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I'm very close with my parents, I mentioned once that my pops knows me better than anybody. So I feel comfortable telling them anything, never really had that "guarded" type of relationship with them.

As for being scrawny.............I plead the fif
I'm super close to my parents too but just like I don't wanna know about their sex life, I don't want them to know about who I am smashing unless it's someone that's important to me. and they know this, so by me bringing a guy that isn't gay or truly just a friend over, the implication is that it's srs.

drop a pic in the pic thread brotha. u need more ppl.
I'm super close to my parents too but just like I don't wanna know about their sex life, I don't want them to know about who I am smashing unless it's someone that's important to me. and they know this, so by me bringing a guy that isn't gay or truly just a friend over, the implication is that it's srs.

drop a pic in the pic thread brotha. u need more ppl.
Lol So have they confused a bf for being gay?

I'll drop a pic when you drop yours b
Lol So have they confused a bf for being gay?

I'll drop a pic when you drop yours b
no I used gay as an example. if a man is gay or straight but a platonic friend, then inviting them over to an event my parents happen to be attending is cool. "oh, who is this?" "my friend xxx, we work together. his boyfriend/wife will be joining us when they get off work too". simples.

so if i bring around a guy on a plus 1 basis, without qualifiers like him being an lgbt friend, it's gonna be taken as a sign that someone is in the picture and that it's serious enough for me to bring them around parents. that's like a the step before cohabitation imo.
lol @ homie changing the music to jazz.

That's exactly how it be @ the extra cop poppin up outta no where
Oh and that some shit Issa say is some shit I'd say and the thick friend is so fucking funny to me. I don't know her name but the way she was dancing. LMFAO!
Alot of funny/real parts in this ep. Smh @ lawrence breaking already tho and where df is tasha at?
sorry ya'll

just got caught up on the last two weeks

pure comedy

@Joshua Sanchez...gabi made a pass at you and just gon ignore it?
