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How foul is this?

Lol @ a dude dressing up in women's clothes and no sexual connotation associated with it. A man that put on women's clothes is getting off on it. Point blank period. It's not innocent roleplay.
Common sense

Its hard to come by

"Yo dudes like takin dick in the ass that aint even gay my dude"
whoa.gif "

Drag culture is about self hate. Being born as one sex then choosing to change that sex is no different than blacks bleaching their skin. I'd rather a gay person encourage my child to judge them by their character, not encourage them to take part in their twisted culture of pretending. Let that decision come when they are mature enough to understand such things.

As a youth when Rupaul, Ricki Lake, and the tranny craze was all on daytime tv my elders made it known how vile that behavior was. Just like they made it known how rap music could also be vile at times. What they have in common is that a parent is suppose to step in and sort out that madness when it rears its head.

Im not with it at all dressing as a women. That shit is weird as fuck to me

And Rap is vulgar 99% of the time. Dont just say "vile at times" its vile 99% of the time.
This is something that their parents should talk about not a stranger but this look liked on purpose and parents was okay with that conversation.

FOUL FOUL FOUL for a stranger to talk about with kids
Im not with it at all dressing as a women. That shit is weird as fuck to me

And Rap is vulgar 99% of the time. Dont just say "vile at times" its vile 99% of the time.

If all you listen to is what's currently pushed on us by the radio, yes. But for a person that listens to more than what's mainstream, you're wrong.
People arent flocking to chill back stage with murderers and drug dealers who arent entertainers.

This is off the mark. There are many, many examples of criminals being idolized. Australia is a nation which is founded on a criminal history and has a very unique celebrity culture which popularizes criminality. The infamous Chopper Read has had movies, books, interviews, and more. Women write romantic letters to serial killers. People like OJ Simpson and Suge Knight still find work and maintain fanbases. People are rushing out to interact with murderers and drug dealers; Western society makes idols out of them. Men convicted of sex crimes, including Tupac and your Mike Tyson, still had women lusting after them and men looking up to them.

Your post is contradicted by countless instances of people flocking to chill with murderers. While they may all be entertainers, we have also made crime a form of entertainment in such a way that one is often capable of turning a criminal career into an entertainment career or boosting their entertainment career with criminal activity.
This is off the mark. There are many, many examples of criminals being idolized. Australia is a nation which is founded on a criminal history and has a very unique celebrity culture which popularizes criminality. The infamous Chopper Read has had movies, books, interviews, and more. Women write romantic letters to serial killers. People like OJ Simpson and Suge Knight still find work and maintain fanbases. People are rushing out to interact with murderers and drug dealers; Western society makes idols out of them
Because of their celebrity status not their crimes.

Ill give u another chance before i "drop out" n come back like i never left like @Allergens
If all you listen to is what's currently pushed on us by the radio, yes. But for a person that listens to more than what's mainstream, you're wrong.

Same goes for trans ppl

You aint seeing them in real life for them to have interaction with kids like that

Also for every positive hip hop song I can drop 100 ultra negative song and hip hop culture has massive reach when it comes to youth
Youre giving examples of men who were millionaires and celebrities before their accusations.

People cling on to the celebrity not the criminal

Ill be here for more questions tho

The Iceman was not a millionaire, yet he had some celebrity as a consequence of his murdering career. Most of those examples were celebrities, however, serial killers like Manson have groupies, often long before their infamy leads to fame. There are also many documented instances of women falling in love with low level criminals. Sure, women aren't going backstage with non celebrities, but the fact is there is no stage for noncelebrities. That does not mean there is not a comparable level of idolization and worship to be observed.

I dont think the people u mentioned were "loved" bc they murdered but moreso bc of their manipulation on weak minded individuals

Taken from wikipedia:

  • One of the most infamous examples of hybristophilia is the large number of women attracted to Ted Bundy after his arrest. He often drew scores of women at the jammed courtrooms of his trials each day. Bundy allegedly received hundreds of love letters from women while he was incarcerated.
  • Jeffrey Dahmer, a serial killer, is said to have had amorous women sending him letters, money, and other gifts during his time in prison.
  • Serial killer Richard Ramirez married a female groupie in prison who had written him over 75 letters. During his trial, dozens of women flocked to the courtroom to catch a glimpse of him.
  • The phenomenon of Charles Manson groupies is also an example of hybristophilia.
  • Terrorists such as Anders Behring Breivik, and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, have also been the objects of hybristophilia.

and those are just the more particularly famous, notable examples.
Taken from wikipedia:

  • One of the most infamous examples of hybristophilia is the large number of women attracted to Ted Bundy after his arrest. He often drew scores of women at the jammed courtrooms of his trials each day. Bundy allegedly received hundreds of love letters from women while he was incarcerated.
  • Jeffrey Dahmer, a serial killer, is said to have had amorous women sending him letters, money, and other gifts during his time in prison.
  • Serial killer Richard Ramirez married a female groupie in prison who had written him over 75 letters. During his trial, dozens of women flocked to the courtroom to catch a glimpse of him.
  • The phenomenon of Charles Manson groupies is also an example of hybristophilia.
  • Terrorists such as Anders Behring Breivik, and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, have also been the objects of hybristophilia.

and those are just the more particularly famous, notable examples.
I dont think u get it

Their crimes grew their celebrity

Not seeing what this has to do with the discussion
Hell, if we really want to get into it with historical example, what about men like Stalin and Hitler, Klansmen, Conquistadors, etc who had women on their dick? Men like George Zimmerman still draw strong support for their public appearances and other bullshit.

There are too many conflicting cases for your view to apply as a general rule

Let's not act like there aren't non-celebrity criminals who wield considerable money, power, respect and have people flocking to them.

Rappers that started off selling drugs and gangbanging still had groupies before their music careers, the size just grew
Hell, if we really want to get into it with historical example, what about men like Stalin and Hitler, Klansmen, Conquistadors, etc who had women on their dick? Men like George Zimmerman still draw strong support for their public appearances and other bullshit.

There are too many conflicting cases for your view to apply as a general rule
They are into them bc of the celebrity or perceived power they have attained

U are sorely missing the point