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Is the conscious community frauds?

How ADOS a plant group when Democrats called them a Russian plant group?

I am confusion.
I'm going to take this question in good faith and not as a gotcha attempt...

Idk.. they have ties to dems locally where they congregate. Tariq exposed them after cosigning them and putting his following onto them cuz he been preaching the notion of repping our American lineage as the aboriginal ppl of this land. They were supposed to be a grassroots group based on lineage but they're actually a group who's compromised with Democrat and LGBT agendas. Ados members have to register and pay fees to join....a group based on lineage. Once Tariq exposed them the in fighting began and things fell apart
you claimed it was a “success” many claimed it was not

so thanks for proving that you pulled that success shit out your ass

Karen Jones proving @Disanthrope right I see.

The only legit gripe could be the tweet about the long wait and no commissary.
Could be a lack of professionalism depending on the reason for the wait.
The event itself lacking a food/drink is an inconvenience, but if it was already available downstairs as he claims it's irrelevant.
If it wasn't promised in the first place, even more irrelevant.

But that still doesn't negate the event being a success.
The event happened as promised, people got what they paid for, and many more people were satisfied with it despite the flaws.
That is still a success. The intended result was achieved.
You can easily search twitter and see the majority of genuine responses of those that went that prove so.

Failure would be the complete opposite happening.
The event not being able to be funded, people not getting what they paid for, overwhelming amount of people dissatisfied,
the organizers losing money and not recouping their cost, the event getting abruptly shut down and/or all the above.
The same way you judge any event.
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Find dissatisfied ATTENDEES and post their dissatisfaction with the event

I'll wait

Even with that, you can easily find several more post of people satisfied to match it.
Going tit for tat is pointless.
Judging it by the majority opinion and the factors I mention above seems more practical.
Yall scapegoat people like Tariq as a excuse to stay obedient.

Bottom line yall aren't interested in challenging white supremacy

Hit dogs holler at will...