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If Bloomberg becomes the democratic nominee, would you vote for him?

Would you vote for bloomberg?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 6.5%
  • No

    Votes: 29 93.5%

  • Total voters
4 more years of Trump? Hell no.

If Bloomberg did get the nomination I would just have to bite the bullet and give him my vote. Bloomberg is just the democratic version of Trump.

Trump and his administration is just as incompetent as he is. Frankly, America has been a live reality TV show since the moment Trump has stepped foot in office. His administration has been a revolving door with people either leaving his cabinet, being fired, or going to jail. This is the same President that doesn't give a damn about rules or regulations or anyone for that matter.

Some of y'all talking about another 4 years of Trump won't be bad? This man just got rid of a crisis management team through budget cuts and left Pence in charge of managing the cornavirus. The same VP that let an HIV outbreak get out of hand when he was governor of Indiana....

Bloomberg is republican
Bloomberg is republican

Yeah I know. He's only been a "democrat" for like 100 days now. Personally, I'm voting for Bernie or Joe. Bloomberg probably won't be around after the Super Tuesday primaries anyways. The same will probably go for Klobuchar, Styer, & Pete.
Nah. Ill just not vote if that happens.

Seperate but related topic. The Democratic party is in such a bad place because of Bernie. This dont have anything to do with Bernie himself but just the situation.

Bernie will easily win the democratic primary but I still think hes gonna struggle with older white independents and even some democracts. Enough of these "i wont vote for a socialist" mfers can throw off Bernie beating Trump.

On the flipside, there are a lot of Bernie supporters that wont vote for any nominee but bernie, even if bernie loses fair and square. Alot of bernie supporters arent democrats, their socialists and ontop of that some of his supporters love bernie and dont care bout his politics and wont vote for anyone but him.

Kind of a damned if you do and damned if you dont type situation.
Nah. Ill just not vote if that happens.

Seperate but related topic. The Democratic party is in such a bad place because of Bernie. This dont have anything to do with Bernie himself but just the situation.

Bernie will easily win the democratic primary but I still think hes gonna struggle with older white independents and even some democracts. Enough of these "i wont vote for a socialist" mfers can throw off Bernie beating Trump.

On the flipside, there are a lot of Bernie supporters that wont vote for any nominee but bernie, even if bernie loses fair and square. Alot of bernie supporters arent democrats, their socialists and ontop of that some of his supporters love bernie and dont care bout his politics and wont vote for anyone but him.

Kind of a damned if you do and damned if you dont type situation.

THIS! well said
THIS! well said

Also, theres a lot of racists that support Bernie.

And im still not saying any of this makes Bernie bad.

Its just Bernie is the only openly socialist nominee so alot of socialist racists support Bernie.

Racist leftists are just as bad as racist conservatists.

Im talking them "jesus was a socialist" christians that think being white makes them closer to god.

But thats a whole nother thread and ill stop derailing this one.
Nah. Ill just not vote if that happens.

Seperate but related topic. The Democratic party is in such a bad place because of Bernie. This dont have anything to do with Bernie himself but just the situation.

Bernie will easily win the democratic primary but I still think hes gonna struggle with older white independents and even some democracts. Enough of these "i wont vote for a socialist" mfers can throw off Bernie beating Trump.

On the flipside, there are a lot of Bernie supporters that wont vote for any nominee but bernie, even if bernie loses fair and square. Alot of bernie supporters arent democrats, their socialists and ontop of that some of his supporters love bernie and dont care bout his politics and wont vote for anyone but him.

Kind of a damned if you do and damned if you dont type situation.
Bernie campaigned his ass off for Hilary after losing the primaries in 2016....some of his supporters are just dickheads
Bernie campaigned his ass off for Hilary after losing the primaries in 2016....some of his supporters are just dickheads

Yea fam. American politics is all about personalities now. Mfers either love you or hate you and your beliefs and policies dont matter.

It kind of started with Obama. He was the only president where all his policies was highly unpopular overall but he was populas fuck.

Shit took off in 2016 though, with Trump and Bernie. Alot of Bernie supporters just didnt vote cause it was either Bernie or nobody for them.

Im worried that will happen again, even though Bernie looks like hes gonna get the nomination.
Yea fam. American politics is all about personalities now. Mfers either love you or hate you and your beliefs and policies dont matter.

It kind of started with Obama. He was the only president where all his policies was highly unpopular overall but he was populas fuck.

Shit took off in 2016 though, with Trump and Bernie. Alot of Bernie supporters just didnt vote cause it was either Bernie or nobody for them.

Im worried that will happen again, even though Bernie looks like hes gonna get the nomination.
Really started w Nixon and Kennedy but alas...Bernie voters felt that he got hoed last time around ( they were right ) so they held on to that during the general election....crazy as it sounds they are currently looking for a way to fuck Bernie up right now...next few months gonna be crazy
I sincerely hope the Youth get the fuck out and vote for the future .... the best thing about bloomberg and steyer is they are peeling voters from biden may not sizeable but its worth it

17 to 44 are only accouting for 28% of the voting population... in todays primary so far smdh