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I need help,

Just reading this.....

I'd be lying if I didn't point this out....

i had one bad night

yall gave me no tips

just said its over smh

Here’s a tip:

Stop looking for tips on things you can do to get back in his good graces and leave that man alone. In all facets. If he wants to forgive you, then let him do that math himself and reach out to you and let that be known.

Because if I’m him and I’ve made myself clear that I no longer want to deal with you, and you don’t respect that boundary and continue trying to contact me to make it better or persuade me to ‘give you another chance’, that would just push me further and further away.

A grown man made it clear he’d like to be left alone…so leave him alone.

That’s my $00.02.
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Here’s a tip:

Stop looking for tips on things you can do to get back in his good graces and leave that man alone. In all facets. If he wants to forgive you, then let him to that math himself and reach out to you and let that be known.

Because if I’m him and I’ve made myself clear that I no longer want to deal with you, and you don’t respect that boundary and continue trying to contact me to make it better or persuade me to ‘give you another chance’, that would just push me further and further away.

A grown man made it clear he’d like to be left alone…so leave him alone.

That’s my $00.02.

he didnt make it clear though mr younggun thats the problem.