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I'm Tryna Be Messy on My Day Off...

I could literally live out a room with just a mini fridge of essentials if I know my kids good.
I wouldn't care. As long as my kids ain't getting abused and know their dad loves them to death, I'm good being the broke nigga.

Been broke my whole life. It is what it is


but we know everybody aint built like that lol

im watching people I looked up to as a kid make fools of themselves trying to shine on social media

if being ok with being broke was common or accepted, we wouldnt have half the problems we have now with classism and fucked up families

I could literally live out a room with just a mini fridge of essentials if I know my kids good.

I knew you was real when u posted the monarchs bro

not even on no clown shit, im not man enough to do that Du

I will literally commit a crime and possibly be taken away from my family before i could rock the monarchs in public with no rage in my heart

and im still working on me, but thats part of what im saying

im grown and still fear getting imaginary roasted for shoes...and I dont have this "thing" near as bad as most of the guys I know
I made those statements because they need to be in the discussion.

Niggaz never admit fault in any argument or debate like this, so certain truths need to be put out there for their sake.... Cuz they not self aware enough to discover it on their own.

They too busy being defensive and trying to justify their process.... When at the end of the day it leads to one of those statements I posted.... And a lot of it is motivated by fear
depends on the person.....admitting you fucked up is one thing....but it doesnt change the fact you still need to provide for a kid you helped make.
some dudes wasnt really ready for kids and will never be ready because the chick aint making them step up nor is dudes family.

some people see who the person they once maybe loved change into a money hungry nightmare. you cant put this all on the dude whan alot of these chicks make it about money just as much.

i think dudes just dont want to be taken to the cleaners just because.
like how can everything be shared but i still gotta pay her? if we splitting everything...why cant the chick stop the support order? but it still gets put on the man to provide on top of providing.
I wouldn't care. As long as my kids ain't getting abused and know their dad loves them to death, I'm good being the broke nigga.

Been broke my whole life. It is what it is
its not about being broke...its not even about being broke for your kids. shit most people who lived with their kids understand you might have to be broke caring for your child. but its another thing to have to be broke because a chick using the system to break you.

i am sure you understand that much.
at what point would it be considered that your kids are good?
Healthy. Clothed. Fed. Safe. Structured environment. Basically every and anything they would have if I was there

I'm not a person of particulars. Whatever I'm told is required, i would gleefully supply.

I told y'all before. I can give a fuck less about cs. I don't do much for myself. It takes very little to make me happy.

I could live off of 1k a month if I had to.

My PT job brings in 13k a year. And if I got a few hustles on the side, trust me I'm good.

I know places where I can get a room for like $50-100 a week. I don't need a car. I eat very little. I stay with a cheap boost phone and only pay $50 a month for that. My biggest expense would be Wi-Fi to play PS4.

I don't do shit for myself bruh. It's all for my family. So if we were to split, theyd get all I have off of gp anyway..... Need it or not, I'm giving it all
its not about being broke...its not even about being broke for your kids. shit most people who lived with their kids understand you might have to be broke caring for your child. but its another thing to have to be broke because a chick using the system to break you.

i am sure you understand that much.
She got my kids...

If that 's what to go through, then that's what i have to go thtough.

I ain't gonna be happy about it.... But i would deal with it cuz that's the position I put myself in.

this guy embodies security

i throw imaginary guys like you under the bus to shut down arguments lmao

"oh you want a robot huh?......you wouldnt have shit to say if I just worked and slept and worked some more all for you, right?.......nah, go ahead...ima just stand here and wait for you to tell me what to do next......everything else is irrelevant....i aint even using the bathroom no more unless you ask me to"
I just don't have the patience for back and forth. Just get to the solution that will end this and I'll do best to adapt to it later.
Du stop projecting

And you need to switch to cricket

I'm paying $35 a month pleighboi
every parent should strive to be financially stable.....
people get controlled and get into situations they dont like..because they are financially dependent.

saving, and prioritizing and buying whats necessary can allow you to get financially stable with some discipline.

so again....once she needed to be reimbursed to get hair.....that told me all i need to know.
financially dependent vs financially stable.
it only takes 1 thing to go wrong and then her world will be rocked.
ever had ya world rocked and have to feed a kid who dont understand why they cant eat when they hungry??

yea....lets worry about the hair over the savings

Where is the kid starving tho?
it dont work like that

Lotta people don't understand that.

There's an argument to be made that, as a precaution, it's actually better to be on child support just to have something legal in place for your own protection.

Otherwise, all the money you give to your child's mother can just be looked at as gifts.

Happened to a dude I grew up with.

He had receipts and everything showing that he had been financially supporting his kid, but.....when she decided to put him on child support.......he still ended up getting hit with $10,000 in back child support because the courts considered the money to be gifted funds.
She got my kids...

If that 's what to go through, then that's what i have to go thtough.

I ain't gonna be happy about it.... But i would deal with it cuz that's the position I put myself in.
bruh...i feel yoyu and i have been there....

but this is ideal and most often not the case.
you can do this until you find out that all the money is not going to your child but to fund her fun.
how would you feel when you paying to care for your child but the more you pay the less goes to providing?
can you honestly tell me you would be ok...with knowing you working hard and taking pride in living how you living in a small apartment with only a fridge and tv because you child is good....only to find out all you are paying is going to the bm hair and her trips to atlantic city and kid going to grandmoms instead of you?
at what point is it ok to say..fuck this ...i will do it myself rather than have to argue with her about whats going to my child?

so what you would do is a good thing and like i said i been there...but once i found out the money was going elsewhere....she fucked up. i had to make the best decision for my child and thats to not have him in her care.

but whats funny is when i had the kid..how cs was looked at.
all the rules changed.
and now a man should be able to take care of all expenses and hes not a man if the mother has to help. and this was not from women....this was from the guys that had to pay support in court. but thats some other shit.

si i say all this to say....what you would do vs what it is...is reality vs wishful thinking. it might happen but mostly it doesnt.
like i said, i can care less what she's doing as long as my child's needs are met... if my child is going without and hungry and she's getting my money, then and only then would things have to switch up... but as long as my child is getting what they need, and they are well taken care of, i can care less about what the money being spent on...

i don't care if they having fun on my dime.....
i assumed everyone knew this

there's lots of shit we choose to say wrong on purpose for some reason

either thats the way we grew up hearing it or it was an inside joke for a long time and just stuck

some people say "off the back" when its really "off the bat"

i got bad sayings I got from ya'll

I still say "the ironing" and if somebody gets hurt or passes out around me I ask "is you died?"