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jon aint want no smoke....thats why he walked first....then acted like he wanted to fight.

Oh shit it's the ghost of Christmas past talking!

Go root for the zombies on the walking dead your set is extinct you got evicted and now you homeless in these Westeros streets
Oh shit it's the ghost of Christmas past talking!

Go root for the zombies on the walking dead your set is extinct you got evicted and now you homeless in these Westeros streets
why you fucking with me.
i just lost multiple family members.
we aint even got people to carry the caskets.

you aint got no sympathy?
It just Dawned on me that those white walkers are probably all casters sons....

What if night king just wanted Little Sam, they had a deal lol
It just Dawned on me that those white walkers are probably all casters sons....

What if night king just wanted Little Sam, they had a deal lol
you may be right.
they said the babies helped with procreation.
but we never saw dead babies marching.
they had blue eyes when turned....
they had to grow.

and caster did say he had a deal....he was offering them up for sacrifice to the "gawds"
I told niggas House fuckin Lannister is a problem she was going to wait till yall beat the NK for her and now she can wreck the leftovers.
I need some answers cause some of yall just on some flat out retarded, complain just to be complaining shit.

Even if Jon Snow was a full blooded incest baby Targaryen. Why the fuck do yall think that would allow him to stand in the fire from a dead dragon brought back to some form of life by the knight king? Make that make any sense! It's no longer a regular fucking dragon Dany wouldn't even be able to just sit in that fire like she did with the dragon eggs.

Also the sun coming out don't have shit to do with winter being over. There are plenty of below freezing sunny days. Yall niggas losing complete lack of thinking over a show. The night king being dead ain't about winter it was more about the long night. So even with the night king dead it should still be winter.
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The STARKSET young hitter came home and laid the murder game down!!!

After the final episode we should do a ranking or a draft of all the main characters regardless of house just to see how folks would pick their houses/teams based off what we know now that the game is over.
Some of yall might think I'm fucked up for this but fuck it.

When the giant basically smacked lil Mormont away like a fly I laughed like shit cause it reminded me of when I had puppies and those lil fuckers would bite and hang on my shorts as I was walking and I would just slap their lil asses off like it was nothing.

Shit was funny as hell to me. Especially the sound she made when it happened.
Some of yall might think I'm fucked up for this but fuck it.

When the giant basically smacked lil Mormont away like a fly I laughed like shit cause it reminded me of when I had puppies and those lil fuckers would bite and hang on my shorts as I was walking and I would just slap their lil asses off like it was nothing.

Shit was funny as hell to me. Especially the sound she made when it happened.
I chuckled, lol.
When watching the episode live I felt that shit was kind of weak. As I kept watching and on the rewatch the episode was pretty good. They could've done somethings differently of course but it ain't shit to really complain and bitch and moan about.

Overall the white walker crew was weak as shit. Through sheer numbers they did come through and wreck shit though but almost doesn't count them ice crackas lost and that is all that matters.

Gotta put some respek on Theon name. When it came down to it Theon and his team put in work and didn't for 1 second break weak in facing that adversity. Theon dropped a lot of bodies protecting Bran.

Didn't think it was going to be Arya but I knew somebody was going to have to kill the night king to kill all the others cause their numbers was just too much to overcome.

It would kind of make sense for the generals not to fight if killing them would take out large amounts of wights as well like it did before. Considering they needed those numbers cause without the numbers they aren't a formidable army.

Once I seen the Dothraki didn't cut through the wights I knew shit was serious. It was like them folks took a car and ran into a brick wall.

I think the wights well over 100K soldiers as well.

If yall was Arya would yall still kill the hound after the war is over if yall both survive?
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So, the reason some of y'all are struggling with the Night King and how easy it was to kill him off is because if what the showrunners have always struggled with. It's the true weakness of the show, deviation from the source material. The two most glaring examples of this are the Night King and Dorne.

The Night King was a character that is not in the books. He was made up by the showrunners to give a recognizable face to the White Walkers, aka the Others as they are more frequently called in the books. I do believe he is based somewhat on the Night's King legend in the stories Old Nan told Bran about the Lord Commander of the watch who feel in love with a female, who may or may not have been an Other, and moved her into the Nightfort where he originally her his Queen. But he was always a human and died during the age of heroes. Martin wrote this on his blog a few years back concerning the Night's King, "In the books he is a legendary figure, akin to Lann the Clever and Brandon the Builder, and no more likely to have survived to the present day than they have."

So the character was made up by the showrunners who built him up to mythic proportions but didn't know what to do with him but had to get him out of the way to continue the actual story. Perhaps if they had not been so determined to end the series they would have given more time to handling that character better. But they had no source for him.

I know some of you are thinking that the owner will delve more into the Night King story. That only happens if they follow the GoT model. If they use GRRM material then y'all will be disappointed as the character doesn't exist.

Now in the books, the Others are still a problem and we have yet to see what they will do, how they will do it and what the results will be. Given the titles of the two remaining books I imagine they will attack and be defeated. Maybe they even have a leader, but if so there is no reason to believe he is anything more special than any other Other.

I won't go much into Dorne, but the showrunners did not do Dorne Justice AT ALL. I'm still pissed that they didn't even include Arianne Martell. She was the character I was most looking forward to see cast. I just wanted to know who the drop dead beauty and seductress would be.

Dorne is another example of the showrunners being no where near the story tellers Martin is, yet they still created a GOAT show, flaws and all....
So, the reason some of y'all are struggling with the Night King and how easy it was to kill him off is because if what the showrunners have always struggled with. It's the true weakness of the show, deviation from the source material. The two most glaring examples of this are the Night King and Dorne.

The Night King was a character that is not in the books. He was made up by the showrunners to give a recognizable face to the White Walkers, aka the Others as they are more frequently called in the books. I do believe he is based somewhat on the Night's King legend in the stories Old Nan told Bran about the Lord Commander of the watch who feel in love with a female, who may or may not have been an Other, and moved her into the Nightfort where he originally her his Queen. But he was always a human and died during the age of heroes. Martin wrote this on his blog a few years back concerning the Night's King, "In the books he is a legendary figure, akin to Lann the Clever and Brandon the Builder, and no more likely to have survived to the present day than they have."

So the character was made up by the showrunners who built him up to mythic proportions but didn't know what to do with him but had to get him out of the way to continue the actual story. Perhaps if they had not been so determined to end the series they would have given more time to handling that character better. But they had no source for him.

I know some of you are thinking that the owner will delve more into the Night King story. That only happens if they follow the GoT model. If they use GRRM material then y'all will be disappointed as the character doesn't exist.

Now in the books, the Others are still a problem and we have yet to see what they will do, how they will do it and what the results will be. Given the titles of the two remaining books I imagine they will attack and be defeated. Maybe they even have a leader, but if so there is no reason to believe he is anything more special than any other Other.

I won't go much into Dorne, but the showrunners did not do Dorne Justice AT ALL. I'm still pissed that they didn't even include Arianne Martell. She was the character I was most looking forward to see cast. I just wanted to know who the drop dead beauty and seductress would be.

Dorne is another example of the showrunners being no where near the story tellers Martin is, yet they still created a GOAT show, flaws and all....

Bruh the whole Dorne story arc pissed me off. The sandsnakes killed Areo Hotah the black dude who was one of the best warriors in the kingdom in a heartbeat. Then made the sandsnakes rule and they were wack. Dorne had Houses legendary houses like wtf. Sane with Euron