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Jay-Z Partnering With The NFL For Social Justice

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I just wanna know what happened to this, "“I said no to the Super Bowl/ You need me, I don’t need you,”. I just feel you dont need this particular set of rich white people to accomplish what he claims to want to accomplish. I feel he could of literally hired people to find a way to circumvent the NFL & stick a bigger thorn in their side.
You a crazy famous, supposed billionaire, but still asking if you can sit at lunch tables to talk. When you have money and influence you supposed to make these mayo devils feel what its like you cross you. Do exactly what they do to us.
U know how many all american maga country "this is our land" ass white ppl watch the nfl??

It cpuld be like taking their own shit n using it against em depending on what their plans are

Nfl can be used as a huge platform. How can it hurt to use it to promote your ideas in any way especially when majorly consumed by your target audience?
@Goldie you really believe that is what's going on or even possibly going to happen on a real level?

I mean really think about what you just cosigned

Like homie said it's possible.

Would yall say the NBA is progressive and advocates social justice?
Like homie said it's possible.

Would yall say the NBA is progressive and advocates social justice?

All bullshit aside. I not even going to knock yall for having so much hope

No the nba is not progressive and not real advocates for social justice IMO
If you would told me a week ago the most popping thread would be Jay-Z partnering with Roc Nation Media i would laughed you out the building

I'm always amazed by what sets our community off
Yall niggas figure out what you're mad about yet?

Have yall picked a side yet? Is if fuck the nfl or is it Kap needs his job?
I personally aren't mad at anything.

But to not hold Jay at the same standards are others is hypothetical. If this was Diddy or Chance, y'all would be at there necks.

Also typically you can't insight change by joining the ones causing a problem. It's just not how shit work. Rarely does a person change a system from within.
Word to all the black cops.
I personally aren't mad at anything.

But to not hold Jay at the same standards are others is hypothetical. If this was Diddy or Chance, y'all would be at there necks.

Also typically you can't insight change by joining the ones causing a problem. It's just not how shit work. Rarely does a person change a system from within.
Word to all the black cops.

I wouldn't because i see the big picture. Chance doesn't have that type of power, so he shouldn't be mentioned in this.

There's levels to this shit.

A nigga who flips burgers at mcdonalds (kap) doesn't have the power to change shit with how Mcdonalds (nfl) is ran. But a nigga who is just as wealthy as the nigga running mcdonalds can sit down with the ceo and talk about creating change with how mcdonalds is ran, especially when mcdonalds mostly has black workers.
They been doing it since I ws a kid. I never seen a real impact. But I guess its better than zero.

What huge jump? They gave him enough shares so he can technically be referred to as an owner, even tho he has no say in anything. They NEEDED him to look like an owner so they had public support to build a huge fucking stadium in BK. It was all PR to get support and sell merc.

This is so true. Didnt BET ban Ying Yang Twins from their network, because some higher up didnt like them saying that stupid "HHAANNN", noise and told them if they said it they'd be banned. Of course he did it anyway and they banned them.
You didn't answer my question at all.

Why did they NEED to call him an owner?

Are you saying that Jay's endorsement of the Netd wouldn't have worked unless he could be called an owner? As if the selling point was "Well Jay owns its it's cool."
I wouldn't because i see the big picture. Chance doesn't have that type of power, so he shouldn't be mentioned in this.

There's levels to this shit.

A nigga who flips burgers at mcdonalds (kap) doesn't have the power to change shit with how Mcdonalds (nfl) is ran. But a nigga who is just as wealthy as the nigga running mcdonalds can sit down with the ceo and talk about creating change with how mcdonalds is ran, especially when mcdonalds mostly has black workers.
Chance has arguably done more for social then Hov.
What power are you referring too? Are you talking about money?
What's the bigger picture you think he's cooking up.
Chance has arguably done more for social then Hov.
What power are you referring too? Are you talking about money?
What's the bigger picture you think he's cooking up.

That's why i asked how do yall feel about the NBA? Do you feel the NBA is progressive and advocates social justice?
Also in an ideal word, the employee would have just as much say and voice at the table at someone with more "power". That's actually have successful companies like Apple work. The foster an environment for which anyone with good ideas is able to pitch and be heard.

If you don't have that, you get the same bullshit ideas being tossed around.
That's why i asked how do yall feel about the NBA? Do you feel the NBA is progressive and advocates social justice?
Let's stay on topic sir

What do you think is the move? What do you see as the bigger picture

What are you referring to when you say power?
Also in an ideal word, the employee would have just as much say and voice at the table at someone with more "power". That's actually have successful companies like Apple work. The foster an environment for which anyone with good ideas is able to pitch and be heard.

If you don't have that, you get the same bullshit ideas being tossed around.

When Apple made great shit, everything went through Steve Jobs. Now they make the same shit over and over because everybody at the table.

Sometimes it all good