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is this an accurate portrayal of your household?

Nah, we both grew up in a family that dad's job was put a roof over their head, food on the table and clothes on their backs. With my youngest I helped all the time but then as she got older she started helping get the siblings that came after ready and so on and so forth. Mom not really doing it herself it was just I wasn't helping

Do you not do anything else around the house? Does your wife work as much and provide as much as you? Just curious.
here goes the over generalization by the Twitter idiot's and limp wrist once again. For all we know the male parent has to be at work hours before the kids have to go to school but he picks the kids up. The female parent my have to be to work later so she's in charge of the morning duty. ORRRRR dad ain't shit who dafuck knows
I must admit, it does seem like a lot of niggas feel like their only role in parenting should be providing financially. I suspect that's why, when relationships or marriages dissolve, both mom and dad just assume that mom will be the primary parent and dad will have weekends...because he essentially has no idea how to or desire to actually care for his children in any real way other than financially.

Cold world.
:scust:The fuq happened to you bruh?

You changing
Do you not do anything else around the house? Does your wife work as much and provide as much as you? Just curious.
I do everything else, I'm the fix it man, the yard guy and everything else that the man should be doing even though we're not together I'm still mr fix it when something wrong. When they need to go somewhere I do that so I'm only 10% useless
It use to be how my wife and I worked the household. Mainly because at the time, my wife was out of work and I was working 12 hours a day and weekends. After a while, I would take over for her and take care of things while she would get the rest. Now that she is back working, we try to help each other with everything.
If we bring real, it is ain’t shit niggas in the same house as they kids with no fuks given.

but of tons of niggas doing above and beyond for their kids.

then comes the reason why some dudes are hands off. (They ain’t shit in general, always fighting to be included, and always doing it “wrong”)

the aint shit non helping niggas shouldn’t be in the house. The other shit can be fixed.
I do everything else, I'm the fix it man, the yard guy and everything else that the man should be doing even though we're not together I'm still mr fix it when something wrong. When they need to go somewhere I do that so I'm only 10% useless

Well recognize that's different than what's being implied in the OP. The one chick was basically saying that women do everything around the house plus work and men just work. You're basically just saying that you don't always do some of the routine things with the kids, but you do your part to take care of the household.

Anyway, what's up with black women and their need to build themselves up by tearing men down. It's bad enough we get constant barrage of "I'm the mother and the father" sentiment from the single mothers when men aren't present in the household. Now we got chicks trying to act like they do everything even when the man is present? Shit is tiresome.

Well recognize that's different than what's being implied in the OP. The one chick was basically saying that women do everything around the house plus work and men just work. You're basically just saying that you don't always do some of the routine things with the kids, but you do your part to take care of the household.

Anyway, what's up with black women and their need to build themselves up by tearing men down. It's bad enough we get constant barrage of "I'm the mother and the father" sentiment from the single mothers when men aren't present in the household. Now we got chicks trying to act like they do everything even when the man is present? Shit is tiresome.

It is.
We can have great moms without shitting in the dad.

it is a such thing as great parents.

but black girl magic.
You was suppose to have my back so I wouldn't be the only one not getting kids dressed, lucky for you OGDirtyDee know how it is
I didn't get the memo

I comb, brush, style hair and make sure she has panties and other essentials when she's at my house. Now her mother on the other hand would have you believe she's the only one that cares about these things but that's for another thread.

I want my daughter to be just as comfortable receiving these acts of service if you will from me just as much as she is comfortable with getting them from her mother
No, and I don't know any two parent households that are like that.

I'm sure there are households like that, but I also believe that the exaggeration of how common it is is just more an example of some of these chicks trying to discredit men and fathers. If you got a do-nothing dude, stop trying to make it seem like every dude is like that.
This and im tired of @Race Jones and her constant attempts at trauma bonding