I'm Tryna Be Messy on My Day Off...

i assumed everyone knew this

there's lots of shit we choose to say wrong on purpose for some reason

either thats the way we grew up hearing it or it was an inside joke for a long time and just stuck

some people say "off the back" when its really "off the bat"

i got bad sayings I got from ya'll

I still say "the ironing" and if somebody gets hurt or passes out around me I ask "is you died?"
nah man

what DU doing aint the same as "mind bottling" when you know its mind boggling or "minus well" when you know its might as well

he saying that b/c sonically, it sounds correct, but grammatically its not
i know what u saying bro

I know a lotta people that say "i could care less" and its always got on my nerves

but i just assumed it was on purpose
i know what u saying bro

I know a lotta people that say "i could care less" and its always got on my nerves

but i just assumed it was on purpose
no man...they just dont know

and here it is, im trying to have my brother say it properly, and he on his "you say what you say, i say what i say" shit

it hurts my heart
no man...they just dont know

and here it is, im trying to have my brother say it properly, and he on his "you say what you say, i say what i say" shit

it hurts my heart

Now hold on. There's no rules to this. Both phases are just phrases. One means you care a little bit and the other means you don't care at all. It's a preference.
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Now hold on. There's no rules to this. Both phases are just phrases. One means you care a little bit and the other means you don't care at all. It's a preference.

but in this instance, Du is trying to say he doesnt care, but saying and even doubling down by saying he cares which is my point
but ....with giving all the money to the mother to make sure your kid is good.....how does that leave you?

sounds kinda like you putting all the shit on the mom.

if you dont have a ok place to bring your child because you gave the mom all you money, how does that transfer to a kid?
how are you ok with the mom , her new man and your kid having fun on your dime, whilke you cant take you kid to the movies because you giving all the money to her?
how you buying your child clothes, when you giving the mom all the money?

the kid being good, comes from both parents.
the pauper outlook is not good when you cant do much providing on your end of things.
the kid needs to be just a comfortable when they are with you as they are with the mother.

kid being good means good with you both.

i want all the smoke
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Where did we get a new man from? Yall just throwing that in there now?