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I been sonning mfs since Monday about Daenerys. Tired of the lack of logic from these fake ass fans.

If mfs said they said they saw signs of her going crazy from jump they lying...and anybody saying it's completely outa character she would kill innocents are also not paying attention. Long as the information of jon being the true heir was out there, those innocent ppl woulda turned into her enemies cuz they would rather see him on the throne over her, leaving her back at square one with nothing.

We didn't see all these think pieces about stannis burning his daughter...even tho it was fucked up it was completely in character. So is the dany shit.
I jus need t the lilFinger Rise to Power story

Nobody wants to see that at all. His grandfather was from Braavos. He helped somebody out and got land. His dad improved on it. The boy was squired in the Riverlands fell in love with Catelyn Tully who loved Brandon Stark. LF almost get killed in a duel with Brandon Stark and he grown to hate nobility while getting Catelyn sister pregnant and they forced her to abort.

No heirs no land no legacy
How some of yall spoon-fed "But...but...I don't get what made her burn KL and the people" whiners wanted the scene to be like b4 she snapped huh...

I been sonning mfs since Monday about Daenerys. Tired of the lack of logic from these fake ass fans.

If mfs said they said they saw signs of her going crazy from jump they lying...and anybody saying it's completely outa character she would kill innocents are also not paying attention. Long as the information of jon being the true heir was out there, those innocent ppl woulda turned into her enemies cuz they would rather see him on the throne over her, leaving her back at square one with nothing.

We didn't see all these think pieces about stannis burning his daughter...even tho it was fucked up it was completely in character. So is the dany shit.

Idk how you think nobody could possibly think she was gonna go crazy
Idk how you think nobody could possibly think she was gonna go crazy
Because there was no signs of it in the early seasons other than us knowing her dad is the mad king. Like I said hella times before, we saw her always wanting to rush to violence as a response to conflict. But that's not "crazy"
I disagree with some of that assessment, however I follow what she's getting at.....but whichever way you slice it this shit did not come out of nowhere and ppl that think that simply have not been paying attention.

I'm not sure how people thought this came out of left field. I'd agree it's a dramatic turn for her to go from a beloved savior in one land to a despised destroyer in another, but to say the groundwork wasn't laid is pretty ridiculous. Did people really miss the fact that she's been pretty gung ho on burning King's Landing to the ground damn near the whole time she's been in Westeros? Tyrion has had to beg her not to do that like three times. Granted when she was saying that, she was talking about doing it while getting resistance not after the city had surrendered, but still, we already knew that to her killing 10s of thousands of people in King's Landing was an acceptable course of action. Yeah, her turn seemed a bit crazy, but she's literally the daughter of a dude called the Mad King who wanted to basically burn King's Landing and everyone in it to nothingness with Wildfire just to avoid it being taken by the enemy. That shit is in her blood.