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Is emotional abuse a real thing?

Yes or no question, does everybody have the choice to be a relationship or not?
yeah I think there are lots of sociopaths out there. many of them are nice lol

he was cool. nothing 'off' about him but there were hints here n there. he confirmed it one day, said he cldn't describe the feeling of sympathy if he tried. it was bizarre cuz I cldn't understand how someone seemingly good natured cld be empathy impaired. i asked him a lotta queshuns n he challenged each 1.

he said that ppl like me r 'kind' because it makes us feel good to be, n cuz seein/knowin bout suffering makes us feel a way, whereas ppl like him r kind because it's a choice that they decided is a right one. not because they get any gratification of their own out of doin good deeds or makin others feel better. gave me pause n made me think. which is a good thing, i like ppl who can do that. still too weirded out to continue a relationship with him tho. i learned that I need sum1 with compassion, even if he is right n compassion itself can't accomplish anything.

thats y i was curious if ur lack of empathy led to difficulties in understanding or communication in relationships. if u dont mind my askin, how did y'all resolve problems raised on their end if u cldn't put urself in their shoes? is it all logical deduction?
Well if you look at if from a phlisophical point of view, your reason for kindness is a selfish act, his heart was more pure.
Yeah, if you cant break it down to me logically then its heard for me to get a hold of it. I'll make a note that it bothers them and try to avoid doing it.
I guess my thing is, it's not as trivial as it's just a choice

This not like choosing to go with AT&T over Sprint because you are unhappy with your service.

I think we all agree that the sooner you can get out, the better... It's just not the same with everyone

Kudos to both men and women who are able to just walk away though. I'm legit serious about that. Consider yourself extremely fortunate

Are your hoes different?
she got a point, with that quote u contradicted urself

I work with someone who was abused as a child by her mom and she landed in a relationship with abusive man for 17 years. She said she was weak minded because that is all she knew. So, I understood why her mind was where it was. When she finally opened up about it and people were there to help her, she CHOSE to stay. She then said she went to church and met a group of ladies like her and that's when she CHOSE to leave him.

I'm not insensitive but hell if that's what you wanna label me, honestly I'm gonna still sleep well at night. I know me and that's all that matters. Was I sad about her situation. Hell yes. I almost shed a tear listening to it. I ain't bash her for staying. Didn't call her stupid. Nothing. That's her choice. I cant judge her for the decisions she made. However, she made a choice to stay and a choice to leave and that's all Im saying. Take from that what you will. Ain't no swaying me. It's a choice, regardless. Point, blank.
Well if you look at if from a phlisophical point of view, your reason for kindness is a selfish act, his heart was more pure.
Yeah, if you cant break it down to me logically then its heard for me to get a hold of it. I'll make a note that it bothers them and try to avoid doing it.
very good point. then again, empathy was an aspect of our survival n succession as a species. cld be argued that a heart that isnt connected with others is lacking a semi-important element of humanity. end of the day tho, as long as the outcomes r good, does it matter if it was done out of calculation vs emotion?
Yes or no question, does everybody have the choice to be a relationship or not?

Short answer is yes.

But its not that simple. I get the argument tho. Its like, lets say you run into a child that stinks. Like hasnt bathed in 4 days stinks. You are gonna notice it ans be like, "damn lil homie funky af". And it might be true, but what of they come from a poor household where they canr afford to wash their clothes? Or they dont have running water to bathe? That changes the dynamics of the situation.

Would you say the same thong if an adult smells the way that kid does? What if they have a glandular issue or some kibd of medical diagnoses that causes extreme funk? I mean, yeah they stink, but its kind of oyt of their control.

I can liken that to someone vhoosing to stay in a mentally abusive realtionship. Itz almosy like brainwashing at times. The only time id lack empathy is when they realistically can change the situation and just refuse to.
Are your hoes different?
My hoes better get to fucking work lol

But hell yeah they are different, unless they are mentally handicapped or legit sex slaves no one is making them hit the stroll and suck dick. They chose to be out there, they are by no means victims. Dont save em AP.

We really are the polar opposites
very good point. then again, empathy was an aspect of our survival n succession as a species. cld be argued that a heart that isnt connected with others is lacking a semi-important element of humanity. end of the day tho, as long as the outcomes r good, does it matter if it was done out of calculation vs emotion?
How is empathy a survival skill, altruistic behaviors in the wild will get you killed.
I agree with the last part though
I work with someone who was abused as a child by her mom and she landed in a relationship with abusive man for 17 years. She said she was weak minded because that is all she knew. So, I understood why her mind was where it was. When she finally opened up about it and people were there to help her, she CHOSE to stay. She then said she went to church and met a group of ladies like her and that's when she CHOSE to leave him.

I'm not insensitive but hell if that's what you wanna label me, honestly I'm gonna still sleep well at night. I know me and that's all that matters. Was I sad about her situation. Hell yes. I almost shed a tear listening to it. I ain't bash her for staying. Didn't call her stupid. Nothing. That's her choice. I cant judge her for the decisions she made. However, she made a choice to stay and a choice to leave and that's all Im saying. Take from that what you will. Ain't no. swaying me. It's a choice, regardless. Point, blank.
Thank you for sharing this

Sadly, a lot of people fall into the situation she was in initially where she didn't get the help. Thank goodness she finally did