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Is Kamala Harris The Best Candidate For Black People?

I think she should meet with KH.

Tariq will definitely get her to answer some tough questions.

I think her team can prepare her for the questions or what she should expect from the meeting
That's your opinion, but you don't even follow dude or know about dude so how would you know what's goin on with him and whose productive?

I trust that he will ask her simple questions that some black folks want to know, I'm sure he's going to lean towards the black scholars way with asking her some things.

I think it'll be a good meeting

It'll get a lot of views
Ah ok
The point is that Kamal Harris is the VP and a POTUS candidate and you're trying to support a claim for a meeting from a nigga that you clearly have not done any background on.

If I do a background check, what am I looking for that will knock him out from meeting with her?

Tell me the 5 things that I need to seek out that's gonna make him not a worth interviewer?
If I do a background check, what am I looking for that will knock him out from meeting with her?

Tell me the 5 things that I need to seek out that's gonna make him not a worth interviewer?

1. What credentials does he have to ask the things that he speaks of?
2. Does any of his past behavior impact his credibility to ask any questions on the subjects that he wants to talk about?
3. Does he already have an opinion politically about Kamala Harris before ever sharing the same space with her?
4. Does he rely on factual information to form his talking points?
5. What is his motive for using his platform?
Meg talked about gun violence. What is Tariq qualified to talk about after he Mink Slides?
She got shot in the fucking pinky so that gives her the right to bust it open on stage?????

Meanwhile Tariq organized the second rally for reparations that turned out 10,000 people in DC

None of you abw Stooges can fathom that because all yall know is obedience to the white man

Los, you have zero integrity and all you do is make bad faith arguments to benefit an anti-black agenda

I'm done
1. What credentials does he have to ask the things that he speaks of?
2. Does any of his past behavior impact his credibility to ask any questions on the subjects that he wants to talk about?
3. Does he already have an opinion politically about Kamala Harris before ever sharing the same space with her?
4. Does he rely on factual information to form his talking points?
5. What is his motive for using his platform?


I'll use this pressing forward with every person that KH speaks with in black folk spots along with other cultures, Deal?
She won’t bro

You just don't want her to meet with him lol

You know like I know, that ass will get set to the fire, and you know shit can turn out bad or it can go well, but you know it may not go like you want it to go, nigga don't act

You couldn't even answer the question I asked you smh

Wash bro.
She got shot in the fucking pinky so that gives her the right to bust it open on stage?????

Tariq has never held politically office and he has more failed songs (Mink Slide) than political campaigns so what right does he have to get involved politically with a POTUS candidate?

Meanwhile Tariq organized the second rally for reparations that turned out 10,000 people in DC

And what was the end game for this rally?
You just don't want her to meet with him lol

You know like I know, that ass will get set to the fire, and you know shit can turn out bad or it can go well, but you know it may not go like you want it to go, nigga don't act

You couldn't even answer the question I asked you smh

Wash bro.
I answered it u don’t like the answer lol that’s on you

I don’t care w Kamala does bro but I’m telling you she not meeting w him

U wanna put some money on it?