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Jayz and Basquiat have one thing in common....

Soooo...thats Jay & Beyoncé fault?? Did they anoint themselves King & Queen of all things Afro-American?

My point was, it was ok for Gaga and Gal to rock it. No one gave two flying 747 fuccs about that rock...who wore it...or that Tiffany's had it. No barrage of tweets. No headlines. Oh but b/c it was wrapped around Beyoncé neck...NOW everyone care where it came from. Smh. Hell...majority of the people who are outraged didn't even know that diamond existed.

AND YES...Gaga and Gal should be expected to give a fucc about black issues. Black folks buy Gaga's music just as much as the other races. And last I saw...black folks was in theaters when Wonder Woman dropped. Only thing I'm sayin is...give that same energy towards the women who wore that diamond b4 Beyoncé. A blood diamond is still a blood diamond, regardless who's neck it's around. It didn't just transform into one when it touched Beyonce's body.

But however. This fake outrage will blow over like every other fake outrage...until the next one. What Jay & Beyonce do wit their lives has no effect on my life, or a lot yall. Yes folks need to stop puttin Jay & Beyonce on that pedestal you mentioned. But they also need to stop gettin mad at them...b/c they're living THEIR lives the way they see fit. Instead of needing approval from folks on how they should move about in society.

Hell...they've done a helluva lot for black folks than the ones "outraged" over this stupid azzz Tiffany ad. Can't wait til they do an ad campaign for Zale's. Lol!!

Anywhoo...thats my 2 cents. See yall at the Tiffany's protest.

Yeah it is their fault kinda because they are definitely marketing an issue. Nobody told Bey to throw up Black Panther references when performing a song that has nothing to do with that. No one told her to make a pro-black piece and put it on Disney+. Those are things she chose to do because she wanted to put that image out there. Now is it her fault that people are stupid enough to buy into what she's promoting? No, but you can't act like they aren't pushing it.

And t hat still doesn't change the fact that it's silly of you to act like any of us should have the same expectations for white people when it comes to black issues that we have for black people. I'm not saying Gaga or Gadot shouldn't have been criticized. I'm saying that a lot of black people don't even pay attention to those too because they don't mean anything to them whereas they hold Jay and Bey more near and dear.
I'm talkin about the outrage. So Gal and Gaga get a pass then. Just b/c they're non-black. Cool
But we don't care about them and they don't even pretend to care about us

Honestly, most Black people I know don't care about Beyonce and Jay either, but they're Black and supposedly "represent" us...so yeah, they're gonna get this scrutiny
Yeah it is their fault kinda because they are definitely marketing an issue. Nobody told Bey to throw up Black Panther references when performing a song that has nothing to do with that. No one told her to make a pro-black piece and put it on Disney+. Those are things she chose to do because she wanted to put that image out there. Now is it her fault that people are stupid enough to buy into what she's promoting? No, but you can't act like they aren't pushing it.

And t hat still doesn't change the fact that it's silly of you to act like any of us should have the same expectations for white people when it comes to black issues that we have for black people. I'm not saying Gaga or Gadot shouldn't have been criticized. I'm saying that a lot of black people don't even pay attention to those too because they don't mean anything to them whereas they hold Jay and Bey more near and dear.
Not to mention all of the pro-black messaging Jay been putting out there in the last few years since his renaissance.