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Is ABW ready to be mature? Official Pride 🌈 month

I didn't say the Homosexual Commuity threw him under the Bus. From what I saw, alot of Black Women was calling him Transphobic, which was fucking stupid. If a Man reacted to them in that fashion, and they wasn't having it, the Conversation would be completely different. I said "some" and you took it as an Indictment of the entire Community.

As a matter of fact, I know a Friend that came out recently as being a Transsexual, he's just not Extreme with it. He knows he's a Man, but also has a Feminine Spirit that is embodied within him. He damn sure isn't getting any Surgeries or changing his Pronoun game like these other weak-ass Sheeple. Whenever I see that, I just have to shake my Head. Have we dumbed ourselves down so far as a Society that we're using PRONOUNS?!?!!?? We should've learned all this in Primary School!

Lol so somebody going by he or she or they just really gets your goat huh? Could just respect it and keep it moving.
Bro no point is this. Y’all are painting the lbgqt community as one big group all with the same agenda and POV. I’m saying just like how we separate white liberal from the MAGAs we need to do the same with the lbgqt community. All black people don’t think the same let’s use our common sense.

Again y’all talk like you get all your lbgqt news from tv. Do y’all actually know anybody openly gay to have all these weird opinions?

It's all about Common Sense to me, and no matter who it is, I'm going to call People out on their ridiculous rhetoric. The Homosexual isn't exempt from their bullshit in my Opinion.

To be honest, the main group fucking shit up in the Homosexual Community is GAY & TRANSGENDERED MEN. Lesbians don't behave like this, like Immature Brats. Hell, Bisexual Men don't behave this Immaturely. They know who they are and accept it, instead of the majority of full-blown Gay Men. I get it, Muthafuckas got a serious Identity Crisis based on their Sexual Identity, but that's what Therapy is for. Why drag us into their Neuroses, crying about shit and killing themselves because they got rejected or someone said something they didn't like?
Lol so somebody going by he or she or they just really gets your goat huh? Could just respect it and keep it moving.

It doesn't get my goat, I just think it's stupid. Any Adult that talks like that just because clearly isn't thinking for themselves.
It's all about Common Sense to me, and no matter who it is, I'm going to call People out on their ridiculous rhetoric. The Homosexual isn't exempt from their bullshit in my Opinion.

To be honest, the main group fucking shit up in the Homosexual Community is GAY & TRANSGENDERED MEN. Lesbians don't behave like this, like Immature Brats. Hell, Bisexual Men don't behave this Immaturely. They know who they are and accept it, instead of the majority of full-blown Gay Men. I get it, Muthafuckas got a serious Identity Crisis based on their Sexual Identity, but that's what Therapy is for. Why drag us into their Neuroses, crying about shit and killing themselves because they got rejected or someone said something they didn't like?

Lol I mean straight white men are also childish and petty these are the sane people fighting each other. You just chose a side. You forgot straight white men been throwing fits since we got here. That’s what they do gay or straight
It's all about Common Sense to me, and no matter who it is, I'm going to call People out on their ridiculous rhetoric. The Homosexual isn't exempt from their bullshit in my Opinion.

To be honest, the main group fucking shit up in the Homosexual Community is GAY & TRANSGENDERED MEN. Lesbians don't behave like this, like Immature Brats. Hell, Bisexual Men don't behave this Immaturely. They know who they are and accept it, instead of the majority of full-blown Gay Men. I get it, Muthafuckas got a serious Identity Crisis based on their Sexual Identity, but that's what Therapy is for. Why drag us into their Neuroses, crying about shit and killing themselves because they got rejected or someone said something they didn't like?

Therapy is a solution but it's not the root. The root of depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts etc is the negative stigma associated with how society at large treats and perceives lgbtq. I think it badly affects ppls mental state when they feel estranged or like outsiders, not just among strangers but even their own family. It's why so many are still closeted. It's been taught their feelings are wrong.

That's why lgbtq ppl and supporters try to push their frameworks on acceptance so strongly. Literally, lives are at stake. But that push can also be too bullish, which pisses ppl off.

It's easy to be libertarian minded and say "I don't care what they do, their business is theres", but the reality is that it's a society wide change that's happening and it's going to touch our lives whether we want to make it our business or not. My sis was complaining recently about a drag queen visiting her child's school, for instance. The approach can be needlessly heavy handed, which counterintuitively stokes the flames worse.

It's OK to support lgbtq and not agree with everything being pushed. Or the methods in which they're being pushed.
Pots and kettles.

They think people should accept their lifestyle, but.........in the process............they don't realize that they're not respecting other people's right not to embrace that lifestyle.

It all comes down to common courtesy and mutual respect.

Basically, they're not giving other people the same courtesy that they expect other people to give them.

Which again is ultimately their right. They don’t have to accept something because I accept it. However, they don’t embrace the fact that the same thing works conversely. If I wake up in the morning and I decide I want to drink coconut water for breakfast, let’s say you want to drink tea. Acceptance is I like coconut water, you like tea, and we don’t step on each other’s toes for it. What this society wants to do is call coconut water, Pepsi, and look at you weird because you want to call coconut water, coconut water.

Then people like to drag the conversation to the ground instead of meeting you at the top and going past your point with A better one.

Dont ask me why I care, oh what’s it to you, what difference does it make. Those are pointless arguments to make the convo turn into a conversation about nothing.

These types of things always evolve into something odder and weirder because if you create criteria as to why things need to be changed, then you can’t say well we need to keep the old way when there are proclivities you don’t agree with personally. It’s too late, the people who were used as the defenders of certain moral values are now seen as old school, they’re the people who need to be castigated. That’s when you hear people say

“You need to embrace the new normal, embrace the new path, you’re too old school.”

Then what do you say when new proclivities are going to be pushed, using the same criteria people have been hazing into our minds as to why the ideals we have are bad?

Love is Love
love conquers all

You can’t be against anything at that point. You can’t then use marginalizing language. You deemed it as toxic to say if the new guard is beginning in these concepts.

it’s just very confusing
Lol I mean straight white men are also childish and petty these are the sane people fighting each other. You just chose a side. You forgot straight white men been throwing fits since we got here. That’s what they do gay or straight

So if some don’t don’t know you and refer to you as he or your wife as she how is that an issue?


You're all over the place with your Refutations, so I'm going to break it down in terms that I know you'll Overstand, or try to......

ANOTHER issue I have with the Homosexual Community is that they embrace the Stereotypes that they've been plagued with for a loooooong time, which really isn't much of a Stereotype, when you look at how and where it started. It's a New Day, so why continue to keep that ugly image of what a Gay Man is?

I've met Gay Men who DIDN'T behave in such a manner, because they KNOW who they are, and they Despise that Stereotype of the Femme Bois as a Monolith of who Gay Men are. As a Bisexual Black Man, even you have to be offended by this, whether you want to admit it or not. I've heard them say how People would be shocked to hear they were Homosexual, reacting in a Negative manner, then saying something we as Black People have heard at least 1nce in our Lives:
"......but-but, you don't ACT Gay!"

Unfortunately, we see the complete Opposite as the norm, and it's insulting. If they're so quick to claim that their Struggle is the same as ours, which is clearly isn't, then they need to learn some things, one of which is not to Celebrate a Stereotype like it's something to be proud of. Muthafuckas is way too grown to act like they're little Girls when they're Adult Males.

I'm trying to give you the benefit of a doubt, since you indulge in Psychedelics like myself, but I see this Debate is going NOWHERE. Lumping me in the same Category as a few of the Members here is no different than them doing the same to the Homosexual Community. I'm speaking from Facts and Personal Experience encountering People I've met over the Years. I'm not pulling shit out of my Ass, tossing it at the Wall to see what sticks.

It's obvious this Discourse is going nowhere, so we'll just respectfully Agree to Disagree on this one.
Lol are you gonna add to it bro. Because you and them keep saying gays are forcing there life on you but have no proof besides them existing. If y’all just be real and say you hate them we could end it there. But again you’re not trying to understand anything here.

That’s just a lazy way of thinking. You got dudes losing money, losing their careers, losing spots they’ve earned because they’re speaking against the alternative lifestyles. Why are you acting like that isn’t a thing?
Therapy is a solution but it's not the root. The root of depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts etc is the negative stigma associated with how society at large treats and perceives lgbtq. I think it badly affects ppls mental state when they feel estranged or like outsiders, not just among strangers but even their own family. It's why so many are still closeted. It's been taught their feelings are wrong.

That's why lgbtq ppl and supporters try to push their frameworks on acceptance so strongly. Literally, lives are at stake. But that push can also be too bullish, which pisses ppl off.

It's easy to be libertarian minded and say "I don't care what they do, their business is theres", but the reality is that it's a society wide change that's happening and it's going to touch our lives whether we want to make it our business or not. My sis was complaining recently about a drag queen visiting her child's school, for instance. The approach can be needlessly heavy handed, which counterintuitively stokes the flames worse.

It's OK to support lgbtq and not agree with everything being pushed. Or the methods in which they're being pushed.

Co-sign, at the Bolded. This is another issue I have with that Community--they don't seem to "get it". Screaming and Yelling at People and calling them Names makes them just as bad, if not worse, than the Bigots that are denouncing their Lifestyle to the point that they're assaulting and killing them. Therapy is a start, but having a strong Support System in the form of Family & Friends that haven't disowned or rejected them is another. A Therapist doesn't know these People personally enough to provide that type of Strength and Support.
Hellczar's right tho, actually getting to know lgbtq ppl goes a long way in creating a sense of understanding and commonality. because among the legitimate arguments against lgbtq issues there's also a lot of irrational BS tossed around, and all that irrational shit is only made worse when ur an outsider looking into a web of social media lies and deceit that tends to give ppl one perspective. It creates this boogeyman type of character out of an entire group of ppl. And we all know what happens when u don't confront your fears. It just begets more fear and more distrust.

It's not saying go out and find some gay or trans dude to be friends with right this instant. But at least try to put urself in their shoes, delve into those issues with a bit of empathy, treat the issues with as unbiased and neutral approach as possible.
Hellczar's right tho, actually getting to know lgbtq ppl goes a long way in creating a sense of understanding and commonality. because among the legitimate arguments against lgbtq issues there's also a lot of irrational BS tossed around, and all that irrational shit is only made worse when ur an outsider looking into a web of social media lies and deceit that tends to give ppl one perspective. It creates this boogeyman type of character out of an entire group of ppl. And we all know what happens when u don't confront your fears. It just begets more fear and more distrust.

It's not saying go out and find some gay or trans dude to be friends with right this instant. But at least try to put urself in their shoes, delve into those issues with a bit of empathy, treat the issues with as unbiased and neutral approach as possible.
I can respect a person and their choices. If they are good people.
But dint make about your choices as to why I should be welcoming.
Bob jones is cool because he’s bob jones. A cool dude.
We should but make bob be what he likes in the bed room or sexual preference .

Imagine liking one person because thet like poodles but looking down in someone because they have a Doberman? And niggas still ain’t welcomed.
Co-sign, at the Bolded. This is another issue I have with that Community--they don't seem to "get it". Screaming and Yelling at People and calling them Names makes them just as bad, if not worse, than the Bigots that are denouncing their Lifestyle to the point that they're assaulting and killing them. Therapy is a start, but having a strong Support System in the form of Family & Friends that haven't disowned or rejected them is another. A Therapist doesn't know these People personally enough to provide that type of Strength and Support.

When lgbtq ppl jump the gun with discrimination claims over light, trivial shit, it might be a defence mechanism? I dunno. Like the Ginuwine incident u mentioned. There can unfortunately b a lot of trauma , weakness and insecurity built into ppl with disenfranchised or unconventional lifestyles.
So some ppl become hyper sensitive. When that happens it's easier to default to the worst case scenarios or explanations about why u were just rejected. And I understand that to an extent, because there's a lot of evidence over the years to back up all the discrimination faced.

So i guess it's that, and/or they're just wholly convinced that everyone should agree with the entirety of the lgbtq movement because it's thought that whether support is shown or not is determined by ones moral compass, or on an empathetic level, where if u don't show support u must lacking in it or must have lost that compass, so to speak.
Which again is ultimately their right. They don’t have to accept something because I accept it. However, they don’t embrace the fact that the same thing works conversely. If I wake up in the morning and I decide I want to drink coconut water for breakfast, let’s say you want to drink tea. Acceptance is I like coconut water, you like tea, and we don’t step on each other’s toes for it. What this society wants to do is call coconut water, Pepsi, and look at you weird because you want to call coconut water, coconut water.

Then people like to drag the conversation to the ground instead of meeting you at the top and going past your point with A better one.

Dont ask me why I care, oh what’s it to you, what difference does it make. Those are pointless arguments to make the convo turn into a conversation about nothing.

These types of things always evolve into something odder and weirder because if you create criteria as to why things need to be changed, then you can’t say well we need to keep the old way when there are proclivities you don’t agree with personally. It’s too late, the people who were used as the defenders of certain moral values are now seen as old school, they’re the people who need to be castigated. That’s when you hear people say

“You need to embrace the new normal, embrace the new path, you’re too old school.”

Then what do you say when new proclivities are going to be pushed, using the same criteria people have been hazing into our minds as to why the ideals we have are bad?

Love is Love
love conquers all

You can’t be against anything at that point. You can’t then use marginalizing language. You deemed it as toxic to say if the new guard is beginning in these concepts.

it’s just very confusing

That’s just a lazy way of thinking. You got dudes losing money, losing their careers, losing spots they’ve earned because they’re speaking against the alternative lifestyles. Why are you acting like that isn’t a thing?

So what you’re saying is you feel your views on gender are being forcefully changed by the social back lash and it’s impact. And I guess I can see that to some point.

But again I view the lbgqt issue, race issues, mental health issues and pretty much all the stuff you can’t talk about at work. If jobs let you go or businesses don’t want to work with you because that community was offended then so be it. You have a right to an opinion they have a right to not fuck with you.

I’m not saying racial issues and lbgqt issues are the sane thing. And again I don’t feel like most of the lbgqt community is as extreme as y’all make it seem.
I can respect a person and their choices. If they are good people.
But dint make about your choices as to why I should be welcoming.
Bob jones is cool because he’s bob jones. A cool dude.
We should but make bob be what he likes in the bed room or sexual preference .

Imagine liking one person because thet like poodles but looking down in someone because they have a Doberman? And niggas still ain’t welcomed.

Absolutely. At the end of the day it should ideally be about the quality of a person's character. It's just that so many ppl see the sexual preference or lifestyle alone and immediately decide a relationship or dialogue is off limits. Like before even having a chance to know what they're all about. Still, i'm sure there's loads of ppl who don't agree with, say, same sex marriage or w.e, but have met an lgbtq person who's great all around and they became friends. Becoming friends, or just having a dialogue, it's at least a start, u know?

You're all over the place with your Refutations, so I'm going to break it down in terms that I know you'll Overstand, or try to......

ANOTHER issue I have with the Homosexual Community is that they embrace the Stereotypes that they've been plagued with for a loooooong time, which really isn't much of a Stereotype, when you look at how and where it started. It's a New Day, so why continue to keep that ugly image of what a Gay Man is?

I've met Gay Men who DIDN'T behave in such a manner, because they KNOW who they are, and they Despise that Stereotype of the Femme Bois as a Monolith of who Gay Men are. As a Bisexual Black Man, even you have to be offended by this, whether you want to admit it or not. I've heard them say how People would be shocked to hear they were Homosexual, reacting in a Negative manner, then saying something we as Black People have heard at least 1nce in our Lives:
"......but-but, you don't ACT Gay!"

Unfortunately, we see the complete Opposite as the norm, and it's insulting. If they're so quick to claim that their Struggle is the same as ours, which is clearly isn't, then they need to learn some things, one of which is not to Celebrate a Stereotype like it's something to be proud of. Muthafuckas is way too grown to act like they're little Girls when they're Adult Males.

I'm trying to give you the benefit of a doubt, since you indulge in Psychedelics like myself, but I see this Debate is going NOWHERE. Lumping me in the same Category as a few of the Members here is no different than them doing the same to the Homosexual Community. I'm speaking from Facts and Personal Experience encountering People I've met over the Years. I'm not pulling shit out of my Ass, tossing it at the Wall to see what sticks.

It's obvious this Discourse is going nowhere, so we'll just respectfully Agree to Disagree on this one.

Again you just described somebody that does not fit the stereotypical gay man. There are some who do. You view the ones that do as the representatives based on those stereotypes. Hollywood shit. Sorry if I came off condescending I’m not dismissing your point of view or any of that. Yes some do embrace the bad shit just like it’s niggas who embrace the bad shit. Are we not given the benefit of the doubt my brother?

Again a gay black man has a whole different life experience from and non gay man. You know exactly how our community used to be if you were the gay dude at school. Again I never said the issue of race and sexual attraction and gender are the same. They can overlap. Why can’t a gay man be effeminate? Because you don’t like it?