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It Has Started: Africans Are Kicking Chinese Out Of Their Countries

The Moors conquered Europe 619 some say 711 to 1492, all throughout the continent and before then Europe was a dirty, cold, disease infested no resource having continent. They were broke, no money or anything. When the Moors came in to rule they brought in civilization, brought running water, colleges, doctors, herbs, literacy, street lights, soap, a water sewerage system, taught them how to eat meals, how to eat a 4 to 5 course meal, how to domesticate their animals, these people were sleeping with their animals, that's why white folks are like that today, dress/style.
You had kings that went a whole year that didn't take baths, King Louis or King Henry, one of them. Cannibals were something in Europe heavy
That's why I am concerning myself with the timeline to find out what my guy Monk is talking about, he's all over the place with his statements.

What resources did Europe have? Other than guns? Africa had every mineral, resource, fruit, vegetable, gold ect. Metals and those you are saying were in Africa, That's why I brought up the Doctrine Unequal Exchange, If Europe had things as such, they wouldn't have been broke and in those living conditions before the Moors came in. Europe was a dirty ass place.

They conquered Europe?
You start off wrong. I made the statement that many castles were built before the 15th century. That's true. If you want to verify it, do so on your own time. My actual response to you was that you were incorrect about Europeans not having castles at the time. I only needed one example to prove you wrong and I gave you Dover Castle as an example. The Moors had a presence in England but they never ruled there. If you say they do, then you're going to need to show and prove.

We can have a scholarly debate where we're both digging up sources to back our claims or we can have a casual discussion where we drop the knowledge we have. My issue with you is that you're making and have been making all these wild claims (like saying the moors ruled England) and you've never posted any proof, but when I disagree with you, then all of a sudden my claims are invalid because I'm not posting sources. Here's a paper about how the Slave Trade weakened Africa while simultaneously empowering Europe opening the way for colonization. Now you start proving some of the stuff you said. Show me your paper that proves that Europe didn't have any castles not built by Moors when the Slave Trade started.

For the second time, I never said we were catching up to whites or Asians. If I sound like a 60 minutes reporter then you sound like someone on FOXNews with your need to mischaracterize the opposing viewpoint. Those numbers I threw out were never meant to be taken literally. They were presented for the sake of argument. The average income in Jackson is around 19K. The Jackson cost of living index is 82% of the national average (https://www.bestplaces.net/cost_of_living/city/mississippi/jackson). The average income in San Francisco is around 61K. The cost of living is 269% of the national average (https://www.bestplaces.net/cost_of_living/city/california/sanfrancisco). So, you make a hell of a lot more money in San Fran, but the cost of living is a hell of a lot higher so the average person in San Fran isn't necessarily doing better.

This what a population map for African Americans looks like:


This is how white people are distributed


Here are Asian people:


Look at Asians, they are clustered in places like San Francisco and Los Angeles where both the pay and cost of living are high. Blacks are clustered in the southeast. So if you just do a rough average for each race, you're going to expect that Asians have a higher income per captia, but that doesn't necessarily mean that the average Asian is doing better. Again, I'm not saying blacks are doing as well as Asians. I'm just saying that the issue is more complicated than just putting some averages and calling it a day.

I'll let it be with the demographical placement of black folks, I don't know or how that information would be calculated, because a prison out in midwest that's full of blacks can have more folks in that facility in that town that the prison resides in than the people living in the hicks town, so again, I let it be with your stance on the areas where black folks live. Sundown towns are known to have prisons/facilities full of black people in them and that population is usually larger than the people/residents living in Sundown Town/city.

My point/argument being is that black folks are not close to whites, Asians ect when it comes to income
The Moors conquered Europe 619 some say 711 to 1492, all throughout the continent and before then Europe was a dirty, cold, disease infested no resource having continent. They were broke, no money or anything. When the Moors came in to rule they brought in civilization, brought running water, colleges, doctors, herbs, literacy, street lights, soap, a water sewerage system, taught them how to eat meals, how to eat a 4 to 5 course meal, how to domesticate their animals, these people were sleeping with their animals, that's why white folks are like that today, dress/style.
You had kings that went a whole year that didn't take baths, King Louis or King Henry, one of them. Cannibals were something in Europe heavy
That's why I am concerning myself with the timeline to find out what my guy Monk is talking about, he's all over the place with his statements.

What resources did Europe have? Other than guns? Africa had every mineral, resource, fruit, vegetable, gold ect. Metals and those you are saying were in Africa, That's why I brought up the Doctrine Unequal Exchange, If Europe had things as such, they wouldn't have been broke and in those living conditions before the Moors came in. Europe was a dirty ass place.

There was a whole Roman empire tho even after the fall off it has a huge influence. A whole continent can’t have any resources my dude I mean of course they looked to exploit other places. Not downplaying Moorish influence in Europe
Monk, many castles were built, and many, 90 - 95% were built by Moors in which I stated. That's why I asked you to list these many castles that the Europeans built and add the year. I back up my statement by giving you facts that the kings and queen before the Moors came were living in barns and sleeping with animals. Who do you think they got the idea from to build castles and live in them?? You think the Europeans thought of this themselves??

I even said Europe's whole structural built is like Africa's structural built, I even said Washington DC was built off of Africa's constructional context, so why would I say that there were no castles in Europe?

I gave you many sources on the Moors ruling England and Europe, I even gave you a time frame/time line to follow, you are the one in denial about the information Monk

You have plenty sense, you are moving away from what we are talking about, to say what I'm saying in so many words or to pull out something that we are not even talking about

Do you not see the hypocrisy in how you're holding this discussion? You made the claim that the Europeans didn't have castles and that the Moors built most of the castles. That's a wildly inaccurate statement, and you provide no proof or sources at all in support of it. Yet, when I provide you an example that refutes your claim, you come back and try to get on me for not providing source for a side claim. Like I said, you can't have it both ways. If you're going to make this claim that 90% or more of the castles that were built in Europe were done by the Moors even though there are castles throughout parts of Europe that weren't even contolled by the Moors, you need to drop some sources. And I'm talking about something like I gave you which was a peer reviewed paper with actual references and sources backing the claims. You provided a random website that looked like it was something you or I could have written it. How do you verify anything that was written there?

I have no idea what you're talking about when you say I'm moving away from what we were talking about. You made the claim that the Europeans didn't have castles and had nothing to trade Africans when the slave trade began. That is incorrect. I've given you a peer reviewed source that explains how it was incorrect. Where have I drifted?
Do you not see the hypocrisy in how you're holding this discussion? You made the claim that the Europeans didn't have castles and that the Moors built most of the castles. That's a wildly inaccurate statement, and you provide no proof or sources at all in support of it. Yet, when I provide you an example that refutes your claim, you come back and try to get on me for not providing source for a side claim. Like I said, you can't have it both ways. If you're going to make this claim that 90% or more of the castles that were built in Europe were done by the Moors even though there are castles throughout parts of Europe that weren't even contolled by the Moors, you need to drop some sources. And I'm talking about something like I gave you which was a peer reviewed paper with actual references and sources backing the claims. You provided a random website that looked like it was something you or I could have written it. How do you verify anything that was written there?

I have no idea what you're talking about when you say I'm moving away from what we were talking about. You made the claim that the Europeans didn't have castles and had nothing to trade Africans when the slave trade began. That is incorrect. I've given you a peer reviewed source that explains how it was incorrect. Where have I drifted?

Monk, you have plenty sense.

Let me bring it to your front door step and be very clear:

What did Europeans before the slave trade took place, traded with the millions of Africans in Africa,? List these many items that came out of Europe that the Europeans traded to Africa before slavery happened, Let's start before the dark age, during this time and the time from 711-1492

You have plenty sense, list the things that the Europeans traded to the millions of Africans during those 3 periods I listed.

You have plenty sense, You said something about iron, and I asked you directly who and what countries before the slave trade was buying up Iron? What was being made from this mass produced iron? During that time, where was the iron even stored?

I know what I said about the castles and you know what was stated, everyone in this thread has a clear understanding of what I stated and asked in regards to the castles but you don't, but you want to wiggle your way out of your incorrect, mis-information that you've spewed in this thread, from the wealth gap, to the Arabs positioning to the Europeans building castles hundreds of years ago. You are posting mis-information with no real facts. Mis-information is all up in this thread, Busta called you out on it, and others have too.
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This is a brief history lesson that can help you out a lil bit. I do details and specific facts when talking about history, It's time to put proper context with statements when we talk about history, especially black history. Let's tell it like it is.

The Moorish rulers lived in sumptuous palaces, while the monarchs of Germany, France, and England dwelt in big barns, with no windows and no chimneys, and with only a hole in the roof for the exit of smoke. One such Moorish palace ‘Alhambra’ in Granada is one of Spain’s architectural masterpieces. Alhambra was the seat of Muslim rulers from the 13th century to the end of the 15th century. The Alhambra is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

I need to do some more research but when the Muslims/Moors ruled Europe. They ruled with an iron fist, mating with the women which darkened the whites etc. Thus why their are folks that have that Moorish blood in them that folks may not know, such as Beethoven, his mother was a moor I believe.

Christians were 2nd class citizens. They were not allowed to build new churches, monasteries, or other religious sites in the city or surrounding areas or repair or make repairs. Nor could Christians show the cross or any holy books in the Muslims’ streets or markets. Christians could not display any religious symbols, including statues of saints or icons.

Christians were ordered not to cause Muslims to hear Christians reciting from their Holy books or the sounds of church bells, which could only be rung only inside their churches. No processions or other religious ritual in public that could offend a Muslim. And, along with what I've sited, if John Mason would research the "11 rules the dhimmi in Andalusia" that is well documented in Quora along with other research sites, perhaps a more honest depiction of history can be presented.

Thus the reason to why some went "underground" forming secret societies and these other groups. I would hope someone can attest to what I am stating.
Monk, you have plenty sense.

Let me bring it to your front door step and be very clear:

What did Europeans before the slave trade took place, traded with the millions of Africans in Africa,? List these many items that came out of Europe that the Europeans traded to Africa before slavery happened, Let's start before the dark age, during this time and the time from 711-1492

You have plenty sense, list the things that the Europeans traded to the millions of Africans during those 3 periods I listed.

You have plenty sense, You said something about iron, and I asked you directly who and what countries before the slave trade was buying up Iron? What was being made from this mass produced iron? During that time, where was the iron even stored?

I know what I said about the castles and you know what was stated, everyone in this thread has a clear understanding of what I stated and asked in regards to the castles but you don't, but you want to wiggle your way out of your incorrect, mis-information that you've spewed in this thread, from the wealth gap, to the Arabs positioning to the Europeans building castles hundreds of years ago. You are posting mis-information with no real facts. Mis-information is all up in this thread, Busta called you out on it, and others have too.

Bruh, I've posted sources for every claim I've made that you called into question, and you've either dismissed what I said or passed on trying to defend your retorts. Meanwhile you make claim after claim and either provide no source or weak unsourced references that might as well be written by one of us. You say I'm spreading misinformation and false claims but you have yet to definitively prove anything I've said wrong. You're just ranting, deflecting, and projecting. On top of that, you've got the nerve to try and appeal to the posts of others as if that's proof of anything. Again, Busta's post didn't even address the point I made. All he did was point out the fact that there was an Arab slave trade, which had absolutely nothing to do with what I said. I'm done with this discussion until you can't actually directly refute something I've said or post a decent source backing one of these crazy ass statements you're making.
I don’t be knowing where y’all get some of your history from and need clarification. Like which slave trade era are y’all talking about because the world and Africa included had slavery all the way to Mesopotamia. The Mediterranean Sea is a trade route that goes from Europe Africa to Asia long before Moors

Yes Europe had the dark ages but not like they forgot Roman influence on how to do things. Moors definitely did not rule all of Europe. If Europe had no resources why even go there
Even in that video.....They trying to fight back a d the locals aren't really doing anything.

Dont fight
Don't fight

Bruh, I've posted sources for every claim I've made that you called into question, and you've either dismissed what I said or passed on trying to defend your retorts. Meanwhile you make claim after claim and either provide no source or weak unsourced references that might as well be written by one of us. You say I'm spreading misinformation and false claims but you have yet to definitively prove anything I've said wrong. You're just ranting, deflecting, and projecting. On top of that, you've got the nerve to try and appeal to the posts of others as if that's proof of anything. Again, Busta's post didn't even address the point I made. All he did was point out the fact that there was an Arab slave trade, which had absolutely nothing to do with what I said. I'm done with this discussion until you can't actually directly refute something I've said or post a decent source backing one of these crazy ass statements you're making.

Monk, you answered no questions I've asked, nobody co-signed you and your mis-information. These are no rants, if they were rants, you would have debunked the very things I've said, instead of trying to discredit what I've said. Did you look to see if civilization was brought into Europe? No Did you look and see how kings and queens slept in barns and with animals? No Did you fact check me on saying that the Moors ruled in England? No
Did you even fact check me on how the black and white wealth gap is still wide? No, all you did was drop some map that was probably created by you on where black folks reside, and you didn't address the fact that some blacks reside in prison, instead you trying to back pedal on what you initially said or hit the whole what you "meant to say" saying, when folks who say what they "mean to say" are usually wrong but wanna try and align with what has debunked their stance. I've debunked everything you stated Monk, let's not push that narrative as what you are saying is the historical truth.

You need to read a lil more and learn the timeline much better, no diss or shots, We debated before and I've washed you going back to the IC, I'ma make you a better poster, throwing stuff and putting mis-information in threads is a thing of the past with proper context, I'ma prep you on actual factual history. You even went to the whole "pro black" tactic smh Lol Monk, come on man, that's so cold man.

Some of the things I've stated in this thread, you didn't know Monk, and I provided you with several reference to go and read about it.

But it's still fuck them Chinese, I'm all for kicking their asses, the whole "They are wrong, don't do that" spat is so old, I hope them fuckers never make another dollar on this earth.
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Monk, you answered no questions I've asked, nobody co-signed you and your mis-information. These are no rants, if they were rants, you would have debunked the very things I've said, instead of trying to discredit what I've said. Did you look to see if civilization was brought into Europe? No Do you look and see how kings and queens slept in barns and with animals? No Did you fact check me on saying that the Moors ruled in England? No
Did you even fact check me on how the black and white wealth gap is still wide? No, all you did was drop some map that was probably created by you on where black folks say, and you didn't address the fact that some blacks reside in prison, instead you trying to back pedal on what you initially said or hit the whole what you "meant to say" saying, when folks who say what they "mean to say" are usually wrong but wanna try and align with what has debunked their stance. I've debunked everything you stated Monk, let's not push that narrative as what you are saying is the historical truth.

You need to read a lil more and learn the timeline much better, no diss or shots, We debated before and I've washed you going back to the IC, I'ma make you a better poster, throwing stuff and putting mis-information in threads is a thing of the past with proper context, I'ma prep you on actual factual history. You even went to the whole "pro black" tactic smh Lol Monk, come on man, that's so cold man.

Some of the things I've stated in this thread, you didn't know Monk, and I provided you with several reference to go and read about it.

But it's still fuck them Chinese, I'm all for kicking their asses, the whole "They are wrong, don't do that" spat is so old, I hope them fuckers never make another dollar on this earth.

When did Moors rule in England? What era? And The Roman and Greek eras were a form of civilization
When did Moors rule in England? What era? And The Roman and Greek eras were a form of civilization

Man we doing to much, this thread isn't about that, I went off to derail it, but I wanted to correct the mis-information that was placed in the thread, we can make another thread or a series of threads/topics and discuss

The Bible, most don't know that it was written for the ruling class, King James wanted to control his subjects, only members of the royal class were allowed to read the bible, the middle class, poor people back in that day would be killed or sent to prison if they read the bible. Things like this play a part when discussing history and figuring out what actually happened, this is why I challenge inaccurate statements.

The Black Greeks studied and took from the Egyptians by the way, the Greeks renamed Egypt which was called Kemet, We need to do a timeline to get a good understanding of history, fully understand the details on what all went on in that time frame, how society was etc, who could do what, what was traded, What did the people eat, what did the people do all day, etc. Saying Europe traded iron is inaccurate, it's a lot of mis-information that's being thrown around that's not true. Who gave a the right to start slavery?

I have ideas, I want to break down the science behind, why black folks don't trust doctors, we just didn't wake up like that, there's a reason to why this is such a thing and we need to discuss some of the reason to why, instead of saying "black people hate going to the doctor" why?. Read the book, Medical Apartheid or Acre of Skin Doctors would purchase slaves just to perform horrific experiments on them

But history needs to be understood and looked at closely with the proper context and facts.
Monk, you answered no questions I've asked, nobody co-signed you and your mis-information. These are no rants, if they were rants, you would have debunked the very things I've said, instead of trying to discredit what I've said. Did you look to see if civilization was brought into Europe? No Did you look and see how kings and queens slept in barns and with animals? No Did you fact check me on saying that the Moors ruled in England? No
Did you even fact check me on how the black and white wealth gap is still wide? No, all you did was drop some map that was probably created by you on where black folks reside, and you didn't address the fact that some blacks reside in prison, instead you trying to back pedal on what you initially said or hit the whole what you "meant to say" saying, when folks who say what they "mean to say" are usually wrong but wanna try and align with what has debunked their stance. I've debunked everything you stated Monk, let's not push that narrative as what you are saying is the historical truth.

You need to read a lil more and learn the timeline much better, no diss or shots, We debated before and I've washed you going back to the IC, I'ma make you a better poster, throwing stuff and putting mis-information in threads is a thing of the past with proper context, I'ma prep you on actual factual history. You even went to the whole "pro black" tactic smh Lol Monk, come on man, that's so cold man.

Some of the things I've stated in this thread, you didn't know Monk, and I provided you with several reference to go and read about it.

But it's still fuck them Chinese, I'm all for kicking their asses, the whole "They are wrong, don't do that" spat is so old, I hope them fuckers never make another dollar on this earth.

First of all, I don't need cosigns from any of you. None of you have proved that you know anymore about the subject than I do, so what value would your cosigns even hold?

You asked me to post a source showing how slavery weakened Africa opening the door to colonization. I provided a formally reviewed and sourced paper. You asked me to show you a source for my claim that blacks were congregated in the southeast. I provided you a map created from census data. The only thing you asked me to do that I didn't is post a list of castles and their builders. I didn't do that because it's unnecessary. You made a claim, and one example, which I gave, was good enough to refute that claim. So far I've backed up every claim I've made with verifiable data and information. You claim I'm spreading misinformation while you get on here and say the Moors built 90% of the castles in Europe and back that with a source discussing castles built in Spain, which is just one country out of a whole continent.

And what's really telling is you keep on harping on this wealth gap point that I never made. For the last time, I never said there wasn't a wealth gap between blacks and whites. I said you have to be careful about how you throw around raw averages because they don't always tell the whole story. I gave you the example about the population demographics to show how the data could be skewed. You basically tapped out on that discussion because you didn't know what the fuck you were talking about and have gone back to accusing me of making claims that I never made. Shit like that is pathetic.

Don't quote me again, until you can accurately state the points I'm making and then post reputable counter evidence that shows that I'm wrong. Until then I'm not responding to you again because I don't give a shit about these rants you keep going on where you attack my credibility but provide nothing of substance that actually proves me wrong.