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J. Cole - Snow On Tha Bluff

Man tell me this ain't a move to give his homegirl a look. They have collabed before...:think3:
So J Cole is saying be nicer to niggas who don’t know that they can cause issues for the women and gays and while I agree communication and how you communicate is important. But do we need to be coddled? I mean do we take it easy when we talk about our issues with women? Idk I feel like niggas that are listening aren’t getting their feelings hurt. Not to sound like @DOS_patos but sometimes the message is more important than how it’s conveyed especially when we all started out playing nice.

Still think his flow is boring tho
I get 90% of women, hell men also, hate getting told to 'relax' or 'calm down'

It can be insulting but really...sometime you gotta tell a person to calm down, they misdirecting they passion.
So J Cole is saying be nicer to niggas who don’t know that they can cause issues for the women and gays and while I agree communication and how you communicate is important. But do we need to be coddled? I mean do we take it easy when we talk about our issues with women? Idk I feel like niggas that are listening aren’t getting their feelings hurt. Not to sound like @DOS_patos but sometimes the message is more important than how it’s conveyed especially when we all started out playing nice.

Still think his flow is boring tho
I think he's got a point with how can we reach people who haven't grown up on reading etc.

Some people I grew up with want change but reading a book isn't for them do we just exclude them from the movement?
I think he's got a point with how can we reach people who haven't grown up on reading etc.

Some people I grew up with want change but reading a book isn't for them do we just exclude them from the movement?

that’s race thing telling folks to read I get it but I don’t think you gotta read novels to understand what’s fair and what isn’t. Most books I’ve read were fiction and historical fiction. HavenT read Angela Davis or Toni Morrison or any woke authors. Never took a class on feminism or womanism. I used to think gays were disgusting trans were confused and that women just be tripping.

Then like round 2013 my daughter was two i started listening to the black women my age on how they feel and how they are treated they all didn’t have PHDs it was just experiences that were common and toxic for them and a lot of the stories were similar from all ages. I wouldn’t say I had an epiphany but my views changed. I’m not anymore deep than anybody but all these povs against including lbgqt and women were made years ago by the same type of niggas
All of this sounds like an overload of smart-dumb mufuckas trying to out smart-dumb each other.

I need social justice tracks. Why can't this NoName person and Cole get in on that?

K-Dot too. I know he did Alright, but it's about time for a new anthem.
I think he's got a point with how can we reach people who haven't grown up on reading etc.

Some people I grew up with want change but reading a book isn't for them do we just exclude them from the movement?
There's audio books, YouTube videos dedicated to discussions around certain topics, podcasts too. I think for a movement to be powerful and effective, everyone needs to be on the same page, or at least in the same chapter.
that’s race thing telling folks to read I get it but I don’t think you gotta read novels to understand what’s fair and what isn’t. Most books I’ve read were fiction and historical fiction. HavenT read Angela Davis or Toni Morrison or any woke authors. Never took a class on feminism or womanism. I used to think gays were disgusting trans were confused and that women just be tripping.

Then like round 2013 my daughter was two i started listening to the black women my age on how they feel and how they are treated they all didn’t have PHDs it was just experiences that were common and toxic for them and a lot of the stories were similar from all ages. I wouldn’t say I had an epiphany but my views changed. I’m not anymore deep than anybody but all these povs against including lbgqt and women were made years ago by the same type of niggas
I get all that my fear is the suffragettes for example intentionally excluded people they felt would hold the movement back. So no black women no house wives etc. So Ida created her own movement. My fear is the narrative from all this means you don't read your opinion doesn't hold any weight on the direction we should be going.

Like @Golan stated about alternative media maybe that's the more inclusive route. Also allows a range of voices.

Having said all that I'm going to say something that is "elitist" traveling completely changed my thinking process more than anything.