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OPINION Is Marvel's Black Panther movie really a "special moment" for Black America??

is it the first comic movie to feature a black character? no

is it the first comic movie to feature a black character with a predominantly (by a significant margin) of black actors, extras, director, writers, etc...? yes
Yes. But owned and funded by who?
His presidency has come and gone and are black people any more better off today? I don’t believe in symbolism I believe in tangibles.
obama was a cool as president, i enjoyed his 8 years it was inspirational and it showed the countries growth. However shit still shit.......

I was happy when the nigga won, but i ain't cry like it was the begin of new days for black america.....i thought niggaz was overacting then......that's why i lvoed that boondocks episode.. shit stay capturing how i feel about shit.....

i used to clown tyler perry movies... i mean i had a few of them cuz i knew chicks liked to watch them... but i clowned them too...got called a hater.....they made fun of that shit too...on fucking point....

this shit no different....i'm making all these points now, and niggaz acting liek they don't get it...

but wait till a black comedian makes fun of the black folk hype from this movie....

let there been a boondocks episode where niggaz weas beeing super extra and animated about seeing the movie...

everybody would laugh their asses off.....cuz they know it's true...

but when i say it now.....i'm reaching....

niggaz take shit so seriously they dno't even see the humor in the silly shit they doing
this is why it gets frustrating....

i pointed out very early that the movie is coming out coincidentally in february a time of the year when black people collectively come together and celebrate black history...

yall rebuttal...

"i celebrate it every day"

so what the fuck... does that mean that we should not give a fuck about a whole month that's dedicated to putting out black positive images all over the world, and information... because you... just you.... celebrate it every day??/ there's a lotta people who don't... and i still feel bhm is important... but the irony is not lost on me that the most celebrated figure this february in the black community will be a fictional one....

the argument at is's essence is that we place more favor to a fictional history, than our actual history, bcu one looks better, and that is dangerous or harmful, especially when we over do it.....like we are with this movie
no brah

and like i told you, at this stage in my life, i dont need a month for me to research the contributions made by african americans. For some reason, you are trig.....are annoyed and came to the conclusion that this somehow diminishes the relevancy of BHM like they cant BOTH exist simultaneously.

I asked you did you feel a type of way that Deadpool came out during BHM, although they released it, intentionally to coincide with Vday which is also in the month of February? i didnt see you specifically address that, but if you did and i overlooked it, i apologize.

You are presenting a scenario where its "either or" when it can be both.
is it the first comic movie to feature a black character? no

is it the first comic movie to feature a black character with a predominantly (by a significant margin) of black actors, extras, director, writers, etc...? yes
yea cuz meteor man never happened
Because black people love the idea of symbolism. That’s like jews celebrating the building of a Jewish museum in the heart of the holocaust. How is Obama becoming president meaningful for black people?

So... Do you not see the importance of any black pioneers? Breaking color barriers isn't significant to you?
obama was a cool as president, i enjoyed his 8 years it was inspirational and it showed the countries growth. However shit still shit.......

I was happy when the nigga won, but i ain't cry like it was the begin of new days for black america.....i thought niggaz was overacting then......that's why i lvoed that boondocks episode.. shit stay capturing how i feel about shit.....

i used to clown tyler perry movies... i mean i had a few of them cuz i knew chicks liked to watch them... but i clowned them too...got called a hater.....they made fun of that shit too...on fucking point....

this shit no different....i'm making all these points now, and niggaz acting liek they don't get it...

but wait till a black comedian makes fun of the black folk hype from this movie....

let there been a boondocks episode where niggaz weas beeing super extra and animated about seeing the movie...

everybody would laugh their asses off.....cuz they know it's true...

but when i say it now.....i'm reaching....

niggaz take shit so seriously they dno't even see the humor in the silly shit they doing
Don’t get me wrong I was happy for Obama. The problem with black people is that they viewed Obama’s presence in the White House as something tangible in itself, so he didn’t have to do anything else but be the black president in the White House. Same with this movie they like the symbolism of a majority black cast and crew but who’s still pulling the strings? Who was really pulling the strings while Obama was in office? My point exactly.
no brah

and like i told you, at this stage in my life, i dont need a month for me to research the contributions made by african americans. For some reason, you are trig.....are annoyed and came to the conclusion that this somehow diminishes the relevancy of BHM like they cant BOTH exist simultaneously.

I asked you did you feel a type of way that Deadpool came out during BHM, although they released it, intentionally to coincide with Vday which is also in the month of February? i didnt see you specifically address that, but if you did and i overlooked it, i apologize.

You are presenting a scenario where its "either or" when it can be both.
because deadpool was not a black character who the black community overreacted to.....

I strongly feel that BP was strategically being released during black history month to capitalize on the commercial mentality of the black americans.....

And I strongly feel that our folk did not disappoint those marketing minds, cuz they bout to treat this with more significance than bhm as a whole.....
forgot about meteor man

my bad...i have no issue when admitting im wrong about something that can be factually proven
of course you did, because you're so romanticized by BP it completely erased an actual applaudable moment in black history...

but i'm making this shit up......
The same way people portray the extremes of our community..(or those that participate in those extremes disseminate those extremes or lowest common denominator with furvor)

Your are doing the same thing with some peoples exaggerated jubilation of BP... these people are on in the same with Trekkies/StarWars extremist but with a layer of social significance you are doing the same thing and that in no way is representative of the vast majority.... the same same can be said for the negative right.... right
IF you expeced 8 years to change conditions that have been placed/created/perfected for 100s of years then i dont know what to tell you..

Martin Luther King had a DREAM.....Dream
of course you did, because you're so romanticized by BP it completely erased an actual applaudable moment in black history...

but i'm making this shit up......
nah b/c meteor man just wasn't that memorable

With this logic your traditions started when we were brought here. Instead of the ones that started over 2000 years ago.

Oh, best believe we kept some of our traditions intact.

Why do you think Black churches worship vastly different from white churches? Africans that were brought over as slaves kept some of their old traditions and religious practices intact by mixing them with Christianity.
The same way people portray the extremes of our community..(or those that participate in those extremes disseminate those extremes or lowest common denominator with furvor)

Your are doing the same thing with some peoples exaggerated jubilation of BP... these people are on in the same with Trekkies/StarWars extremist but with a layer of social significance you are doing the same thing and that in no way is representative of the vast majority.... the same same can be said for the negative right.... right
a lot of it is fake as fuck tho...

like i totally understand comic book heads who been dedicated to BP as a character for 10+ or even 5+ years......that's cool... but the trendy folk who really don't give a fuck about comics or marvel, never watched one MCU movie....who are just going out here to see black people doing cool shit are largely just representing a issue that I feel i've been overly adressing in ths thread, but niggaz seem to be completely obliviosu of it
a lot of it is fake as fuck tho...

like i totally understand comic book heads who been dedicated to BP as a character for 10+ or even 5+ years......that's cool... but the trendy folk who really don't give a fuck about comics or marvel, never watched one MCU movie....who are just going out here to see black people doing cool shit are largely just representing a issue that I feel i've been overly adressing in ths thread, but niggaz seem to be completely obliviosu of it

WHO CARES if they never saw a MCU flick before

1) they gon be lost af if they dont understand how this film affects the rest of the MCU

2) what if this gets them more interested in BP the character and want to read up on him and buy the comics and whatnot

but i guess point no. 2 really dont matter since BP wasnt created by a black person