Bruh. Jesus existing as a regular destroys christiandom. Either Jesus the son of god walked the Earth or everything about Christianity goes out the window.
The whole time Im talking about the fact that there is 0 record of the Biblical son of God Jesus existing. And the record keeping of that time was very good so it makes no sense for the events of a biblical jesus existing to not be recorded like all other historical events were.
You keep replying theres proof of a guy existing at the time who was likely a regular preacher causing revolt to prove Jesus, but unless that guy walked on water your religion becomes meaningless.
You keep proving my point for me.
And im not trying to be disrespectful by saying your religion is meaningless btw. Just still stuck on the fact that the only thing I dont appreciate is the fact that believers are the ones ignoring facts than non believers.
Thats my whole argument. No need to keep regurtitating it. Im pretty sure my point is made.
I would thing an open mind would lead ppl from religion due to the close mindset of religion
the world around us isn't enough evidence that points to intelligent design?
Fuck no. That’s a bad point to make.
Do you think evolution is a real thing?
Explain why it’s a bad point?
Millions of years ago there were only microbes and other very simplistic organisms living on earth.
If you tried to say that was clear evidence of intelligent design you’d get laughed at.
Did the intelligent design kick in later or what?
Because most likely you were raised up in the same fashion your non righteous great great grandparents were. It's not impossible to break cycles, but it's pretty fuckin hard.True...But why can't everybody just enjoy a life in paradise?...Why we gotta jump through all these hoops just to get blessed?...And again, if I'm the descendant of someone who wasn't righteous, why am I suffering for their sins?...Like say I live a terrible life...Okay, fuck me, but let my kid get a miracle or two...
Fuck no. That’s a bad point to make.
Do you think evolution is a real thing?
I’m beyond convinced there’s a God out there. I’m beyond convinced there was a Son of God who died for our sins.
That’s all I need to care about. The rest of the story isn’t necessary for belief in salvation. I’m not asking for everything to be explained to me, either. I’m content w knowing that the science that I still love goes poetically well w God and his creation. Nothing cancels each other out. It’s a beautiful thing.
You guys really need to stop thinking that life how we perceive it is all that is out there.
There are planets that have atmospheres with a different gas than oxygen. There are planets where the mountains are made out of diamonds, planets that are totally gaseous.
The universe is so vast that there are infinite coincidences going on. In a universe with infinite coincidences, there eventually ends up being coincidences that lead to our existence.
If the Earth was the only heaven bodily then intelligent design would make sense but there are literally an infinite number of planets where different coincidences played out where the landscapes is nothing but red rubies.
With so many coincidences playing out there has to end being one where there ends up being a planet that we exist in. It really isnt any type of design.
Its like the infinite monkey theory in mathematics. An infinite amount of monkeys with an infinite amount of typewriters and an infinite amount of time will eventually write all of shakespears works. The reasoning is that when you deal with a number like infinity, and the way universal probability works, eventually the coincidence where a monkeys random typings ends up being romeo and juliet word for word will have to occur.
Our universe is still expanding and even if it stopped expanding now there are are estimated to be about 200 billion galaxies, and if only a 3rd of them have 10 billion planets(the milky way is a small galaxy and it has over 30 billion so im keeping the number small), there ends up being a number with about 60 zeros when it comes to the number of planets in our universe. With that many possibilities of coincidences going on, theres bound to be a set coincedences that caused us to exist and probably tons of other forms of life out there.
Just like the infinite monkeys theory.
So yea no one cared enough to create us. We just here by coincidence. No one cares enough about us to punish or reward us.
Dont need to be a scientist to get this conclusion either. Just take look out your window at night. the universe is way too vast for any of this to matter.