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Added to Calendar: 06-16-24

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lmao @ "made him"

yea.. she overpowered a knight of the kings guard and forced herself upon him... he had no say at all right?

that nigga gladly tossed his "honor" aside.

Im outa here lol
I know team Rhae felt that sting when Alicent called her step daughter. Alicent is winning
Certainly. I mentioned this before, but I donā€™t think she cared at all that it was uncle and neice. Very little anyway. She was upset because she was blatantly lied to, lied to on rhiannas motherā€™s memory, which is something they bonded over, and that her father was dismissed from his post for telling the truth.
Oh I was talking about her reaction before she talked with Rhaenyra. When her dad told her that Rhaenyra slept with her uncle. I'll have to rewatch that but I thought she showed disgust in that
alright that is what I would call an episode. It was way too dark (literally) but whatever. I don't know what the order is for this series but this shit could have been like episode 2 or 3 since we're finally seeing the setup and some potential players and motivations.

Maybe thinking people wouldn't give the show a fair shot after the disaster that were seasons 7 & 8 of GoT.

I believe the show creators apprehensively thought the HoD would be a hit, but had no ideal how big of a hit and success, or how well received the lead 2 younger actress would be in their roles....they killed it. Even Daemon's "Bronze Bitch" people wanted more of. (he calls her that because of the armor her family House wears not she skin color, if this question hasn't been answered) I personally would have love to see more of their interaction, she was talking pure shit to that nigga...lol. I actually imagine they would have been a Medieval "Al & Peggy".
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lmao @ "made him"

yea.. she overpowered a knight of the kings guard and forced herself upon him... he had no say at all right?

that nigga gladly tossed his "honor" aside.

Im outa here lol
Heard an interesting take on this. Switch genders and think about that situation. Thereā€™s been plenty of people speaking out about situations where itā€™s a boss or person of power and how them coming onto subordinates amounts to sexual abuse.

Thatā€™s not the case here considering he simped out over her, but imagine if he really didnā€™t want to but felled compelled to because of her power over him and his station.

Heard an interesting take on this. Switch genders and think about that situation. Thereā€™s been plenty of people speaking out about situations where itā€™s a boss or person of power and how them coming onto subordinates amounts to sexual abuse.

Thatā€™s not the case here considering he simped out over her, but imagine if he really didnā€™t want to but felled compelled to because of her power over him and his station.


Good point