue. People continually move the goal posts or give u a new boogie man, taking turns n switching sides at the outrage table contradicting themselves.

I think it's a big reason shit never changes. Politics rot the brain.
Rogan digs himself deeper and deeper into the hole every time he tries to explain how he's not racist.

I say let him keep going, let nature take it's course. The natural progression is that he's going to going further and further.... So when he does get silenced... The one thing he seems to be pushing for to prove his point.... The evidence will be extensive and irrefutable.

Plus he works around fighters..... The gonna start snapping on homie too. Shits heading that way... It's only a matter of time
Rogan digs himself deeper and deeper into the hole every time he tries to explain how he's not racist.

I say let him keep going, let nature take it's course. The natural progression is that he's going to going further and further.... So when he does get silenced... The one thing he seems to be pushing for to prove his point.... The evidence will be extensive and irrefutable.

Plus he works around fighters..... The gonna start snapping on homie too. Shits heading that way... It's only a matter of time

The fighters need to snap on Dana White for not paying them.

Did you see how much the Champ got for his title defense? White didnt even stay to put the belt on him and dipped out early.
Let me clarify I meant the Covid related shit was fake outrage

Even if you're just referring to the covid related things you can't ignore how his history paints anything he says to not only his audience but the general public. To not acknowledge that and try to paint this as just some witch hunt from people who don't like Rogan because of his takes on covid is intentionally minimizing the issue just to keep your "anybody who questions things gets critized" narrative going. Rogan ain't no victim of that. It also doesn't help that some of the people who he has on to share those conversations with also traffic in the "I'm not racist but..." lane Rogan loves to ride in.
Even if you're just referring to the covid related things you can't ignore how his history paints anything he says to not only his audience but the general public. To not acknowledge that and try to paint this as just some witch hunt from people who don't like Rogan because of his takes on covid is intentionally minimizing the issue just to keep your "anybody who questions things gets critized" narrative going. Rogan ain't no victim of that. It also doesn't help that some of the people who he has on to share those conversations with also traffic in the "I'm not racist but..." lane Rogan loves to ride in.
I don't think it's a witchhunt for Rogan nor did I say that.

I don't care about Rogan like I don't care about Rand Paul. The "outrage mob" isn't seeking specific folks, just anyone who utters anything against the narrative.

This includes certain apolitical scientists and doctors who are pro vaxx.
I don't think it's a witchhunt for Rogan nor did I say that.

I don't care about Rogan like I don't care about Rand Paul. The "outrage mob" isn't seeking specific folks, just anyone who utters anything against the narrative.

This includes certain apolitical scientists and doctors who are pro vaxx.

You're using that generic language again talking about a narrative. A narrative about what? And you're minimizing people's issue with Rogan to just his opinions on covid. People in here talking about his racist history and here you go with "well yeah but people really are mad about his covid stance" when it's much more than that. And even if you want to just try and focus on his own covid stance the fact that he was openly hypocritical and did the exact shit he said he doesn't think people should do should when he himself tested positive be enough to go "maybe it's not as simple as pro vax vs anti vax".
You're using that generic language again talking about a narrative. A narrative about what? And you're minimizing people's issue with Rogan to just his opinions on covid. People in here talking about his racist history and here you go with "well yeah but people really are mad about his covid stance" when it's much more than that. And even if you want to just try and focus on his own covid stance the fact that he was openly hypocritical and did the exact shit he said he doesn't think people should do should when he himself tested positive be enough to go "maybe it's not as simple as pro vax vs anti vax".
The Covid narrative

Neil young potentially spark the flame to mass boycott Spotify. His reasoning n those following have nothing to do with rogans racist remarks and everything to do with covid misinformation. Apparently Neil young couldn't give a fuck less about the racist shit.

Don't know how u missed it.
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The Covid narrative

Neil young potentially spark the flame to mass boycott Spotify. His reasoning n those following have nothing to do with rogans racist remarks and everything to do with covid misinformation. Apparently Neil young couldn't give a fuck less about the racist shit.

Don't know how u missed it.

I didn't miss it. Neil Young has every right to have his issues with Rogan and his covid stances. All me and others are saying is to try and simplify people's dislike of Rogan to "well its just about covid" ignores a long history of him doing and saying racist shit that people have long taken issue with. And if your defense of Rogan lies in nothing more than "well anybody who speaks out against the covid pro vaxx narrative gets unfair criticism" then you're intentionally missing what the actual basis of not only this thread but most people issue with Rogan and his ilk lie.
Rogan doesn’t say anything about his racist comments(kinda like certain people in this thread) or his constant platforming of racist guests like Jordan Petersen…

Because that’s not the current controversy, right now it’s the COVID shit

The clip the thread title is about is from years ago, nobody outside of this thread is still talking about it
I didn't miss it. Neil Young has every right to have his issues with Rogan and his covid stances. All me and others are saying is to try and simplify people's dislike of Rogan to "well its just about covid" ignores a long history of him doing and saying racist shit that people have long taken issue with. And if your defense of Rogan lies in nothing more than "well anybody who speaks out against the covid pro vaxx narrative gets unfair criticism" then you're intentionally missing what the actual basis of not only this thread but most people issue with Rogan and his ilk lie.
Fair enough