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LOL we not about to give Cersei props for overcoming dumbass situations she put her own self in.

From Joffrey being an insane and sadistic king(incest cloud), to her being tortured and that walk of shame?

She's the one that brought the Faith Militant back cuz she aint fuck with the Tyrells and wanted them out of the picture.. and the shit backfired on her ass. Tommen killing himself? ALL of that shit happened cuz of things she did.

She accused Tyrion of murder and rigged the trial which eventually lead to Oberyn dying.. which lead to her daughter being murdered...

Even Jamie leaving her ass is on her as well.
All valid points. And she overcame all that shit and is the queen.

She finds a way is all I'm saying.
From the days of the First Men, before history began being recorded there has been one constant in Westeros...the North and the Starks were the rulers. When the Andals came and invaded Westeros 6,000 years ago, the Starks ruled the North. Even when Aegon Targaryen, the First of His Name, arrived with his sisters and the mighty dragon Balerion, the Black Dread, and began to burn their way through Westeros, the Stark King, Torrhen, was wise enough to realize that the only way to maintain the Northern way of life was to bend the knee. Aegon recognized that and while the Starks were no longer Kings in the North, they were still the rulers there. History is repeating itself and when all is said and done there will still be the North, and there will be a Stark in Winterfell!

I hope the North remembers. Yall killed the Freys but they were plebians.


You really posting stuff lannisters did in season 1 and season 3? Really??

You on some Make Westeros Great Again shit? Pathetic. Name one thing the lannisters did to team stark in season 7.

Cant do it...but the lannisters are supposed to be running shit right?

Let it go you lost and your whole squad is trash

I hope the North remembers. Yall killed the Freys but they were plebians.



You don't get to just post our OG final moments all Willy Nilly like that. You POS!

And ya bastard incest boy wouldnt have got the throne if Ned hadn't sacrificed for his girls. Yall needed Ned cosign.

Needed it!
We should get one of those rooms that Black and Rem had and have everyone watch, the shit talking would be great leading into the last season