Jay-Z Partnering With The NFL For Social Justice

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Master P has a unisex basketball league...I forgot to add Lavar in there too...

No, the foolish thing is not supporting people who are already forging space in the areas we claim to want representation in...If they wanna represent us, of course...

If P, Cube, Lavar and others came together and created a league that could actually be based on good business, pay a decent amount, and put games in proper venues with proper marketing...The only things that could stop it from growing would be outside interference from whites and us not supporting it...Niggas swear they want Black owned business then when one starts it's not good enough...We want Black owned business that operates on the same level as white owned business from the jump, but that's not always possible...Customers have to help the businesses grow...

I know businesses have to grow but that's the part people seem to ignore. Businesses grow and also fail more often than succeed. And with already existing competition it's even harder. Especially when you're creating a product with an already limited supply of people who can perform the service. And yes that last part is true because despite what many believe you can't just pluck folks off the street and have them be able to perform at the level of a pro athlete let alone entertain like one. So you start the league's...cool. Just actual plan that accounts for those things
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Deals can be made to play against the NFL... the new league's teams can play against NFL teams. The NFL is only one league that plays against itself. This could be an opportunity for the NFL to have a whole other new league to rival.

Each league can play against its own league's teams and it's rival league's teams during their season and have an ultimate Superbowl like game at the end of the season to determine the best league and the best team from each league... It can become greater than the Superbowl...

Lol. A league like this existed once. You know what happened? The NFL bought them and renamed them the AFC/NFC conferences.
How much you think white ppl spend?

And no. We don’t make the value of things go up and down like you think. We are a small %of the US bruh.

And we are being passed up by Latinos and Asians. Our numbers are not increasing or decreasing.

You worry about making things pop. That shit means nothing. In the grand scheme of things.

I don't care what white ppl are spending, Why am I and you worry about what white ppl and anybody does??

We don't make things go up and down then why is everybody copying us?? What other group of ppl make things pop? I'll wait.

Who else is spending 1 trillion dollars in this country??

What numbers are you talking about?? population?

If not making things pop, how will something make money?
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Leagues can’t thrive just off attendance, tv deals allow players to sign nice contracts and make more money, you need sponsors etc. You can’t compare the HBCU to pro sports.

Leagues can thrive off attendance. Nice contracts?? A player leaving college, and plays in this black league, needs a nice contract coming out?? or does that player just need a reasonable salary?? The NFL never gave out "nice contracts when they started, so why are we looking for nice contracts to give when these players are coming out of college??

1st, black ppl need to unplug themselves from the NFL and P5 conference first and foremost, those "nice contracts" won't continue to be there once we do this?

Thats first and foremost, You can't give out something that you don't have. That happens, then there's no where else to play to get these "nice contracts" because black ppl all around the world have stopped fucking with the NFL and these Power 5 conferences.

That has to first happen.. Black folks have to de-value the NFL and these conferences. We make shit pop,

5 - 10 years of this happening, these so call "nice contracts" won't be nice anymore. Black ppl make shit pop
In theory this a beautiful idea but how many players are going to be willing to give up millions initially? Like I stated earlier in this thread the best players will not even attend HBCU's and one poster pointed out it was due to lack of money for scholarships why some black kids don't attend.

People bring up the Big 3 as an example of a business that is thriving but the reason most of those players play is because they've already made their money from playing overseas or in the NBA. They are just playing because they love doing it and feel they can contribute in that medium. The Big 3 isn't in competition with real basketball leagues, it has it's own lane.

I wish more of these folks with money would look to start ventures to empower black people but most don't have the know how or desire to do so and the other half are just trying to take care of their immediate family and close friends. It's unrealistic and not fair to expect others to be willing and able to take on the burden of our whole race. That's why when we have individuals who do this very thing they receive and rightfully so infinite respect and leeway

As I stated, all black ppl, especially viewers who don't play in the NFL, will have to unplug themselves from the NFL, just like with anything else, once black ppl leave it alone, the product dies, so those millions that would be on the table from these TV deals and endorsements will fall off because black ppl have unplugged themselves from the system.

The league won't be able to give out millions if this happens. Those millions will start to dry up because black ppl has stopped watching the league and fucking with it altogether.

A bunch of white boys aint fun to watch, thus why the Major Leagues starting popping off, Once they got black players to play in their league, the Major League began to pop off, black ppl started watching baseball, the Major League.

Same the case with boxing, basketball,, you add black ppl to it, your value goes up
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Leagues can thrive off attendance. Nice contracts?? A player leaving college, and plays in this black league, needs a nice contract coming out?? or does that player just need a reasonable salary?? The NFL never gave out "nice contracts when they started, so why are we looking for nice contracts to give when these players are coming out of college??

1st, black ppl need to unplug themselves from the NFL and P5 conference first and foremost, those "nice contracts" won't continue to be there once we do this?

Thats first and foremost, You can't give out something that you don't have. That happens, then there's no where else to play to get these "nice contracts" because black ppl all around the world have stopped fucking with the NFL and these Power 5 conferences.

That has to first happen.. Black folks have to de-value the NFL and these conferences. We make shit pop,

5 - 10 years of this happening, these so call "nice contracts" won't be nice anymore. Black ppl make shit pop
So based on what you’re saying you’re trying to compete with the NFL. So if this black owned league wants the best black players how are they gonna get them when there is a league paying niggas millions of dollars? So they’re going to forgo the NFL to play in the Negro National Football League making 50K, when he can make 5-10 million? Use your brain bruh. If this league wants the best athletes it needs to have an incentive to make them want to skip the NFL and play for them. Makes sense?
I like this approach. Man this could help local Black economies thrive fr.

Black ppl make things pop..

The Major League use to be boring and nobody watched that shit, until they started getting black players and they brought their value to the game.

Stealing bases was created by black ppl, the fast break, the dunk, the flash, the catching the ball outta the air with one hand, was all black ppl that brought that to the game of baseball and basketball. Boxing, the shuffling of the feet, the bobbing and weaving, all that was black ppl

Made the game more exciting, the value goes up, you get viewers, you get TV deals, you get attraction, We take that away and put it into our own, those other leagues collapses over time 3-8 years over time.

There would be no more big contracts to give out.
So based on what you’re saying you’re trying to compete with the NFL. So if this black owned league wants the best black players how are they gonna get them when there is a league paying niggas millions of dollars? So they’re going to forgo the NFL to play in the Negro National Football League making 50K, when he can make 5-10 million? Use your brain bruh. If this league wants the best athletes it needs to have an incentive to make them want to skip the NFL and play for them. Makes sense?

1. It start with the viewers and those who are not playing football. We have to shutdown and unplug from supporting anything that has to do with the NFL and the power 5 conference. As long as we watch and support these 2 entities, then the million of dollars will stay on the table, once black ppl say we aint fucking with either, the million dollar contracts wont be there. simple. We bring value to the league. White ppl wanna see us.
Wherever we go, they will follow.

2. Viewership will fall and go to this new black owned league, those players who don't go to the NFL. Again, we as viewers and black ppl have to give up and unplug from watching the NFL and Power 5 conferences for 3-8 years while this league of ours is building.

Who is a top player really, Tau is a QB at bama, He may not be better than the black QB at Tenn ST. Kap came from Neveda,

So you really can't say what a top player is, a 6'6 WR at Ohio State pretty much has the same skill set as a 6'5 WR at Tenn St. What's the difference?? Other than one is on TV and the other isn't
Leagues can thrive off attendance. Nice contracts?? A player leaving college, and plays in this black league, needs a nice contract coming out?? or does that player just need a reasonable salary?? The NFL never gave out "nice contracts when they started, so why are we looking for nice contracts to give when these players are coming out of college??

1st, black ppl need to unplug themselves from the NFL and P5 conference first and foremost, those "nice contracts" won't continue to be there once we do this?

Thats first and foremost, You can't give out something that you don't have. That happens, then there's no where else to play to get these "nice contracts" because black ppl all around the world have stopped fucking with the NFL and these Power 5 conferences.

That has to first happen.. Black folks have to de-value the NFL and these conferences. We make shit pop,

5 - 10 years of this happening, these so call "nice contracts" won't be nice anymore. Black ppl make shit pop

So now you trying to short change the players lol. They do need nice contracts because they have a marketable skill that not just anybody can come and do. The NFL didn't give out nice contracts when they started but guess what the NFLPA forces them to do now? You ain't about to get people to literally go risk their health for less money than they already make now.
I think as Black people and POC we should be focusing and investing our energy, time and resources into our creativity. We shouldn't be trying to "take over" anything. A takeover is putting yourself in someone else's position instead of creating an alternative or creating a position for yourself. That's not a righteous nature to want to 'take over". It's a form of jealously and envy That's the nature of a virus, disease, parasite, etc.

Historically our strengths have been in our ability to create and in this case we could create an alternative.

We're a creative people. Let's create something new.
So now you trying to short change the players lol. They do need nice contracts because they have a marketable skill that not just anybody can come and do. The NFL didn't give out nice contracts when they started but guess what the NFLPA forces them to do now? You ain't about to get people to literally go risk their health for less money than they already make now.

1. Once all black ppl unplug themselves from watching these 2 system, the NFL and the Power 5 conference, what you think will have to the ratings?? If every black ppl said we aint fucking with this, Do you think these big contracts will still be available to give out??
1. It start with the viewers and those who are not playing football. We have to shutdown and unplug from supporting anything that has to do with the NFL and the power 5 conference. As long as we watch and support these 2 entities, then the million of dollars will stay on the table, once black ppl say we aint fucking with either, the million dollar contracts wont be there. simple. We bring value to the league. White ppl wanna see us.
Wherever we go, they will follow.

2. Viewership will fall and go to this new black owned league, those players who don't go to the NFL. Again, we as viewers and black ppl have to give up and unplug from watching the NFL and Power 5 conferences for 3-8 years while this league of ours is building.

Who is a top player really, Tau is a QB at bama, He may not be better than the black QB at Tenn ST. Kap came from Neveda,

So you really can't say what a top player is, a 6'6 WR at Ohio State pretty much has the same skill set as a 6'5 WR at Tenn St. What's the difference?? Other than one is on TV and the other isn't

Access to training and trainers is a huge difference. Visibility and people seeing you thus helping to determine how much you can make helps as well. You're trying to discount shit that actually matters
Ppl are focusing on the wrong thing, you missing the important piece of what makes the NFL be able to give out big contracts and how these Power 5 conference get these millions of dollars.

We as black ppl watch the shit, we send our kids to these schools,

If black ppl said for the next 5 years, we sending our kids to HBCUs, What do you think will happen to the system?

And some investor start a league up paralleling this movement with the ideas I present, what will happen to the system?

Parents stop sending their kids, top so call players to the Power 5 conferences and we as viewers stop fucking with the NFL and Power 5 conference and now attend these HBCU games. What will happened??
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Access to training and trainers is a huge difference. Visibility and people seeing you thus helping to determine how much you can make helps as well. You're trying to discount shit that actually matters

You can get trained. There are good trainers everywhere.

Visibility for who?? The fans??

You attend the games and go see the players.

You're trying to come up with excuses to make what I'm saying not work. We as black ppl love doing this, because we don't know business