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Has ABW thread quality gotten better or worse since the IC arrival?

IC arrival has...

  • Helped

    Votes: 22 88.0%
  • Hindered

    Votes: 3 12.0%

  • Total voters
see the IC was like twitter: wild, deranged, violent, raunchy and downright nasty, freaknik ‘96
sort of speak


whereas ABW is Facebook:
refined, calm, casual, classy, debonair, epitome of Black excellence and if youre lucky you might see some titties or a crackhead fight every now and then butttt nothing too out of the ordinary

the quality of the neigborhood has gone down tremendously ever since these hoodlums arrived and I say they should return back to the jungles, projects, and tenement camps from whence they came.

All in favor say I!!!!
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To the IC fam who never made it over...

Race like the fact she can argue with everybody. A few months ago she disappeared now she's as active as she's ever been. She's ecstatic about the IC refugees making this their home

Im only up here because Im on “vacation”

ill be off here again next week

try not to miss me too much

She definitely acted like she had a meth induced psychosis going on most times.

I hope shes using her new freetime finding the help she needs.
Yeah.. Forgot about that rapping thing she would do..

Her unicorn friend had some big ol boobies though, dont think she did meth.