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Jay-Z Partnering With The NFL For Social Justice

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Black ppl will defend anybody for the wrong reason, Jay-z could be doing this without the NFL is what black ppl who are defending this dude doesn't even wanna admit.

The NFL has nothing or anything to do with police brutality, which Kap took a knee for. How will the NFL help black folks?
Yep kap took a knee for what again?
So what i'm taking from our exchange so far is that niggas mainly feel a way about Kap's job.

Not protesting, not kneeling, not anything else, just Kap's job.

That's interesting.

I'm just speaking for myself. But also...

If the NFL allowed players to peacefully protest police murder of unarmed black people by police by not standing for the anthem without the looming threat of destroying their careers then what more is there for them to do?
his kneeling wasnt as impactful to the community as his service to his community was

sooooooooooooo....kneeling for how many years in your opinion is gonna shake some shit up?

Im legit asking and not attacking you
Fam he kneeled to protest then he went out there and handled his business....he can and did both
The denial stage of what? Yall don't even know what you're mad about yet.

Is it "fuck the nfl, niggas shouldn't work with em" or is it "let colin get his job back" ?

Pick a side.
My side is that Colin shouldn’t even go back to the NFL because his legacy is already solidified, he’s going down in history. But since Colin wants to go back they should rectify their injustice by lifting their blackballing. There is nothing stopping a team from signing Colin right now.

Even if they sign Kap it’s still fuck the NFL because they already showed us who they are.
Soooo nothing can start now.
I see what you are trying to say but we really going not give a black man the benefit of the doubt?

Yet LA celebrated a gang member like a king while he planned on working with LAPD.
Dint gangmembers and cops have a history of killing black men systematically?
Yet, he was given the benefit of the doubt.
Ike you say about nothing burgers which I kinda agree with...
I see a buncha of blah blah show proof.
If he didn't do it before it won't start now.
Maybe I'm just hopeful something will change mindsets.
So if a black man wants to try..that's all I ask for. Even if it doesn't pan out I would appreciate the effort. I just ask to see effort.

We've given to many the benefit of doubt. It's time out for all that. We gave Obama the benefit of doubt and look where it got us, it's time out for giving black ppl or anybody the benefit of doubt, gets us nowhere.
Point is it’s dismissive and damn near disrespectful to say we past kneeling as if that s all the homie was doing....he s basically aite nigga foh w ur petty shit daddy here to do what really matters now
lmaoooo yo holddddddd up.

@5th Letter got the audacity to be talkin all that shit with a fuckin NFL avi?

lmaooo on that note, i'm out. Bout to go watch Mindhunter.
There’s racism everywhere. You use Twitter right, they’re suspect over there, we eat at places where suspect people own the place, we work for corporations where racists own the shit. But imma let you vent since you’re in the denial stage.
We've given to many the benefit of doubt. It's time out for all that. We gave Obama the benefit of doubt and look where it got us, it's time out for giving black ppl or anybody the benefit of doubt, gets us nowhere.

What do you propose we do then fam?
Yep kap took a knee for what again?

If your brother goes out and catch a beat down by the police, will Jay-Z and the NFL deal be the first thing to come to your thinking process. Will this deal help out your brother situation?
There’s racism everywhere. You use Twitter right, they’re suspect over there, we eat at places where suspect people own the place, we work for corporations where racists own the shit. But imma let you Verb since you’re in the denial stage.

This nigga hit me with the

What do you propose we do then fam?

For black ppl to stop defending this or having the "wait and see" mentality and start looking at things from a realistic view instead of an unrealistic view and that comes with crossing out your favs who are themselves are not looking at reality in a realistic way. That's the first thing I propose.

We got to many black ppl in this very thread who don't live in a realistic world
But to be real, we past kneeling. We all action now.

that is an action .. one of many. allot of yall have a very elementary undertanding of civil rights/civil disobedience and what is now a derisive term "social justice" cooptin the same narratves of the puppet masters.
But to be real, we past kneeling. We all action now.

What action captain? We locking cops up for police brutality? That's next. Because that's what the kneeling was about. Let's not get off track from that. We need to fix that problem before we move on

The ones defending this shit, are moving past that, no let's stay there and fix that issue which is why we are where we are now. Let's focus on that action right there of fixing.

Let's see what Jay and the NFL solutions are with fixing that there. Right there.
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