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She did all she could.Her big plan was the scorpions and she thought The Golden Company could hold it down

Ya'll continue to miss my point. I don't have issue with the fact that her plans weren't good enough. I'm talking about the way she took it. We've seen Cersei in life or death situations before and she didn't cower or lose her nerve like that. She's shown herself to be able to keep it together and someone reason things out even when everything has gone to shit. In this episode, she behaved like a retard. She was hoping that they were going to get a shot with the ballistas even though she could already see all of them burning. She was hoping that someone from the fleet would get a shot, even though she could clearly see into the bay knew the ships were gone. She believed her soldiers would fight to the death for her even though she knew their loyalty was tenuous at best. The most important thing to her was supposedly her child, but she didn't want to try to get to safety until forced and even then didn't mention her child until she was basically dead. My issue isn't about what she did or didn't do. It's about how they seemed to reverse every bit of characterization they established for her.
Ya'll continue to miss my point. I don't have issue with the fact that her plans weren't good enough. I'm talking about the way she took it. We've seen Cersei in life or death situations before and she didn't cower or lose her nerve like that. She's shown herself to be able to keep it together and someone reason things out even when everything has gone to shit. In this episode, she behaved like a retard. She was hoping that they were going to get a shot with the ballistas even though she could already see all of them burning. She was hoping that someone from the fleet would get a shot, even though she could clearly see into the bay knew the ships were gone. She believed her soldiers would fight to the death for her even though she knew their loyalty was tenuous at best. The most important thing to her was supposedly her child, but she didn't want to try to get to safety until forced and even then didn't mention her child until she was basically dead. My issue isn't about what she did or didn't do. It's about how they seemed to reverse every bit of characterization they established for her.

Bitch saw the face of death and seen aint no way out this one.

It happens
Shitty theory time!

Watch Brienne reveal she pregnant with Jamies kid in the finale
well considering its been what...a week since they fucked....

i see what you did there lol
Ya'll continue to miss my point. I don't have issue with the fact that her plans weren't good enough. I'm talking about the way she took it. We've seen Cersei in life or death situations before and she didn't cower or lose her nerve like that. She's shown herself to be able to keep it together and someone reason things out even when everything has gone to shit. In this episode, she behaved like a retard. She was hoping that they were going to get a shot with the ballistas even though she could already see all of them burning. She was hoping that someone from the fleet would get a shot, even though she could clearly see into the bay knew the ships were gone. She believed her soldiers would fight to the death for her even though she knew their loyalty was tenuous at best. The most important thing to her was supposedly her child, but she didn't want to try to get to safety until forced and even then didn't mention her child until she was basically dead. My issue isn't about what she did or didn't do. It's about how they seemed to reverse every bit of characterization they established for her.

what show have you been watching.Cersei was shook as fuck during Blackwater and was about to kill herself and her kids

Cersei always been a retard and she been insane

she dumb as fuck and only confident because of her family history and being called a beauty all her life.

Cersi is an idiot bruh

Just like tywin told her she thinks she's smarter than she is and she really a dumb ass.
what show have you been watching.Cersei was shook as fuck during Blackwater and was about to kill herself and her kids

Cersei always been a retard and she been insane

she dumb as fuck and only confident because of her family history and being called a beauty all her life.

Cersi is an idiot bruh

Just like tywin told her she thinks she's smarter than she is and she really a dumb ass.

She was shook during blackwater true. But during her mile ling walk of shame she didnt cry until she got inside. She aint bat an eye at the zombie or dany at the meeting.

True she did think she was smarter than everybody tho
My last note on the topic of bad writing, wrong direction.

As long as I've been a part of these gang wars, we've never discussed displeasure of the writing/direction above gang talk. I can't recall many times where it was even an issue. When the writing/direction was proper, we roasted each other to oblivion, lol.

Add to that, I've never seen such widespread criticism of the show either.

My last note on the topic of bad writing, wrong direction.

As long as I've been a part of these gang wars, we've never discussed displeasure of the writing/direction above gang talk. I can't recall many times where it was even an issue. When the writing/direction was proper, we roasted each other to oblivion, lol.

Add to that, I've never seen such widespread criticism of the show either.

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speaking of which... shut the fuck up nigga! don't nobody wanna hear from yo ass anyway!

You been in here salty and part of the bad writing crew since the Night King got stabbed up and used for the next days feast refreshments lol
My last note on the topic of bad writing, wrong direction.

As long as I've been a part of these gang wars, we've never discussed displeasure of the writing/direction above gang talk. I can't recall many times where it was even an issue. When the writing/direction was proper, we roasted each other to oblivion, lol.

Add to that, I've never seen such widespread criticism of the show either.

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Facts. We all know the writing trash
So wjats gonna happen in slavers bay. The place she earned all the love. She ended slavery but after she dies then what?
Only thing we can hope for is that daario nem held it down and it's a self sustaining free city now or close to it...dany legacy is done in westeros but if dragon's bay ends up being the one good thing that came of all of this that's more than anyone else can say lol. Ending slavery is a hell of a thing to put on a resume.
speaking of which... shut the fuck up nigga! don't nobody wanna hear from yo ass anyway!

You been in here salty and part of the bad writing crew since the Night King got stabbed up and used for the next days feast refreshments lol
An expected response, lol.

I'm officially off of the bad writing train. I'm not going to let it spoil this last episode for me.

At the end of the day, it's been 8 seasons of a show unlike anyone's ever seen. A lot of y'all have helped build the bridges needed to cover up the bad writing so fuck it, I'll walk across them.

An expected response, lol.

I'm officially off of the bad writing train. I'm not going to let it spoil this last episode for me.

At the end of the day, it's been 8 seasons of a show unlike anyone's ever seen. A lot of y'all have helped build the bridges needed to cover up the bad writing so fuck it, I'll walk across them.

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I'm not one of these people completely trying to dump on the show this season, but there is no denying the quality has been a bit lacking. They are clearly trying to wrap things up as quickly as possible.
An expected response, lol.

I'm officially off of the bad writing train. I'm not going to let it spoil this last episode for me.

At the end of the day, it's been 8 seasons of a show unlike anyone's ever seen. A lot of y'all have helped build the bridges needed to cover up the bad writing so fuck it, I'll walk across them.

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Jokes aside tho I think I may have had more issues with LAST season moreso than I do with this one. Some of the decisions made and the fast travel shit especially kinda irked me.

That being said i'm not going to nitpick this show to death. I've enjoyed this season, maybe not as much as previous seasons but it's still dope.. and I'll enjoy the finale as well.. if for nothing else more than to conclude all the dope seasons and episodes that preceded it.. flaws and all
Ya'll continue to miss my point. I don't have issue with the fact that her plans weren't good enough. I'm talking about the way she took it. We've seen Cersei in life or death situations before and she didn't cower or lose her nerve like that. She's shown herself to be able to keep it together and someone reason things out even when everything has gone to shit. In this episode, she behaved like a retard. She was hoping that they were going to get a shot with the ballistas even though she could already see all of them burning. She was hoping that someone from the fleet would get a shot, even though she could clearly see into the bay knew the ships were gone. She believed her soldiers would fight to the death for her even though she knew their loyalty was tenuous at best. The most important thing to her was supposedly her child, but she didn't want to try to get to safety until forced and even then didn't mention her child until she was basically dead. My issue isn't about what she did or didn't do. It's about how they seemed to reverse every bit of characterization they established for her.

This change when you know that you've run it of rope... Her world crashed real quick. There was a point when she knew it was a wrap. If imagine it's easy to lose resolve when that's the case and you KNOW you have no options left.