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HipHop Hasn't Done Anything Good For Black People

I love hiphop musically. I think everyone here does. But nah it hasn't done anything for us as a people.

But to be fair, what genre of music has? Rock n Roll had positive and negative impacts too. The bigger question is about HipHop millionaires and how little many of them contribute to the hoods they came from. Dr Umar is 100 on that.
Nigga rap music is what the thread is about.

You not talking about breakdancing

You not talking about graffiti

You not talking about DJing

You talking about rap music

The one here talking semantics is you.
no fucking way you think this is the only culture for hip hop?

No fucking way


Let guess I didn't really know what you meant by all those 🧢 reactions.... :hahaha:
You were the one who said 'the spoken word' more powerful than anything as an influential reason to get people to do what they do ...

So in that instance... We all know we're talking about rap music
Also, yall viewing this from the adult POV

Me being a more around young men ages from 8-18, I’m not just talking about adults
You were the one who said 'the spoken word' more powerful than anything as an influential reason to get people to do what they do ...

So in that instance... We all know we're talking about rap music
Still playing dumb about hip hop and how it has evolved to encompass different things now.

Y’all are fucking lost.