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Im over J cole acting fake broke

That's a Paula Abdul sample and that single is double platinum and charted high
I was thinking about the "I Wonder If I Take You Home" joint. I haven't heard Work Out in years, I forgot how it went. It's still the audio equivalent of jogging sweats and Crocs, dbl plat or not.
Do most ppl really buy apple for a flex tho? they got their marketing and carefully planned branding down pat. But I think the major motivating factor for buying apple is how different they are. The interface, workflow, in house hardware, applications. Apple's stuff is all very unique to their brand.

You know that feeling when u use a device and it's interface is just perfect, it feels right in ur hand, everything flows well, it's got apps and hardware tailored just how u like em and even the culture and community of the brand seems right for u? Ppl are drawn to stuff like that. Even if the cost is higher. It's like PlayStation, Xbox and Nintendo rivalry. There's distinctions to each that the fanboys will rip eachother a new one over.

My media class in college used macs exclusively. They've got a bit of rep in the design/dev world. I considered buying one myself at some point but yeah, they're cost prohibitive for my broke ass.
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I'm supposed to be doing my work trainings and shit. This Scooby Doo ass nigga inori though. He lucky we brothas



I'm crying b ...

Nigga said he Abidemi... Nigerian Prince from Lagos
Yeah, Champion didn't get hot until "Champion gear that I rock, you get your boots knocked / then attack you like a pit then lock shit down..."

Next thing you know Champion sweats tripled in cost.

Lmao. If you washed just say that then.
You still listened lol. Thats 5 more than he would've had. Shame on you for promoting Ye and feeding his ego. How dare you make an exception and go against your principles just to...give an album review.
Out here supporting billionaires, that’s twice now
Booo this whole thread.

By this logic, Bill Gates and Warren Buffet shouldn’t wear anything.

Both dudes got tons more money than Cole and dress straight out of Old Navy.

Owning nikes and iPhones sounds like it's making u complicit in the fucked up order of things until u realize how damn near every alternative manufacturer out there is exploiting mfs for profit. Get real ppl. There isn't much out there that's American (or Western) made. The order of manufacturing is to find materials extracted with cheap labour and use those materials to craft the product with cheap labour so the product can be sold at a lower price.

We're all complicit for lack of options.
Yes we are.
But why only come after those exploiting your class but ignore the class under you that that are also exploiting.

niggas think eat the rich means the niggas with more than them, when them same people have the same iPhones and shit ignoring their place in this while the people in them hand dug holes are saying eat the rich....mean they ass too.

this level shit don’t start with the American poor who can have drinks at the club and Asian nail shop visits.
Still, most of the parts themselves are from foreign producers. Like the metals in our tech, the cotton in our clothes and the rubber in our shoes. So somewhere along the line of production we're giving in to their exploitative set-up.

But yeah, Ppl don't buy made in America products because they tend to cost more. We're usually chasing the better deal. It's one reason why so many companies go overseas.

Granted, if the difference is merely like 10-20 dollars a little principle can be acted on. But for how long? We ultimately gotta look out for our own pockets. It's only natural.

we also gotta consider the impact refraining from buying overseas products has on those foreign workers. Would a mass boycott / shift in buying habits until sweat shop workers are paid a decent wage work? Or would these companies just move their bases back to the US when their whole point of being in Cambodia or Pakistan, the cheap labour, is no longer cheap enough to justify being there?

I don't know enough economics to answer that. Sometimes industry happens to set shit up that's more equitable for producers, like fair trade practices among coffee farmers. But when these options don't exist it's worth exploring whether there's any real fundamental change consumers can make in their buying choices to make an impact. Which goes back to my point about forced complicity. Maybe the conditions in the developing world need to change for the better before they can fall out of their desperation trap. That's mostly on their government and industry to work out (with help from wealthy nations).
I got a whole supply chain.
What you need to know?
lmao @ stereotype

wealth is not a stereotype

all im saying is the celeb class only conceal or downplay their wealth to not lose their “moral superiority”

j cole and other rappers try to perform “necessitous” to lecture us about caste.
thats it, and thats all
Who gave them this moral superiority?

because they smart or because they have money ? Or because being smart and having money somehow makes people think they are superior?

what is moral superiority?
Do most ppl really buy apple for a flex tho? they got their marketing and carefully planned branding down pat. But I think the major motivating factor for buying apple is how different they are. The interface, workflow, in house hardware, applications. Apple's stuff is all very unique to their brand.

You know that feeling when u use a device and it's interface is just perfect, it feels right in ur hand, everything flows well, it's got apps and hardware tailored just how u like em and even the culture and community of the brand seems right for u? Ppl are drawn to stuff like that. Even if the cost is higher. It's like PlayStation, Xbox and Nintendo rivalry. There's distinctions to each that the fanboys will rip eachother a new one over.

My media class in college used macs exclusively. They've got a bit of rep in the design/dev world. I considered buying one myself at some point but yeah, they're cost prohibitive for my broke ass.
iPhone are a status symbol bruh.
It was once an exclusive club because who would pay a g for a phone.

that made it more wanted.

$49 android can still call momma
Probably the same ones who used the minerals in a PlayStation or Xbox. It’s a whole war in Congo over that shit. But since I have an iPhone I can’t discuss it. Maybe more people are taking that stance and maybe that why shit is fucked up.
So why be mad at niggas making 10x more than you while make 100x more than the person who made your shoes?

Im all for taking a stance, but if we take it, it has to be across the board. Not just picking and choose who to be mad at.

just because some shit isn’t important to you doesn’t mean its not important to someone else, all while trying to make people care about what’s important to you.
Niggas want the billionaire boss to pay them more but don’t the cost of the product to go up from paying ming lee more so she can move out the doghouse she renting.

nah that cost too much. I’m buying this, it’s cheaper ass niggas.

Now Ming lee outta work but you still got a new tv and crocs, not giving a fuck but still saying your boss makes too much.

This J. Cole fetish you have needs to be dealt with.

"J. Cole gotta stop *insert behavior exhibited by many celebrities popular than Cole*. It makes his fans think they're smarter than me."