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Im over J cole acting fake broke

Probably the same ones who used the minerals in a PlayStation or Xbox. It’s a whole war in Congo over that shit. But since I have an iPhone I can’t discuss it. Maybe more people are taking that stance and maybe that why shit is fucked up.
Thats a damn respectable response.
Somebody has to explain Crocs to me .

why would I want to walk around looking like I have toy cars on my feet?
Hey man my wife bought some last week and lemme tell you…. These are the most comfortable shits I ever put my feet in

they got some with fur in it now

I see now why ppl be rocking these shits
It’s not that simple bruh. And it’s weird that’s how y’all carry it. Because we all buy nice things all put money into our homes and all talk about injustices. Y’all are saying we can’t talk about that because we have nice things? That makes sense to you?
Can’t donate to Tariq while calling him a charlatan
Owning nikes and iPhones sounds like it's making u complicit in the fucked up order of things until u realize how damn near every alternative manufacturer out there is exploiting mfs for profit. Get real ppl. There isn't much out there that's American (or Western) made. The order of manufacturing is to find materials extracted with cheap labour and use those materials to craft the product with cheap labour so the product can be sold at a lower price.

We're all complicit for lack of options.