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I'm Judging

If I had known this was an ongoing thing I wouldnt have taken it personally

@BNE we good, thats just not my place baby

if I witnessed a child actually injured or abused thats another thing....and I'd probably still notify a lady friend and let her call in

I have history with CPS, DCFS, all that shit......they move way too fast on assumptions, never have their shit straight, and really dont care about that extra shit when it comes down to it.....they'll do a house visit but if you got running water, lights, and pack of ham in the fridge they cant and wont do shit...if the child doesnt have visible scars or any other obvious signs of abuse (not what we think is abuse) its nothing

they picked my child up from school and wouldnt tell me shit until the next fucking day, because my bitter bm called and told some lies....had my baby for 3 days and handed her right over after one court hearing....never came to the house to validate or discredit anything

fuck that whole system

Damn yo thats crazy
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If you drink anything but tea or coffee out of a ceramic mug, I'm judging you.

If you use empty jars a glasses, I'm judging you.

If you don't own a dust pan and sweep dirt on to a piece of paper, I'm judging you.
If I come to your house and see either one of these.....



That aint Wakanda...and I'm judging you