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Is Kamala Harris The Best Candidate For Black People?


Republicans got you beat. It ain't even close.

1-Illegal aliens/Open borders (stupidest idea in human history for a country that pissed off much of the world)
As well as other shenanigans (climate change, poop maps, hidin' facts)

Blacks who think otherwise are an embarrassment to this race.

Idk about a poop map or whatever and bruh lbgqt black people have not hurt the race at all. You just don’t like gay people or think they deserve respect which is stupid.

I think the immigrant thing would worry me if I lived by a lot or impacted my day to day but that for Chicago and New York niggas. And also why neither side will hold the companies that hire illegals as responsible.

But voting for a dumb ass white man ain’t a great choice. What he doing for us
Medicaid & Medicare has been under attack for years.... decades.....

Even veteran benefits and social secuirity were threatened to be cut before Project 2025

Yet nothing significant happened.

so now it's campaign time

we should be scared?


Because the shills told us to be scared?
Because now extreme conservatives actually have enough power at all levels of government to actually implement the things they want. Roe v Wade was "settled law" for decades before it got overturned.
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Niggas mentioned the border Like there wasn’t a bipartisan border bill addressing most of the border issues crafted by the Republicans and agreed by all that was ultimately rejected at the direction of Trump just because he wanted to be able to say it’s the Democrats fault

Y’all never cease to amaze me at y’all ability to seamlessly do MAGAs job better than they can
Idk about a poop map or whatever and bruh lbgqt black people have not hurt the race at all. You just don’t like gay people or think they deserve respect which is stupid.

I think the immigrant thing would worry me if I lived by a lot or impacted my day to day but that for Chicago and New York niggas. And also why neither side will hold the companies that hire illegals as responsible.

But voting for a dumb ass white man ain’t a great choice. What he doing for us

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Literally been discussed too.

I ain't een gotta go in debate the rest.
LMAO 🤣 🤣 🤣

Fam if you... You know what... Nevermind

Edit: not you Elzo
Because now extreme conservatives actually have enough power at all levels of government to actually implement they things they want. Roe v Wade was "settled law" for decades before it got overturned.
Abortion rates is still increasing
Especially in Georgia.
Medicaid & Medicare has been under attack for years.... decades.....

Even veteran benefits and social secuirity were threatened to be cut before Project 2025

Yet nothing significant happened.

so now it's campaign time

we should be scared?


Because the shills told us to be scared?
Project 2025 expands the powers of the executive office making it more feasible the proposals get implemented.

I’m beginning to think you have no interest in understanding it and just want to stay in your bubble so we can disengage now.
Project 2025 expands the powers of the executive office making it more feasible the proposals get implemented.

I’m beginning to think you have no interest in understanding it and just want to stay in your bubble so we can disengage now.
Just give it up fam

You not changing his mind on this and that's ok

I'm learning to do this in my real life as well
Project 2025 expands the powers of the executive office making it more feasible the proposals get implemented.

I’m beginning to think you have no interest in understanding it and just want to stay in your bubble so we can disengage now.
Project 2025 is a boogie man

Textbook Fearmongering

Project 2025 is white supremacy and they're already doing that. It's nothing new. It's a rebrand

Kamala plans on practicing white supremacy by another name
I’m not scared of Project Asshole, but the mere fact they could suggest certain things is outlandish and so anti-American, it should give pause to EVERY real American citizen:

Dismantling the Department of Education, which is going to wreak HAVOC on kids, especially students in under-funded neighborhoods and students that have Special Educational Needs

Banning ALL contraceptives, up to and including condoms

Trying to force what left of the Education System to teach Christianity in the schools, even to students that come from homes that aren’t Christian-based

Giving FULL immunity to police for their actions, no matter how deplorable those actions are or who gets killed behind them

Eliminating ALL forms of climate change initiatives

Pretty much eliminating all forms of rights for The Alphabet Mob.

Like, none of these initiatives being proposed should be overlooked.
Just give it up fam

You not changing his mind on this and that's ok

I'm learning to do this in my real life as well
Wise words. I don't know how - after all these years - niggas don't already have a mental list of who to go back and forth with and who not to. A lot of these niggas either aren't interested in a genuine dialogue about shit or aren't capable of a genuine dialogue about shit, etc.
Wise words. I don't know how - after all these years - niggas don't already have a mental list of who to go back and forth with and who not to. A lot of these niggas either aren't interested in a genuine dialogue about shit or aren't capable of a genuine dialogue about shit, etc.

But be the first ones to shout "iTz Uh MeSSaGe bOarD"
the Alabama brawl made these abw niggas scared. The optics of white people being beaten up by us made abw uncomfortable. After a couple days the mods prematurely locked the thread for no reason.
I loved that brawl.
The solidarity. Oh my.....

When abw discord can't think for themselves, they follow.
"When in Rome....." is abw's motto
get caught up and regret tomorrow
No sorrow

I hope Kamala do become president to ease their fears.
Reparations for FBA?
I hope so yo. I hope yall do get it.....
I disagree with some of yall rhetoric but when it comes to reparations, I totally agree.
That's yall shit because yall can trace yalls ancestry in America since the 17th century.