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Is Kamala Harris The Best Candidate For Black People?

Ran under one party but being paid by the opposition. That would make them compromised to the democrats agenda. Would it not?

Why you so quick to assume anyone supports the Democrats? I have said it many times these conversations are wasteful as it’s a circlejerk of fuck the democrats. Well my nigga that’s cool so what’s next. Let’s talk policies and who can a nigga lobby. I have said before as some invested in the multiple marijuana companies who are taxed out the ass that folks should lobby To Kamala Harris to put the MORE act at the top of the agenda reallocating tax dollars to local black zip codes affected by the war on drugs or fund Dr Claude Anderson’s economic multiplier agenda which is a win win all around. The shit is currently held up for the social justice piece and them crackaz is ready to move without repatriating the funds back to those whose communities. I have no interest in crying about what a politician will do or will not but more so what and whom I can influence.

You’re not logically consistent and that’s where this convo may end.

You advise folks supporting Kamala Harris and Dems ain’t demanding nothing while your planning to support Cornell West and Jill Stein to demand what exactly??? Furthermore how do you guarantee you’re not being paid lip service? What agency do these niggaz have to Successfully push their agenda so we don’t end up here with the same criticisms we have of Biden that he ain’t do shit. Keep the same logic.

He called out Black folks behaving irresponsibly because they go with the wind. Please keep in mind the last election was the only one of I remember he advised ppl to actually go vote because it was important no why would he say that?

I just said if you can’t influence her pick a senator or some reps and put the battery in their back to vote against her budget and side with the republicans…Did you not read that?

Democrats are the weaker of the two party as apparent by republicans ability to fall in line. Seeing that Joe Biden caved to Joe Manchin I would suppose that it’s easier to target a democrat in a fractured party versus otherwise. I’m under the belief that Dr Claude Anderson can use the need for GA votes to lobby for agency in the admin to allocate funds back to our locales.

The Dems haven't done anything in 60 years while in office. Didn't Malcolm and others tell you this? That there alone turns black folks away and black folks have peeped game, took us long enough.

Biden, 2020 did not address black folks, he did not mention anything that he will do for black folks, yet black folks voted on him, that's insane imo.
You have to earn my attention and vote.

Jill Stein and Cornell West stated what they will do for black folks, Could it be lip service, possibly, it can be true. Those 2 people at least have a plan for black people my nigga. That's the difference between Biden/Kamala and West/Stein.

My nigga, Stein in the Breakfast Club said more things about helping the black community than Biden and Harris in the 4 years that they've been on our TV screens. I don't wanna hear from Harris and Biden them how bad we have it and what all we've been through, I know this, I don't wanna hear vote for Harris because she's a black woman, I don't wanna hear vote for Biden because If I'm black I should vote for him that's the difference and that is NOT the same logic my nigga.

My nigga I need you to pay close attention to this paragraph below: This sums up my stance for ANY politician and how I want my politician to approach me for my vote that they want:
This is cut and dry

If someone has a budget earmarked for 40 dollars/million or more and want to give them to me/my people, all 40 dollars, that's the person I want to vote for or they have my attention. That's what black folks are looking for, I don't want 40 dollars going to 40 different people and we are only getting 1 dollar or pennies.
And for those who are on the "well the President/Congress won't do that, I will turn you towards the money that the illegal immigrants get, "Can black folks get those same benefits"?? The money that's being sent to UKranies "Can black folks get a check cut to them for 300 million dollars and more funding to them?" The money sent to Isarel every year "Can black folks get that same money earmarked for them every year" ? And the money that the 5 American Indian Tribe get along with special treatment, casinos, free education, own land, own police departments, tax cuts/breaks "Can Black Folks get that"?

The President who signs off on this and Congress know how to do what's needed, I don't need to hear that ole' Black folks can't only be the ones getting stuff specifically for them when other groups of people are already receiving funding specifically for their group and ONLY for their group. These groups don't even vote in politicians and the presidents but receive more than the people that put you in office.

If a politician doesn't want to offer those 40 dollars "tangibles" that these other groups are getting, that don't even vote for them, those politicians every one that text my phone, get on the tv screen, go on interviews can walk to hell with gasoline socks on cuz they are not getting my vote. Many black folks are starting to peep game and get off the ride and just let shit be.
I have no issue with stein or cornel but I don’t think it’s been a third party president in like over a 100 years if ever. Green Party on paper sounds great to decent human beings who care about the world. But corporations are not donating to them like dems and republicans. Can we even keep money out of politics? Green Party is like Captain Planet in a world ran by Blight. I’d want them to win and have a lot of support throughout the states. But who thinks that’s realistic.

I know yall don’t like hearing that voting for Kamala is done mainly because she is better option that what Trump is on. But that’s literally what it is.

And I really don’t think reparations could happen without a literal war either. If it was even passed it would immediate.

Black Americans are still going to vote but at the end of the day we have to start building ourselves up to rely on each other.
The illegals that are coming over, whose helping them with housing, food and living affairs?

Whose helping Israel?

Whose helping the Ukranies?

You can't sit up here and tell me that the gov't or President doesn't sign off on things to help a "specific' group that don't even vote for them?

Is this true or false that the gov't and President are helping Israel with funding? every year?

Is this true or false that the gov't and President are helping the Ukranies with funding?
You want to switch places with those in the countries you mentioned? Would you? Man the government can help who they want to help with their money, it’s not my business. There’s different motives in these cases you talking about humanitarian reasons, these people get limited help from Government because they in messed up situations due to no fault of their own. Black people in general are not in danger suffering in any way that they don’t bring on themselves at this point. There are a few exceptions to that, but that’s in general. We doing better than ever like I said. Yea the wealth gap is still considerably big with us compared to other groups, but that’s a different problem. We still have more resources than any Egyptian Pharaoh ever had for example. We don’t need our own exclusive interest president especially not one to give us what we want just we can go let God things fall to the wayside. I care about my black people, but I care about God’s things over them. And that applies to my black people in the church. My black people and other people outside of that I still care, but they come second and it’s like that for a reason.
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You want to switch places with those in the countries you mentioned? Would you? Man the government can help who they want to help with their money, it’s not my business. There’s different motives in these cases you talking about humanitarian reasons, these people get limited help from Government because they in messed up situations due to no fault of their own. Black people in general are not in danger suffering in any way that they don’t bring on themselves at this point. There are a few exceptions to that, but that’s in general. We doing better than ever like I said. Yea the wealth gap is still considerably big with us compared to other groups, but that’s a different problem. We still have more resources than any Egyptian Pharaoh ever had for example. We don’t need our own exclusive interest president especially not one to give us what we want just we can go let God things fall to the wayside. I care about my black people, but I care about God’s things over them. And that applies to my black people in the church. My black people and other people outside of that I still care, but they come second and it’s like that for a reason.

Black people need help and if the government can help who they want to help with "our"/tax payers they can help black folks

Why should my tax money help out people who don't even pay taxes? Is that fair?

Do you know that black people men and women are at the bottom? Is this a true statement or false statement?

Black folks, many of them are one paycheck away from being homeless.
You want to switch places with those in the countries you mentioned? Would you? Man the government can help who they want to help with their money, it’s not my business. There’s different motives in these cases you talking about humanitarian reasons, these people get limited help from Government because they in messed up situations due to no fault of their own. Black people in general are not in danger suffering in any way that they don’t bring on themselves at this point. There are a few exceptions to that, but that’s in general. We doing better than ever like I said. Yea the wealth gap is still considerably big with us compared to other groups, but that’s a different problem. We still have more resources than any Egyptian Pharaoh ever had for example. We don’t need our own exclusive interest president especially not one to give us what we want just we can go let God things fall to the wayside. I care about my black people, but I care about God’s things over them. And that applies to my black people in the church. My black people and other people outside of that I still care, but they come second and it’s like that for a reason.
To be real, what does switching places have to do with founding black Americans get what we are owed.

Also, Israel is a world power
The distinction between money and aid needs to also be clear.

A lot of people confuse aid with money/cash instead of items that have monetary value.

i.e. giving a country $200M worth of equipment isn't giving them $200M cash
The distinction between money and aid needs to also be clear.

A lot of people confuse aid with money/cash instead of items that have monetary value.

i.e. giving a country $200M worth of equipment isn't giving them $200M cash
Do you know all the things folks from that country is receiving that moved. All the aid individuals are receiving

They are getting everything from equipment to individual benefits for citizens
Do you know all the things folks from that country is receiving that moved. All the aid individuals are receiving

They are getting everything from equipment to individual benefits for citizens
I'm not versed in these specific details

Care to elaborate?
The distinction between money and aid needs to also be clear.

A lot of people confuse aid with money/cash instead of items that have monetary value.

i.e. giving a country $200M worth of equipment isn't giving them $200M cash

I think the point is Congress and the President can sign off on aid/cash/money to give to a group of people who don't vote instead of signing off on giving aid/cash/money to black folks.

200M worth of anything can go a long way for a group of black people.


"Kamalas entire strategy is just like Obamas. Bluff her way past the black vote by using vague meaningless chatter phrases that can mean whatever The Listener wants them to"

I don't understand why the vast majority of black people go for this. I mean I know why because... Republicans... but damn niggas just don't have no political awareness. And don't care to have any, yall just want somebody pleasant to OBEY.

It took me all of ONE Obama term to see the SCAM. Once he didn't do shit in those first 4 years I knew we got duped

Y'all knew too

The vast majority of black people see the same thing I see but the difference is y'all just go back to picking the cotton while I'm plotting my Escape