Negro you can't say shit to me when you're doing that
My mama does that.i dont like when my neighbor to my left doesnt trim her trees
her branches break off in my yard
i just throw them back over the fence
yes, im petty
people who are extra extra extra disrespectful, and the second you be square up they're like
"oh real mature buddy"
i fucking hate wypipo sometimes
Du wanna be superduper man so bad :lmao2:
When some Christians say "only God can judge" yet they are some of the most judgmental folks on the planet.
I would've fought them.hate when parents leave their kids unattended
took babygirl to chick fil a last night and she wanted to play in playland
the sign clearly says for kids 3 years and younger, but you had these big ass cac kids in there hogging up everything, with NO parents in site. I watched my daughter with precision. My daughter comes down the slide and this cac girl is just sitting at the end. Im waiting to see if she gon move, them after like 5 secs, it became clear she wasnt, so i said to the girl "could you move, my daughter is trying to get out"
my daughter proceeds to try and play with them, but its clear they dont wanna play with her, so i let my daughter slide for about 5 more min before we left
im sorry ya'll...i had to get that out. Was really weight heavy on my mind