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Israel Prime Minister Says Country Is "At War"

That's the whole point of the video that I don't think you're getting. The video is to show what Hamas stands for. He says support Hamas and free Palestinians and people who don't know the correlation say of course I'll support Palestinians. That is until he describes what Hamas stands for and they say no thanks

People do these videos about US politicians. They'll ask people questions about politicians that people support blindly and don't know the policies of the person they're supporting. In the end they'll find out that they really don't want to support that politician

lol Bruh, what do you not get about what I'm saying. My issue is right in your post. He doesn't need to tie support for Hamas to support for a free Palestine to correct the record about Hamas. What he's doing is trying to make it seem like the two things are one in the same, so that when he makes them see how disgusting Hamas is, they go back on their support for any of it. That's bullshit.

You can support a free Palestine without supporting Hamas just like you can support Israel while also condemning Netanyahu's government.

Think about the George Floyd protests. There were CACs playing the same game then. They were basically going around asking something in the vein of "Do you support BLM and the fight for equality in the criminal justice system?" Then they'd basically flood those people with data about damages from riots or misappropriated funds by the BLM organization in an attempt to get people to abandon the cause. Even if you didn't agree with protesters burning down business, that shouldn't affect whether or not you agree with the need for police reform.
lol Bruh, what do you not get about what I'm saying. My issue is right in your post. He doesn't need to tie support for Hamas to support for a free Palestine to correct the record about Hamas. What he's doing is trying to make it seem like the two things are one in the same, so that when he makes them see how disgusting Hamas is, they go back on their support for any of it. That's bullshit.

You can support a free Palestine without supporting Hamas just like you can support Israel while also condemning Netanyahu's government.

Think about the George Floyd protests. There were CACs playing the same game then. They were basically going around asking something in the vein of "Do you support BLM and the fight for equality in the criminal justice system?" Then they'd basically flood those people with data about damages from riots or misappropriated funds by the BLM organization in an attempt to get people to abandon the cause. Even if you didn't agree with protesters burning down business, that shouldn't affect whether or not you agree with the need for police reform.
Incorrect. They only stop supporting Hamas for Palestinians. He's getting people to understand how bad Hamas is. He isn't trying to get people to stop supporting Palestinians. He's educating people on how bad Hamas is. I really don't understand how you're reaching that conclusion. He literally does need to tie it in. It's the whole point of the video
Incorrect. They only stop supporting Hamas for Palestinians. He's getting people to understand how bad Hamas is. He isn't trying to get people to stop supporting Palestinians. He's educating people on how bad Hamas is. I really don't understand how you're reaching that conclusion. He literally does need to tie it in. It's the whole point of the video

Are you really being serious right now? He's clearly not doing what you're saying he's doing. Go back and watch the video. He literally just went up to a bunch of people and said "Do you want to sign a petition supporting Hamas and a free Palestine?" A bunch people were like "Sure, I want a free Palestine" Then he told them a bunch of foul things about Hamas and the people decided they no longer wanted to sign the petition. Why? Because he tied the two issues together in his framing in a way that didn't allow them to voice support for one thing and not the other. You either sign the petition meaning you support both, or you don't sign the petition and are therefore unable to voice support for either. He didn't provide any nuance. He just told them that supporting Hamas and a free Palestine meant supporting a bunch of bad shit.

Once again, if all he wanted to do was clear the record on how bad Hamas was, why didn't he just ask "Do you want to sign this petition supporting Hamas?"
That's the whole point of the video that I don't think you're getting. The video is to show what Hamas stands for. He says support Hamas and free Palestinians and people who don't know the correlation say of course I'll support Palestinians. That is until he describes what Hamas stands for and they say no thanks

People do these videos about US politicians. They'll ask people questions about politicians that people support blindly and don't know the policies of the person they're supporting. In the end they'll find out that they really don't want to support that politician

Are you really being serious right now? He's clearly not doing what you're saying he's doing. Go back and watch the video. He literally just went up to a bunch of people and said "Do you want to sign a petition supporting Hamas and a free Palestine?" A bunch people were like "Sure, I want a free Palestine" Then he told them a bunch of foul things about Hamas and the people decided they no longer wanted to sign the petition. Why? Because he tied the two issues together in his framing in a way that didn't allow them to voice support for one thing and not the other. You either sign the petition meaning you support both, or you don't sign the petition and are therefore unable to voice support for either. He didn't provide any nuance. He just told them that supporting Hamas and a free Palestine meant supporting a bunch of bad shit.

Once again, if all he wanted to do was clear the record on how bad Hamas was, why didn't he just ask "Do you want to sign this petition supporting Hamas?"
I've watched it multiple times now trying to understand how you're reaching that and I'm confused on how you are. Video is really simple and the technique is used on various topics.

I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on the impasse
lol Bruh, what do you not get about what I'm saying. My issue is right in your post. He doesn't need to tie support for Hamas to support for a free Palestine to correct the record about Hamas. What he's doing is trying to make it seem like the two things are one in the same, so that when he makes them see how disgusting Hamas is, they go back on their support for any of it. That's bullshit.

You can support a free Palestine without supporting Hamas just like you can support Israel while also condemning Netanyahu's government.

Think about the George Floyd protests. There were CACs playing the same game then. They were basically going around asking something in the vein of "Do you support BLM and the fight for equality in the criminal justice system?" Then they'd basically flood those people with data about damages from riots or misappropriated funds by the BLM organization in an attempt to get people to abandon the cause. Even if you didn't agree with protesters burning down business, that shouldn't affect whether or not you agree with the need for police reform.
I get what you are trying to play at but International politics is a different game.

Lemme give you an example of what u are saying...if the Mohawk people decided they had had enough and they took on military actions maybe even terrorist actions against Americans on American soil. It could be argued that they are well within their right to do so.Its just a slope with only losers.
But they did the exact opposite each
I get what you are trying to play at but International politics is a different game.

Lemme give you an example of what u are saying...if the Mohawk people decided they had had enough and they took on military actions maybe even terrorist actions against Americans on American soil. It could be argued that they are well within their right to do so.Its just a slope with only losers.
But they did the exact opposite each

We committed war crimes in both Afganistan and Iraq, so we aren't innocent. But after 9/11 we didn't just go bomb Afghanistan into oblivion with no regard for civilian life. No one would have supported that, so it's weird that so many people in the U.S. are willing to support Israel doing it.
We committed war crimes in both Afganistan and Iraq, so we aren't innocent. But after 9/11 we didn't just go bomb Afghanistan into oblivion with no regard for civilian life. No one would have supported that, so it's weird that so many people in the U.S. are willing to support Israel doing it.
Yikes...Brudda. Our dear black broda Obama had predators on speed dial. I'm pretty sure we didn't drop the same payload but the fatalities are quite bad.
Yikes...Brudda. Our dear black broda Obama had predators on speed dial. I'm pretty sure we didn't drop the same payload but the fatalities are quite bad.

I know. I always used to scoff when I'd hear those super left wing people say that Obama should be on trial for war crimes. Once I saw the numbers though, I realized they were right. It's one thing to launch a couple drone attacks and find that you're just killing civilians. That would be messed up, but at least you could say you didn't know. But once you know and continue to do sustained attacks over two terms in office knowing you're mostly killing civilians...you should have to answer for that.

Still the drone attacks are the same as what Israel is doing. They aren't trying to make a targeted strike and unnecessarily endangering other people. They are literally attacking civilian targets. They've killed more innocent people in this three weeks than Obama did his entire time in office.
Id be curious to see how many Americans have been killed or injured by all this bombing over there. Are those "acceptable losses" as well?
Publicly the politicians will care or rather use it to their benefit...
But as far as whatever their goals, it means nothing to them.
I don't know about that Dawg. I think it boils down to historical relations. Palestine has always wanted better relationship with Israel. Israel doesn't care .

Either ways if they duke it out and it's a full blown conflict Israel and Palestine lose and the US breeds another terrorist group.

Also Israel doesn't have enough ammunition for this war. They thought they did, but they don't. The US also doesn't have enough ammunition for this conflict if it goes over 4 months(think, that means precise and deterring actions).

It's just a mess. I don't want to dwell on it cos unfortunately I don't care enough.
The US could have helped end this incessant warring decades ago with the sort of leverage they have over Israel but it's their jewel in the middle east so let the death and destruction continue.