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Is emotional abuse a real thing?

im not gon dignify this with a response b/c why?

nigs dont give a lot of shit the proper credence it deserves. Everybody is too busy being macho and puffing their chest out to admit that men go through the same shit as women. They may not process it the same as women as far as the emotional side of it goes, but the shit happens...but this is the internet where no man has ever been hurt by a woman, no man has ever been emotionally scared by a woman, and no man has been emotionally abused by a woman.

as always...take from that, what you will
What she do to you my nigga, hit you with the grits?

I can see the rest of that shit, but aint no one emotionally abusing my grown ass.
I never said those things never happened to men, I said I'm not surprised it happened to you.

real talk...what do you really know about me other than my online persona?

nothing you say?

then B quiet
What she do to you my nigga, hit you with the grits?

I can see the rest of that shit, but aint no one emotionally abusing my grown ass.

yea brah...the good ol fashioned hot grits on my back...nah...it was my chest....nah...even better...my face.....yea..lets go with my face
yea brah...the good ol fashioned hot grits on my back...nah...it was my chest....nah...even better...my face.....yea..lets go with my face
It's ok AP, it's too early to be in your feels
Even though you're my antithesis you still my ABW family
real talk...what do you really know about me other than my online persona?

nothing you say?

then B quiet

Negro you come at me damn near everyday on both sites but now you wanna be all emotional when it's on the other foot. GTFO AP
im not gon dignify this with a response b/c why?

nigs dont give a lot of shit the proper credence it deserves. Everybody is too busy being macho and puffing their chest out to admit that men go through the same shit as women. They may not process it the same as women as far as the emotional side of it goes, but the shit happens...but this is the internet where no man has ever been hurt by a woman, no man has ever been emotionally scared by a woman, and no man has been emotionally abused by a woman.

as always...take from that, what you will

I got so much love for you AP.
Negro you come at me damn near everyday on both sites but now you wanna be all emotional when it's on the other foot. GTFO AP

how am i emotional? lol

you dont wanna have a discussion...you just wanna attempt to mock something that you dont acknowledge as legitimate.

but its not your fault...im saying, men as a whole, especially black men have issues expressing their feelings about things, so we mock things that we dont understand. Like how you can fathom that man could be emotionally abused by his woman? Ya'll trying to paint this picture that a dude is in some corner balled up with tears running down his face when thats not the case at all.

Oh and please believe..i know when shit is just jokes...im just trying to provide some real shit context to the dynamic at play. All of this is based on Race's homeboy situation.
It takes a certain kind of man to admit or even elude to the fact that he has been emotionally abused.

Most deflect and Crack jokes to avoid even speaking on the topic.

Internet thugs stay away from ISH that make them look/feel weak.

Like the booty play convo. Haha. Africans dang near disrespecting dudes for giving their perspective on it. And they didn't even say they liked it. Lol!

Don't make this forum the IC or the Blackboard yall. Where folks are borderline scared to share their thoughts for fear of negative backlash and ridicule.

I mean it's all fun and games till it's not.
If you want a "Donkey" thread where you can be d*cks to all whom enter, create one and let the visitors be warned but try not to be @$$es in EVERY thread.

Folks gotta have a free place for expression or they will lose interest, recluse and become lurkers.

Now..I will say this. Emotional abuse is a CHOICE whether you like it or not. If you are not a child who knows no better, you are CHOOSING to be emotionally abused by the person you are with.

Walk away...simple as that. Yes...Black and White loves. You are in control of your life.
Normally I would call you a name or say something disrespectful to AP but today I'm on my upliftment of our people vibe. So God bless all of you
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Normally I would call I would say something disrespectful to AP but today I'm on my upliftment of our people vibe. So God bless all of you
speak your mind brotha

you know we family...one day, i'm gon make my way out to ya city and meet up for drinks and cougars
It takes a certain kind of man to admit or even elude to the fact that he has been emotionally abused.

Most deflect and Crack jokes to avoid even speaking on the topic.

Internet thugs stay away from ISH that make them look/feel weak.

Like the booty play convo. Haha. Africans dang near disrespecting dudes for giving their perspective on it. And they didn't even say they liked it. Lol!

Don't make this forum the IC or the Blackboard yall. Where folks are borderline scared to share their thoughts for fear of negative backlash and ridicule.

I mean it's all fun and games till it's not.
If you want a "Donkey" thread where you can be d*cks to all whom enter, create one and let the visitors be warned but try not to be @$$es in EVERY thread.

Folks gotta have a free place for expression or they will lose interest, recluse and become lurkers.

Now..I will say this. Emotional abuse is a CHOICE whether you like it or not. If you are not a child who knows no better, you are CHOOSING to be emotionally abused by the person you are with.

Walk away...simple as that. Yes...Black and White loves. You are in control of your life.

I agree but I have to say emotional abuse is not a choice.

My dad was emotionally abusive but I didn't have a choice in the matter :/

He was my dad.

I also didn't know that he was emotionally abusive until I got older.
...once I started connecting the dots in my own life.

Emotional abuse could be something as simple as your partner regularly demeaning or disregarding your opinions, thoughts, ideas, suggestions or needs.

Partners who whithold sex as a way to manipulate and control.

Its all emotional abuse.

I dont think we should blame people for their circumstances.

We all have stayed around too long in situations that weren't beneficial or empowering.

Some of yall are in emotionally abusive situations as we speak and dont even know it.

Some of yall are emotionally abusive.

Tis is life.

But I think we have to be clear and concise here.

The dynamics of abuse are not always distinct.