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is this an accurate portrayal of your household?

“I dont experience this therefore it doesnt exist” is the worst thing that happened to social media
Which is also true…

all comes down to mufuckas ignorantly or purposefully not acknowledging that MOST things in life are not black and white and that MOST things are in fact, inherently gray.

Its the lack of nuance and critical thinking for me.
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Figured that post was satire, not something to be taken seriously.
Never heard of this being a "not my job" kind of thing from any parents I know.

Anyway, my father was a Drill Sergeant.
Got smoked enough to dress myself for school very early as a kid.
Speaking of which, @mryounggun ................were you the same one who was pissed when your child's mom (or wife)......said she felt like a single mother?

Or was that someone else?

If it's not you it's t@1000mileshigh or whatever his screenname was.

Yeah, that was me. Years ago my son's mom said she felt like a single mom because our work schedules didn't really line up. She worked 4x10, 8am-5pm, and was off Saturday, Sunday and Monday. I worked 5x8, 2pm-11pm, with Wednesday and Thursday off.

The benefit is that our son only had to go to daycare on Tuesdays and Fridays. The down side is that we didn't have much time to spend together as a couple and that we both usually had our son on our own.

This nigga @deadeye has the memory of an elephant.
Yeah, that was me. Years ago my son's mom said she felt like a single mom because our work schedules didn't really line up. She worked 4x10, 8am-5pm, and was off Saturday, Sunday and Monday. I worked 5x8, 2pm-11pm, with Wednesday and Thursday off.

The benefit is that our son only had to go to daycare on Tuesdays and Fridays. The down side is that we didn't have much time to spend together as a couple and that we both usually had our son on our own.

This nigga @deadeye has the memory of an elephant.

Well, they say the memory is the last thing to go..........so I guess I've got a few good years left.

But nah, I remember you mentioning it more than once on the old site.

It was funny because I could tell you were legit heated about it.

Yet, at the same time, it made me think about what really constitutes a woman being a single mother.

Is it relationship status.........marital status......is it the father not being in the child's life at all?

I can actually see it from multiple points of view.

Meaning, a single mother who's getting help from her child's father shouldn't be placed in the same category as a mother who's doing everything on her own and not getting any help from the father at all.

I can also understand how a mother who has primary custody would feel like she's a single mother even with help from the father.

Simply because she's with the child most of the time.

However, I'd never heard of a mother who was in a relationship with her child's father say she felt like a single mother.
Well, they say the memory is the last thing to go..........so I guess I've got a few good years left.

But nah, I remember you mentioning it more than once on the old site.

It was funny because I could tell you were legit heated about it.

Yet, at the same time, it made me think about what really constitutes a woman being a single mother.

Is it relationship status.........marital status......is it the father not being in the child's life at all?

I can actually see it from multiple points of view.

Meaning, a single mother who's getting help from her child's father shouldn't be placed in the same category as a mother who's doing everything on her own and not getting any help from the father at all.

I can also understand how a mother who has primary custody would feel like she's a single mother even with help from the father.

Simply because she's with the child most of the time.

However, I'd never heard of a mother who was in a relationship with her child's father say she felt like a single mother.

I look at it like this: I could never refer to myself as a 'single father'. Because I'm only responsible for these fuckers 50% of the time. All me. The other 50% of the time, someone else is 100% responsible for their well-being and I'm 100% confident that they are taken care of.

Now if there is a primary parent and the other parent gets like weekends and shit, I can understand that.
Naw it don't go down like that over here. Now like du said my lil girl hair i don't really fool with. but I can do a almost good ponytail.
here goes the over generalization by the Twitter idiot's and limp wrist once again. For all we know the male parent has to be at work hours before the kids have to go to school but he picks the kids up. The female parent my have to be to work later so she's in charge of the morning duty. ORRRRR dad ain't shit who dafuck knows

Me basically... but I do pick up the kids from their minder if I return back before the missus

But then I'm not a lazy dude ... never have been. I always have the kids welfare utmost if the missus is tired or needs rest