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Israel Prime Minister Says Country Is "At War"

Yeah bro. Shooting old ladies in the head at bus stops, real freedom fighter shit.

The places with the settlers is the West Bank and the Golan Heights. The Gaza Strip has no settlers. All it has are a bunch of terrorists using civilians as meat shields and propaganda pieces for their supposed holy war and their foreign handlers geopolitical goals.
You’re woefully uninformed. If at some point you care enough to do the knowledge, you can get the real even from JEWISH sources that illuminate what has really been going on. Start with Dr. Norman Finklestein. He probably has more material than you can even digest, but if you get tired of his voice then move on to Noam Chomsky. Then look at the UN resolutions passed against them. And so on and so and so on.
Or they knew and let it happen.

“Never let a crisis go to waste”
NATO & Israel stage a lot of things to create an atmosphere of chaos but I think they failed to see this & are scratching their heads on what went wrong

The man has been known to do unspeakable evil shit while playing the good guy role
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Israel has blown up couple building cut off the electric power & probably shut off the water
You’re woefully uninformed. If at some point you care enough to do the knowledge, you can get the real even from JEWISH sources that illuminate what has really been going on. Start with Dr. Norman Finklestein. He probably has more material than you can even digest, but if you get tired of his voice then move on to Noam Chomsky. Then look at the UN resolutions passed against them. And so on and so and so on.

I love it when people tell someone they are wrong and then tell them to find the information. You were well within your ability to point any falsities in my comment yourself but you didn't, because nothing I said was a lie. Finklestein said, and I quote, the actions of Hamas yesterday "warms [sic] every fiber of [his] soul". Now, I am very aware of the anti-semitism that runs rampant in our community but come the fuck on, y'all? Really? We SEE the videos my niggas. In what world is shooting some old bitch in the head okay? Have y'all lost ya fucking minds?

This does nothing for Palestinians. It makes life harder for them. Bibi and the ultra-orthodox dickheads been WAITING for the chances to cause more pain. Hamas does not represent Palestine. They use Palestine and it's suffering for their own gain. Fuck Hamas.

You are very obviously anti-Israel, which, great, you find yourself in abundant company here. I've not posted anything pro-Israel, my comments have been very leveled. I'm just not afraid of calling Hamas a terror group without hedging with "but also THE JEWSSSS".
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You’re woefully uninformed. If at some point you care enough to do the knowledge, you can get the real even from JEWISH sources that illuminate what has really been going on. Start with Dr. Norman Finklestein. He probably has more material than you can even digest, but if you get tired of his voice then move on to Noam Chomsky. Then look at the UN resolutions passed against them. And so on and so and so on.

Bruh he really wilding with that post
And watch America get in this shit and fully support Israel and then act like the rest of the Middle East hates freedom and God
I love it when people tell someone they are wrong and then tell them to find the information. You were well within your ability to point any falsities in my comment yourself but you didn't, because nothing I said was a lie. Finklestein said, and I quote, the actions of Hamas yesterday "warms [sic] every fiber of [his] soul". Now, I am very aware of the anti-semitism that runs rampant in our community but come the fuck on, y'all? Really? We SEE the videos my niggas. In what world is shooting some old bitch in the head okay? Have y'all lost ya fucking minds?

This does nothing for Palestinians. It makes life harder for them. Bibi and the ultra-orthodox dickheads been WAITING for the chances to cause more pain. Hamas does not represent Palestine. They use Palestine and it's suffering for their own gain. Fuck Hamas.

You are very obviously anti-Israel, which, great, you find yourself in abundant company here. I've not posted anything pro-Israel, my comments have been very leveled. I'm just not afraid of calling Hamas a terror group without hedging with "but also THE JEWSSSS".

Call them a terror group all you want that’s fine but how they get there? Because even if they were gone wouldn’t it just be another group and another group and another group.

I don’t think they are heroes or anything but oppressed people take extreme measures
Call them a terror group all you want that’s fine but how they get there? Because even if they were gone wouldn’t it just be another group and another group and another group.

I don’t think they are heroes or anything but oppressed people take extreme measures

I've called out Israel. There is never a justification for murdering innocents. Resistance is against the authorities, not children and women at hippie festivals. They targeted civilians, that makes them evil.

Palestinian people are oppressed, Hamas (who are not representative of Palestine) are fucking terrorists. They haven't held elections in the Gaza Strip in idk how long. Remember that despite seeing videos of people cheering, you did not see 2 MILLION people cheering.
Not surprising

I tell people all the time that Irán is not going to keep putting up with their shit
