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Jay-Z Partnering With The NFL For Social Justice

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Now we're getting somewhere.

So if colin got his job back, yall beef with the NFL would be resolved. Am I understanding this right?

If the NFL allowed players to peacefully protest police murder of unarmed black people by police by not standing for the anthem without the looming threat of destroying their careers then what more is there for them to do?

Think of how easy it would be for them to rectify this shit yet they refuse to. That's them essentially saying fuck you and fuck your rights.

It would be whatever if Jay decided to work with an organization like that but the issue that people have is that he was a vocal supporter of Kaep when it was the cool thing to do but all that shit seems to have gone out the window just as soon as he got some money thrown at him.
If the NFL allowed players to peacefully protest police murder of unarmed black people by police by not standing for the anthem without the looming threat of destroying their careers then what more is there for them to do?

Think of how easy it would be for them to rectify this shit yet they refuse to. That's them essentially saying fuck you and fuck your rights.

It would be whatever if Jay decided to work with an organization like that but the issue that people have is that he was a vocal supporter of Kaep when it was the cool thing to do but all that shit seems to have gone out the window just as soon as he got some money thrown at him.

So if one of the things that comes from this situation with jay is that players can kneel, you still got beef with Jay?
But he didn't do that, so now what's your defense??

I asked, when do you think the reform mission will take in affect? Yall are so high on it, when will it go into affect and how will it look in reality??

I dont know when Jays plan will go into affect.. why? Because the information hasn't been divulged to the public yet. And like @DOS_patos said earlier how is all of this shit on Jay? It's not. He's doing what he thinks can help... just like Kaep is.. just like Meek is.. just like everyday activist are.

I dont think anybody in here is expecting Jay to be some sort of social justice messiah... nor does anyone think this deal is going to immediately change the lives of all black people
What other task (again I ask) is heAND the NFL are going to do to help black folks?

Do you think he has a solution for that one task (stopping police brutality) if not then what else is there to do? You tell me captain?
But it's placed on him and only him to change a system with the NFL.

No one else being called out?

Why not?

Cuz he made the deal?
What about black cops not doing their part?
Black lawyers helping convict black people...
Black people not being pillars in their community where crime is allowed to fester which breeds alot of this shit with cops, lawyers criminals.

It's all on jayz?
I cant say fuck him without saying fuck alot of other people.

Alot of people look funny in the light.
But all of a sudden.....one man can't change the world so get mad at him.
Make this make sense and I will shut up for at least a week.
Niggas in the denial stage right now. It’s cool let em vent. Just like when they thought Kanye was just “trolling”. “Wait and see” is the new “he’s just trolling”. Jay went into business for himself.

The denial stage of what? Yall don't even know what you're mad about yet.

Is it "fuck the nfl, niggas shouldn't work with em" or is it "let colin get his job back" ?

Pick a side.
So if one of the things that comes from this situation with jay is that players can kneel, you still got beef with Jay?

I don't have beef with Jay at all. I just think this move looks very funny-style and I'd be skeptical about any positive spin that comes out of it - especially if Kaep is still being blackballed.
I don't have beef with Jay at all. I just think this move looks very funny-style and I'd be skeptical about any positive spin that comes out of it - especially if Kaep is still being blackballed.

So what i'm taking from our exchange so far is that niggas mainly feel a way about Kap's job.

Not protesting, not kneeling, not anything else, just Kap's job.

That's interesting.
If the NFL allowed players to peacefully protest police murder of unarmed black people by police by not standing for the anthem without the looming threat of destroying their careers then what more is there for them to do?

Think of how easy it would be for them to rectify this shit yet they refuse to. That's them essentially saying fuck you and fuck your rights.

It would be whatever if Jay decided to work with an organization like that but the issue that people have is that he was a vocal supporter of Kaep when it was the cool thing to do but all that shit seems to have gone out the window just as soon as he got some money thrown at him.

Players are still protesting during the anthem. You do know that right?
Jay ain't dumb, sleep, or desperate for money. I think it's possible that he genuinely believes the stuff he was saying bout accepting that deal. He's understandably getting flack, but as Goldie mentioned, there is also some hypocrisy going on with people wagging their finger at Jay.

For the record, I don't think Kap should even be trying to play for the NFL again. Nor do I think black people should be playing or supporting the NFL either. But that's unrealistic as niggas love sports too much, everyone dreams of getting that contract, and Kap needs to eat somehow. I don't know Kaps financial situation, but sticking up for black folks is often not the best financial thing to do.

What Jay is doing is no worst than how black people all over still fucked with the NFL anyway. My expectations are low all around, but if he proves true to his word it will be a welcomed surprise.
I dont know when Jays plan will go into affect.. why? Because the information hasn't been divulged to the public yet. And like @DOS_patos said earlier how is all of this shit on Jay? It's not. He's doing what he thinks can help... just like Kaep is.. just like Meek is.. just like everyday activist are.

I dont think anybody in here is expecting Jay to be some sort of social justice messiah... nor does anyone think this deal is going to immediately change the lives of all black people

You don't know, so what good is posting "he has a reform launch organization" for? It's a dead organization with words on a website, if it's not doing anything "now" or folks don't know when will it take in affect it's a dead organization, meaning it has no legs or power

See we celebrate words and not actions/solutions. The information hasn't been divulged to the public yet? How long does it take for this action to happen?? Not long at all captain. Jay-z reform action could go into works today, and it should but we as black folks gonna lean on every word he says and "wait and see" The nigga has no power breh, he can't change the judicial system. Something that's been instill and created for over 400 years, you really believe a "rapper" will change these white ppl laws. I got some good rice to sell you out here in Europe.

Bingo, If the deal won't change the lives of black ppl, why are we even giving him props for the deal and if Jay-z or the NFL won't change the land-scape of black ppl existence why black folks are defending this trash deal??

Bet money, this deal pans out to be shitty, that nigga will drop an album explaining what all happen, and niggas will eat it up.

You'll know more about the deal 's details in the nigga album he'll release after the shit back -fire to try and save his image/legacy smh Lol Black ppl are so dayum gullible, we need to get off that shit man


The Deal

Bet money that'll be that nigga next album and niggas go eat that shit up
Captain, again I ask, what has he done to change any social injustice in the last 30 years, He has been Jay-Z for 50 plus years now. What has the NFL done to change any social injustice since they have been in existence?
Soooo nothing can start now.
I see what you are trying to say but we really going not give a black man the benefit of the doubt?

Yet LA celebrated a gang member like a king while he planned on working with LAPD.
Dint gangmembers and cops have a history of killing black men systematically?
Yet, he was given the benefit of the doubt.
Ike you say about nothing burgers which I kinda agree with...
I see a buncha of blah blah show proof.
If he didn't do it before it won't start now.
Maybe I'm just hopeful something will change mindsets.
So if a black man wants to try..that's all I ask for. Even if it doesn't pan out I would appreciate the effort. I just ask to see effort.
But it's placed on him and only him to change a system with the NFL.

No one else being called out?

Why not?

Cuz he made the deal?
What about black cops not doing their part?
Black lawyers helping convict black people...
Black people not being pillars in their community where crime is allowed to fester which breeds alot of this shit with cops, lawyers criminals.

It's all on jayz?
I cant say fuck him without saying fuck alot of other people.

Alot of people look funny in the light.
But all of a sudden.....one man can't change the world so get mad at him.
Make this make sense and I will shut up for at least a week.

Let me ask you this cause you always seem do this same shit over and over and over again.

If you in a relationship and get caught cheating and your woman starts cussing you out over it and tells you fuck you. Do say to her "your last 2 boyfriends cheated on you to, so why is you only cussing me out, why you ain't cussing them out as well?"

The fucking thread is about Jay z and the NFL. If you want to talk about everybody else who is a part of this then make that thread. Stop always trying to bring other people into shit that don't involve them at the moment.

You ain't wrong for trying to look at the whole picture but the whole picture for this specific thread is Jay z and the NFL. Not Jay z and everybody else
next nigga talking about blacks need to form their own league getting banned for a day

that shit aint happening in our lifetime if ever