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The definition of INHERENT - existing in someone or something as a permanent and inseparableelement, quality, or attribute.

So...I pose my smart dumb question to you - how the hell is the world AROUND you inherent, when you have to experience it first to internalize it?
Again, if an experience or observation made a person fear something then it is without a doubt natural or inherent, because the chemicals in which emotions are derived are there before birth. They are what cause us to fear death or loss of our selves, loved ones, etc. A specific event or phenomenon (guns/gunshots) just broadens your natural sense of fear in this case the fear of death.
It's nice being on the outside of these types of conversations for a change

Back to lurking
I don't fear things bigger than me. I'm amazed by things bigger than me because I'm not that size. I would never fear falling if I never fell. That's not something embedded in you. And even if you do fear falling after having fell, you correct that fear by learning how to stay upright - thus alleviating that fear
You're speaking now as a grown man who has learned what not to fear tho. A child who has never been dropped or fallen will grab on to you if you let them go while carrying them with the quickest of reflexes. From that fear of falling.
Be quiet AP

Stay on the sidelines
Again, if an experience or observation made a person fear something then it is without a doubt natural or inherent, because the chemicals in which emotions are derived are there before birth. They are what cause us to fear death or loss of our selves, loved ones, etc. A specific event or phenomenon (guns/gunshots) just broadens your natural sense of fear in this case the fear of death.

You're contradicting yourself. If inherent means existing inside someone that is PERMANENT, then it can't be

an experience or observation that MADE you fear anything. The EFFECT that comes from fear may be

considered natural. But if you in the dark and what you thought was a pit bull is really a cat, then you corrected

that fear. Things that are inherent can't be corrected. They're permanent and inseparable
I've never been cheated on but I fear it. That's why I'm quick to dip when I get suspicious.
That's because you learned the aftermath from cheating. Not because you were born like that. But even if that was the case, if you dip at the sign of suspicion - that is a form of correction
You're speaking now as a grown man who has learned what not to fear tho. A child who has never been dropped or fallen will grab on to you if you let them go while carrying them with the quickest of reflexes. From that fear of falling.

You're proving my point. You had to let the baby go for them to feel that inconsistency in their stomach which

caused them to tell themselves subconsciously, "Fuck this up high unbalanced bullshit!" Now they need to feel

secure when you hold them and they hold you. They having dreams of falling that wake they ass up out of their

sleep. They learned that shit though. Its not inherent
*grabs chair. awaits AP to give in and drop his "black & white" response*
You're contradicting yourself. If inherent means existing inside someone that is PERMANENT, then it can't be

an experience or observation that MADE you fear anything. The EFFECT that comes from fear may be

considered natural. But if you in the dark and what you thought was a pit bull is really a cat, then you corrected

that fear. Things that are inherent can't be corrected. They're permanent and inseparable
I'm not contradicting myself or maybe just not explaining my pov well enough, I literally just said that fear is an inherent human emotion, experiences can broaden what you fear. Therefore making a fear of guns or anything of the like a natural fear because they can kill you.
When I say unnatural, its to say that it isn't instinct. It is a experience first and foremost. As a baby you just are

until you're not. Until you feel pain, discomfort, until somebody makes a loud bang and scares the literal shit

out of you, and until you get your first laugh. Which is happiness. Its an experience, and so is the smile or laugh

that comes after. Your experiences make you...YOU. You don't pop out the pussy like, "Oh shit where is Freddy

Krueger at because I'm scared of that muthaphukka." No more than you come out and be like, "When the next

Kevin Hart comin out, he funny as hell?"
So basically you're using philosophy in regards to "born with a clean slate"? If so, our existence is unnatural. Our ways, intelligence, or lack there of, are all unnatural. Is there anything you see or define as natural being that the word "unnatural" wouldn't even exist bc of it's root?
I'm not contradicting myself or maybe just not explaining my pov well enough, I literally just said that fear is an inherent human emotion, experiences can broaden what you fear. Therefore making a fear of guns or anything of the like a natural fear because they can kill you.

I was talking to @Remedy but I'll address...I understand your pov, but I would say its wrong unless you can tell

me ONE fear that you've ever had that you didn't learn. Native Americans didn't fear disease until they got one.

Didn't fear a gun until one went off and/or they got shot. What fear have you ever had that wasn't learned or

an experience FIRST?
@DS_ over there like...
So basically you're using philosophy in regards to "born with a clean slate"? If so, our existence is unnatural. Our ways, intelligence, or lack there of, are all unnatural. Is there anything you see or define as natural being that the word "unnatural" wouldn't even exist bc of it's root?

This all goes back to the Bible and Religion and Adam and Eve. They were created without sin and fear. Until the Snake told them they were naked.

Meaning they didn't have a any feat, shame or regards about what they did because they didn't know no better.

Now some would say that walking around without fear is a good thing and being in the bliss of not knowing is a great experience to be in.

While others would say the snake really enlightened you and gave you the gift you really needed........and that would be knowledge of self.

No lie y'all nignogs are going to miss my posting. I could murder your thought processes all day but I don't. You're welcome
Thread title needs to be changed to

"Jealousy, Fear, and Other Natural/Unnatural Human Emotions"
So basically you're using philosophy in regards to "born with a clean slate"? If so, our existence is unnatural. Our ways, intelligence, or lack there of, are all unnatural. Is there anything you see or define as natural being that the word "unnatural" wouldn't even exist bc of it's root?

WHAT?!!? Again, I say unnatural to say that it isn't inherent. If you believe our existence is unnatural then you know something I don't about how and why we were created. Enlighten me oh great one...