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Is emotional abuse a real thing?

That's what YALL are debating, all I ever said is that we all have choices, which yall agree that I'm right about. That's all I care about.


That's my gif, I want some monies for the use.

Thank you! :-D
Yes or no question, does everybody have the choice to be a relationship or not?
Yes......... It's easier to leave a situation when it's just you but you have to factor in the kid(s) a lot of times. Sometimes just cutting ties is not that easy as people think it is.

I wouldn't never say stay in a abusive relationship though. But to act like oh ok fuck it I'm out is some easy shit to do is a fallacy.
Not everyone is social

Not everyone has a support system

Not everyone has coworkers they trust they can go to for this kinda situation

Not everyone can just easily walk away from that kinda situation, and not think about the consequences.

Those are facts people. THAT is reality.

So it boggles my mind as to how anyone would just assume, if they can remove themselves if put in that situation, then why can't others? Easy...not everyone is like you.

Yes YOU may be the strong willed type who can easily resolve that kinda issue. But that's YOU. Not everyone is YOU. What works for you, doesn't mean it works for others. And why would you chastised someone who can't??

My cousin was in a physical and emotional abusive relationship wit her now dead ex-husband for YEARS. Fortunately she was able to finally get out of it. And that's only b/c she had a family that helped her. But not everyone has that luxury. So for those to find it hard to believe that someone doesn't have that, why? I don't understand why you find that hard to believe.

Saying that only makes me think you're only seeing things from YOUR perspective. Only going by what YOU would do in that situation. You have someone, who in not so many words, told you they've went thru this 1st hand. So is it her fault she didn't up and leave at the snap of a finger? Is it my cousin's fault she stayed for fear of some sorta retaliation had she left sooner? Are actually blaming those, both male and female, for not having the strength to leave? If so, why?
Yes......... It's easier to leave a situation when it's just you but you have to factor in the kid(s) a lot of times. Sometimes just cutting ties is not that easy as people think it is.

I wouldn't never say stay in a abusive relationship though. But to act like oh ok fuck it I'm out is some easy shit to do is a fallacy.

Told yall, I'm right

Ultimate disrespect.
If a mf EVERRRRRRR spit on or towards me, I'm spazzing. No second thought.

If he woulda gut punched her after the spit. I wouldn't even be mad at him. Gotta give respect to get it.
Not saying this is ok but I spoke on my ex hitting me once, till I hit him back so that came to a hault.
One day he gets mad and didn't know how to handle it (seeing I hit back)... this mofo spits on me so wot did I do?
I spit right back in that mofo's face.
It didn't happen again. SURPRISE SURPRISE...
Not saying this is ok but I spoke on my ex hitting me once, till I hit him back so that came to a hault.
One day he gets mad and didn't know how to handle it (seeing I hit back)... this mofo spits on me so wot did I do?
I spit right back in that mofo's face.
It didn't happen again. SURPRISE SURPRISE...
I never understood when ppl keep saying "if a mf spits on me, i must kill them"... did u try spitting back first? u got saliva too fam
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I never understood when ppl keep saying "if a mf spits on me, i must kill them"... did u try spitting back first? u got saliva too fam

This is my thing. I could spit back but I'd rather cause damage. You can't just disrespect me like that.
This is my thing. I could spit back but I'd rather cause damage. You can't just disrespect me like that.
I get that but do u wanna catch a case when they wld be able to say to the cops that they really didn't lay a finger on u? i stay thinkin in terms of what cld be put on the report if push came to shove. eye for an eye goes down better than disproportionate retaliation.