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Added to Calendar: 06-16-24

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I'm horrible with names....

But the princess picked the dude who was fighting at the games to court her...

They got mad cuz he wasn't from a house that would benefit them politically.... But she wanted a dude who had actual combat experience.... Not some dude who was just gonna play politics and make a move for the crown. She wants a soldier who will protect her and her father....

And unless I'm mistaken, they took that same kid to dragon stone where he reminded the uncle he knocked him on his ass at the games.

ah ok gotcha. thats what I thought.

You talkin about Criston Cole. She picked him to be a knight of the city watch Kings Guard, not a prince tho. I thought knights of the city watch Kings Guard werent allowed to have titles or wives or anything like that once they took that oath. Maybe it's different here than in thrones
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It looks like she in a princess jasmine situation.

She knows her father will take another wife. She knew her father will have make heirs. She's a fighter though, so she's going to protect her father and the throne for her little brother if he's ever born.

But she's not about to let her uncle take it. And she's definitely not gonna court someone who will make a power play for the throne themselves.

That's what I gathered. I could be dumb wrong though.
Fell asleep last nite while catching up ep.2. Watching now.

Ummmm....did these 2 just offered their CHILD to marry the king???? WHat iN dA R.kEellY pedo shyt is going on??? They so concerned pf wanting their family united wit his, they'll off...nevamind.

And this muthafucca gets a paper cut and it turns into an infection. Geezus crust man.

Ole girl was speaking facts about men would rather burn a kingdom down, than be ruled by a woman.
It looks like she in a princess jasmine situation.

She knows her father will take another wife. She knew her father will have make heirs. She's a fighter though, so she's going to protect her father and the throne for her little brother if he's ever born.

But she's not about to let her uncle take it. And she's definitely not gonna court someone who will make a power play for the throne themselves.

That's what I gathered. I could be dumb wrong though.
There was no expectation of Cole courting Rhae (the Princess). She was simply picking someone to replace someone in the Kingā€™s guard. It was a job interview and she was in charge of the hiring, thatā€™s it.

The political part was to hire someone from a known house to keep that family happy. Like a politician hiring the son of a big donor. Instead she chose someone who could actually do the job.
*scratches head*

Soooooo...if the king wasn't gonna to marry a Targaryen woman...why not just had his people find a GROWN AZZZ WOMAN to marry. Hell...give her an elitist title if you're concerned wit class.
*scratches head*

Soooooo...if the king wasn't gonna to marry a Targaryen woman...why not just had his people find a GROWN AZZZ WOMAN to marry. Hell...give her an elitist title if you're concerned wit class.
While he wouldn't need to marry a minor, heā€™d still need to marry someone young to give him the best chance at having as many kids as possible. Older women in those times had a tough time carrying and delivering a baby as you could see with his wife.

So I agree with grown ass woman, but not if that meant a woman closer to his age.

This take is based on the premise that this universe follows the rules of medieval times.
I think a lot of y'all need to read up on history. Some of these complaints are things that are apart of history and have been there the whole time. You don't have to like watching it play out but it absolutely happened.

Dragons are apart of history?


like I said, if they can create a fantasy world where dragons exist, they can also create one where pedophilia/incest doesn't

but I digress
Dragons are apart of history?


like I said, if they can create a fantasy world where dragons exist, they can also create one where pedophilia/incest doesn't

but I digress

I guess they should change the spoken language of the show too and not have everyone speaking 21st century english too right? Why don't they just have the whole show in the Targ language with subtitles?

In fact, why are so many people in the show layered in clothing? Why does it look like the people on the show actually take baths and aren't all dirty?

We can do this all day and the point still stands. read up on history and writing. You'll have a better understanding of how writing is supposed to be interpertated.
I guess they should change the spoken language of the show too and not have everyone speaking 21st century english too right? Why don't they just have the whole show in the Targ language with subtitles?

In fact, why are so many people in the show layered in clothing? Why does it look like the people on the show actually take baths and aren't all dirty?

We can do this all day and the point still stands. read up on history and writing. You'll have a better understanding of how writing is supposed to be interpertated.


all the history books I've read, never seen dragons

I guess most non-fiction uses a basis for the story. This uses medieval times then embellishes into ā€¦

Fuck it, I donā€™t care enough to school niggas in here. Watch it or donā€™t. Iā€™ll be in my home theater every Sunday at 9pm and in here for the whole next week regardless.
We know it went on, but no one wants to see that shit on TV.

It's like prison rape... Every body knows rape happens in prison, but nobody trying to watch a show where niggaz getting raped on the regular....

Shit mad people didn't go back to snowfall cuz of the one rape.

In the new AMC show they aged Claudia up from like 8 in the novels to like 16 in the TV show simply because of the mature nature of her relationship with Louis and Lestat

So I mean, just because it happened in the times doesn't mean it can't be a turn off for some viewers.

I thought it was disgusting too....I think that was the point, cuz even the king looked disgusted
Hell I was thinkin 20's. At least legal.

But like yall said...those "times" was different.