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How foul is this?

That's not persuasive. How many people admire jobs like dentistry or accounting? Dentists are the butt of many jokes. Yet people who pursue those careers make a lot of money and have power. Society rewards their otherwise unremarkable choices and this gives them access to women. Accepting that society is not rewarding criminals for their choices would logically mean that society is also not rewarding dentists and accountants. Doesn't make sense.
Ayo while we're playing connect the dots impossible version heres another one i came across

This might be easier to connect than the shit u tryna post
If it was a black trans individual?
Damn... it's like you can't help yourself but to throw "black" in the conversation in defense of whites.

We have to stop putting ourselves in everyone's shoes. Black transsexuals aren't going to schools telling children to dress their dog in drag.
Damn... it's like you can't help yourself but to throw "black" in the conversation in defense of whites.

We have to stop putting ourselves in everyone's shoes. Black transsexuals aren't going to schools telling children to dress their dog in drag.

You know gay pride was started w a black trans person brawling w police at stonewall right?
Damn... it's like you can't help yourself but to throw "black" in the conversation in defense of whites.

We have to stop putting ourselves in everyone's shoes. Black transsexuals aren't going to schools telling children to dress their dog in drag.

And most trans in general aint going to nobody school saying any of this. Everybody said it was foul. I think you feel like its a grand gay conspiracy out here. And you really believe it.
The issue I have here is that peoplw want you to believe that transgenders are natural occurrences when there is zero science to back that up.

More than likely, gender issues are social. Since that's my belief, this sort of thing is plain wrong, as it can be influential.

I see it this way, if you asked a black girl why she wears weave she's not gonna talk about how white people have spent hundreds of years tellin' black girls they're ugly. They're just gonna say "I wear weave coz I like how it looks"

I see transgenderism, and homosexuality but to a much lesser extent, like that
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The issue I have here is that peoplw want you to believe that transgenders are natural occurrences when there is zero science to back that up.

More than likely, gender issues are social. Since that's my belief, this sort of thing is plain wrong, since it can be influential.

I see it this way, if you asked a black girl why she wears weave she's not gonna talk about how white people have spent hundreds of years tellin' black girls they're ugly. They're just gonna say 'I wear weave coz I like how it looks

I see transgenderism, and homosexuality but to a much lesser extent, like that

But trans folks dont always have had some sort of trauma attached to it
The thing is yeah I don't like the narrative of the LGBT community at all. Show me the evidence that gender can be wrongly 'assigned' and if you can't, explain why I should believe it
Folks really think you can force somebody to be gay. Stupid

when a boy is conditioned to believe it's "natural" and "all guys do it" by an older male and is indoctrinated into it, yes you can. The reports are all over the place showing how the vast majority of homosexuals as well as bisexuals have been the victim of abuse by an older homosexual predator during their childhood. Openly gay celebs like Anderson Cooper, Don Lemon, George Takei and Milo Yiannopoulos have all admitted this much about their own lives.

The studies are out there. Here's just one:

The thing is yeah I don't like the narrative of the LGBT community at all. Show me the evidence that gender can be wrongly 'assigned' and if you can't, explain why I should believe it

The notion that gender is "assigned" is the most mind bogglingly stupid thing I've come across in recent years. Gender is never assigned; the child's biological sex is declared. The LGBT community is doing a helluva job blurring the lines between gender and sex and got y'all thinking that the two are interchangeable. They're not, they never have been. And you gotta remember: We've only been applying "gender" to humans for less than 50 years in non academic spaces and the individual that started it in the first place, John Money (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Money), was pretty fucked up in the head. This is a guy that did this to infant twins where one, David Reimer, had a botched circumcision that destroyed his penis at birth and John Money persuaded the parents to raise him as a girl named "Brenda":

"Reimer said that Money forced the twins to rehearse sexual acts involving "thrusting movements", with David playing the bottom role. Reimer said that, as a child, he had to get "down on all fours" with his brother, Brian Reimer, "up behind his butt" with "his crotch against" his "buttocks". Reimer said that Money forced David, in another sexual position, to have his "legs spread" with Brian on top. Reimer said that Money also forced the children to take their "clothes off" and engage in "genital inspections". On at "least one occasion", Reimer said that Money took a photograph of the two children doing these activities. Money's rationale for these various treatments was his belief that "childhood 'sexual rehearsal play'" was important for a "healthy adult gender identity""

The whole time John Money was passing this off as the case that proved his theories on gender, and this was accepted in academic circles and also the basis on which reassignment surgery was founded, but David pretty much blew it all to pieces thanks to two articles published about him: One in Rolling Stone in 1997 and a follow-up article in The New York Times in 2000. Even though the case that pretty much started it all was proven to be a sham, we still haven't given up on it despite even more evidence to the contrary.
Gender and sex are not the same. Gender, loosely and defined, is the cultural interpretation of sex. The two are interchangeable in culturally homogenous societies. These are extremely rare environments though.
Gender and sex are not the same. Gender, loosely and defined, is the cultural interpretation of sex. The two are interchangeable in culturally homogenous societies. These are extremely rare environments though.

Sex is biological, gender is not. Sex can never be changed no matter what you do and science has already accepted this.
"Really fancy drag queens are funny though, 'cause like a lot of drag queens, it's like they're under the impression that they're like, a celebrity.
It's like they all have this attitude of like, "Don't you know who I am? I'm Strawberry Alarm Clock."
It's like, "No I'm sorry. I didn't recognize you. It's just I don't hang out in the one bar where you get free drinks."

I wanna say this though, I think it's fine if someone wants to be a drag queen, that's great, if you wanna like, express your inner woman. But why, with every drag queen, is it always the same type of woman? Like, why is it always like, a big and brassy woman? With like, a beehive hairdo and alligator skin shoes? It's like, what is your notion of a woman based on, a housewife in a far side cartoon? Why is that what you think femininity is?
And then, some of these drag queens, they'll go out on the street, and they'll bully me.

They will. They'll be like, "Oh-hoh. Look at him and his little shirt." It's like, why are you mean? Why is that part of it for you?
And it's not little, it's a medium. Small is little. You went through all the trouble to put on a nice dress, and now you're gonna be rude and bossy to people? It's like, do you know what your version of a lady is a lot like?

A guy.

You could've stayed a guy if you were gonna be an asshole about it."